Fujiwara Toru walked over, handed the plastic bag to her and said,”Would you like to eat something? I saw you sitting here a few nights ago. You must be hungry at night.”

Kayako seemed to tremble, and raised her head from between her legs.

She looked at the plastic bag in front of her in disbelief, and subconsciously raised her eyes. After seeing Fujiwara Toru’s expression and the smile on his face, she quickly lowered her head and avoided his gaze.

“Why don’t you say anything? Do you think I put drugs in these things?”

Fujiwara Toru stuffed the plastic bag into the girl’s arms, and he sat directly next to her.

The other party’s raising of her head just now made Fujiwara Toru completely certain that this was actually a very beautiful girl, but her temperament made people stay away from her.

Moreover, the other party’s nose and face were swollen, although it was not particularly serious, but she had been abused and beaten.

Kayako stared blankly at the convenience store bag in her arms. She shook her head hurriedly and said timidly:”No, no… Are you talking to me? I, I can’t believe it.” It was incredible that someone would talk to her.

Obviously at school, even if she was sitting there, the teacher and classmates ignored her.

Kayako felt her heart pounding and her cheeks were hot.

This… is this the feeling of being cared for? Her heart was beating so fast.

It was the first time she was cared for by someone and the first time someone gave her something. She was so moved that she wanted to cry.

“It’s just someone talking to you, what’s so unbelievable about this? Don’t you chat with people normally?”

Fujiwara Toru raised his eyebrows and spoke in a casual manner.

This girl is a little strange, and her gloomy temperament makes people want to stay away from her.

But Fujiwara Toru inexplicably feels that the weird temperament doesn’t seem to affect him much, at most he feels a little uncomfortable

“Well, no one talks to me.”

Kayako was holding a convenience store bag in her hand, looking at the hot rice balls inside, she swallowed subconsciously, and her stomach growled at an inopportune time.

Fujiwara Toru laughed, making Kayako’s face even redder.

Fujiwara Toru said:”Eat, you are so thin, you don’t eat much normally, right?”

Kayako carefully tore open the package of the rice ball. She subconsciously took a big bite at first, then thought it was too ugly to eat like this, so she lowered her head and ate it in small bites. Hearing what Fujiwara Toru said, she hesitated. There were some things she didn’t dare to say, and she was afraid that if she said it, people would hate her even more.

Looking at the girl’s bruised face, Fujiwara Toru could guess what she was thinking.

Generally, children from such families dare not tell others anything and can only hold it in. Over time, they become more and more withdrawn, and in the end they may even have psychological problems, either retaliating against society or choosing to end their lives.

Therefore, instead of encouraging these children with problems from their original families to speak out, it is better to take the initiative to ask.

Fujiwara Toru asked,”Were the injuries on your face caused by your parents? Or were you bullied at school and didn’t dare to go home?”

Kayako’s body stiffened, and she said softly,”My parents beat me.”

“You look like a minor, why didn’t you call the police? No one has ever taken care of you?”


Kayako shook her head, swallowed the rice ball, and said:”……I called the police once before, but the police came over and looked at me and ignored me. After that, my father and mother beat me even harder, and I didn’t dare to call the police again.

She didn’t dare to tell Fujiwara Toru, and even the police hated her when they saw her.

“You’re so thin, you’re not always hungry, are you?”

“I only eat one meal at home, and they say I am wasting food.”

Kayako’s words made Fujiwara Toru frown even more. There are many weird parents in Japan, and you can often see in the newspapers that parents starve their children to death for various reasons.

Looking at the girl in front of him, if she continues like this, she will probably starve to death one day.


Suddenly, the black cat sitting next to the girl cried out loudly and used its claws to scratch the girl’s white dress, which looked very old.

Seeing this, the girl quickly broke off a piece of rice ball and handed it to the black cat.

The black cat was not picky about food and started eating it with big mouthfuls.

“Is this your cat?”

Fujiwara Toru asked

“I saw Xiao Hei at the garbage dump before. At that time, Xiao Hei was still very small and looked very thin. Its body was so small. I felt sorry for it, so I took it home to raise it.”

