Kayako held the little black cat in her arms and reluctantly returned to her”home”.

It was a one-family house located in Kita-ku, Tokyo. The whole building looked very old, like a house built in the 1960s and 1970s, and it was dilapidated.

The whole house exuded a dark and decayed atmosphere, just like the impression Kayako gave people.

Because there are many earthquakes in Japan, many houses are wooden structures, especially these one-family houses, which are all made of wood.

As time goes by, these wooden houses may be affected by insects and so on, and living here may even be at risk of collapse.

Generally, in this case, the owner has to come up with a sum of money for repairs.

But the Kawamata family has no money and can’t repair the house at all. Kayako can only live in this house that creaks when walking, as if it will rot at any time.

As soon as she walked into the entrance of the house and changed her shoes, she heard her parents quarreling upstairs, and all kinds of ugly swear words came out of the mouths of the irresponsible parents.

Fortunately, this one-family house is in a remote area, and the nearest neighbors are quite far away, otherwise they would probably call the police every day.

Kayako has become accustomed to this situation.

Since she was born, all she has in her memory is the endless quarrels between her parents. When the two quarreled, they would beat her in anger.

In Kayako’s memory, the only person who was kind to her was her grandmother who had passed away long ago. Even that beautiful memory is too far away, so far away that Kayako even doubts whether it is her own hallucination.


The lights in the house suddenly came on, scaring Kayako.

Her father came out of the house angrily, and when he saw Kayako tiptoeing back to her room, he yelled:

“You bastard, why are you back so late? You are just like your mother, an ungrateful person who can never be tamed. I don’t know how many wild men you have out there!”

“If it weren’t for me, you wouldn’t even have a place to live, and you don’t even know how to be grateful. You just know how to make me angry. One day, I will make you all get out. When you are homeless, where can you go!”

Kayako shrank her neck and dared not refute. She thought her father would slap her a few times as usual, but today her father did not hit her. He walked directly to the door, put on his shoes, opened the door and prepared to go out.

Before leaving, he took another look at the black cat in Kayako’s arms and scolded:”Watch that cat. If I dare to see it appear in the living room and destroy anything, I will strangle it to death.”

Kayako shrank her neck in fear, hugged the black cat in her hands, and said timidly:”Little Black is very well-behaved, it won’t destroy anything”

“It’s a cat, and it doesn’t understand human language, so it’s bound to destroy things.”

Kayako’s father snorted coldly and slammed the door.

Kayako breathed a sigh of relief. It was great that she didn’t get beaten today.

It must be that I met Fujiwara-kun. It must be the good luck that Fujiwara-kun brought me.

She thought secretly and happily. She turned off the lights, walked in the darkness, and returned to her own room carefully.

The only advantage of a single-family house is that there are enough rooms, even Kayako has her own room.

Her father is uneducated and has been a bad boy since school. He didn’t work after graduation and just stayed at home to eat his parents.

Kayako Kayako’s grandpa and grandma could not persuade her, so they could only let it go.

At that time, Kayako’s father went out to play pinball every day, or drank with his friends.

Fortunately, although he was not a good person, he did not do anything harmful to society, and he did not commit any major crimes.

Her mother was a hostess, whom her father met when he went out to drink. At that time, the two were both spirited boys and girls, so they hooked up and gave birth to Kayako without taking any safety measures.

Kayako’s grandfather had passed away at that time, but her grandmother was still alive. , young Kayako was raised by her grandmother.

If it were that unqualified pair of parents, Kayako might not have survived her childhood.

But unfortunately, Kayako’s grandmother died when she was very young, leaving this house and an inheritance to her father. After her father finally had control over the property, he and her mother began to squander it, and within a few years, the family property was squandered.

Fortunately, her father still had some sense left, and left this house so that the family would not be homeless. Her parents got together for”fun”, so naturally there were all kinds of quarrels after marriage. Otherwise, she would take it out on Kayako, which shows her life.

The reason why her parents did not divorce was because Kayako’s father knew that he was incompetent, and having a wife could at least vent his desires.

And her mother also felt that she was old, and now at least she had a place to live. If she divorced, she would have to spend money to rent a house.

The family of three has lived in this environment for so many years.

Back in her room, Kayako put the black cat down. She looked at the bread and other things that Fujiwara Toru bought for her in the convenience bag, and after being stunned for a while, she said to the black cat:”Wait a minute, Xiaohei.”

She searched around in the house and found a bowl. She took cat food out of the bag and poured it into the bowl.

The black cat, who had lived in a garbage dump since childhood, had never seen cat food before. He smelt the fragrance and started to squeak. Seeing the little black cat eating happily, Kayako smiled from the bottom of her heart.

That’s great. Little Black doesn’t have to starve with me anymore. This is all thanks to Fujiwara-kun.

Thinking of Fujiwara Toru, Kayako’s heart started beating again. There was still some bread in the bag. She decided to eat it when she went to school tomorrow.

Kayako took out a notebook from the drawer of the old cabinet.

She had the habit of keeping a diary.

“March 20, sunny”

“Today is the luckiest and happiest day of my life. I sat by the road holding Xiao Hei, worrying about what to eat with Xiao Hei and whether to pick up trash. Xiao Hei has suffered so much with me, and I feel sad.”

“The god has come. His name is Toru Fujiwara. He is very, very handsome. The most handsome man I have ever seen in my life.”

“His smile is very gentle, like the brilliant sun in the sky, and his voice is very pleasant, just like the wonderful music I heard on TV.”

“Not only does he not hate me, he also cares about whether I have enough food and tells me some truths. I don’t really understand them, but I think what he says is right and I should listen to him.”

“He also said that he hoped I would always go there, and he would help me and give me food to keep me full until I came of age.”

“I suddenly don’t want to be an adult anymore. He must be the god I’m looking forward to.’”

“What a great day, this is the first time I write this, what a great day~”


Unlike the gloomy feeling Kayako gave people, in the diary, she seemed to become a lively and cheerful girl, cheering and jumping for joy, with the brightness of a girl and the blooming of a flower.

After writing today’s diary, her handwriting was very beautiful, and she closed the notebook and put it back in the drawer.

She glanced at the black cat who had eaten a full meal and was lying on the ground ready to sleep, and she also took out the bedding from the closet and prepared to sleep.

As long as she woke up, it would be tomorrow, and it would be closer to seeing Fujiwara-kun again.

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