“But I don’t have anything delicious to feed it, and it must be very miserable following me.”

When Fujiwara Toru mentioned the cat, the girl’s gloomy eyes lit up. She gestured with her hands, as if to tell Fujiwara Toru how small the black cat was at that time.

But at the end, she became melancholy again, sad that she could not bring a better life to the little black cat.

“You can’t even eat enough, but you still saved a cat, which shows that you are kind-hearted.”

“You see, this cat is very kind to you, and it must be grateful to you for saving its life.”

Kayako felt a warm current flowing through her heart when she heard Fujiwara Toru say that she was kind. This was the most praise she had ever heard in her life.

Someone praised her, someone talked to her, and someone cared about her. This made Kayako wonder if she was dreaming.

If it was a dream, she really hoped not to wake up.

Fujiwara Toru stood up, squatted in front of the black cat, and gently stroked its fur with his hand.

The black cat was very clingy and well-behaved, and rubbed his head against him.

“Wait for me.”

With that, Fujiwara Toru stood up and walked towards the 7-Eleven convenience store under Kayako’s gaze.

Not long after, when he came out, he took out a plastic bag and handed it to the girl, saying,”There is some bread in it. If you are hungry, go back and eat it.”

“I also bought some cat food. Cats are carnivorous animals, so it’s not good to feed them too much carbohydrates. Let them eat cat food.”

Kayako hurriedly shook her head and said,”I, I can’t take your things anymore.”

“Take it.”

Fujiwara Toru stuffed the bag in again and shook his head.”……Even if you don’t do it for yourself, do it for the cat. If you continue like this, you will all starve to death.”

Kayako held the bag tightly with both hands and whispered,”Thank you.”

“How old are you? Are you in school?”

“Well, I am eighteen years old and just started my senior year of high school.”


Fujiwara Toru was stunned for a moment. Because the other person was too thin, Fujiwara Toru thought he was only fourteen or fifteen years old.

“Some of the things I say as an outsider may make you dislike me. I will not advise you to leave your parents now, as you don’t have the ability to live on your own right now.”

“But since you are eighteen years old, and will be an adult in two years, if you listen to advice, you can find a job, leave your unqualified parents, and live on your own.”

“Although it may be hard at first, it will definitely be much better than now.”

Fujiwara Toru persuaded earnestly.

Kayako raised her head and looked at him, whispering:”Are you caring about me?”

“Seeing you like this, anyone with a conscience would care about you, right?”

Then everyone in this world has no conscience, Kayako whispered in her heart.

“Normally, unless I have something urgent to do, I will come here to run at night. You can wait for me here in the future, and I can buy you some food to save you from going hungry.”

“But I have to make it clear in advance that when you are twenty years old and can live on your own, I will no longer care about you. I can only help you for a while, but not for a lifetime.” It doesn’t cost much money, but it can save the life of a girl of similar age. Fujiwara Toru thinks it is a good deal.

He doesn’t have any ill will or interest in this girl who is less than two years younger than him. What he lacks now are S-level skill points, not ordinary skill points. There is no need to deceive people’s feelings. He is just pure kindness.

But he is not a saint. It is better to teach a man to fish than to give him a fish. Fujiwara Toru just gave this girl a chance to change her life. As for whether she can catch it or not, it depends on her own luck.

Kayako looked at Fujiwara Toru blankly. She had never thought that she would meet such a person who would take the initiative to care about her and help her. This made her dark and closed heart shine with a beautiful light.

“I won’t advise you, nor will I ask you for anything. If you are willing, just wait for me here every day. If you don’t come, it means you don’t want help, and I won’t interfere.”

Fujiwara Toru stood up and said:”……It’s getting late. I’m going to go back to bed. You should go home too. Even if your home is not good, as long as it can shelter you from the wind and rain for the time being, you should just bear with it.”

“By the way, what’s your name?”

Kayako said excitedly:”My name is Kawamata Kayako.””

Oh, Kawamata Kayako.

Huh? Why does this name sound so familiar and creepy?

���This time, it was Fujiwara Toru’s body that froze.

He just wanted to slap himself twice!

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