
The bright silver handcuffs handcuffed Miyano Shiho’s slender wrists to the iron bars as thick as her arms.

Although she had already intended to die, Miyano Shiho still subconsciously pulled at them.

However, since the handcuffs could be used as tools for the police to arrest criminals, she naturally could not break free from them.

The door that resembled a gas chamber was closed, leaving Miyano Shiho alone in the empty room. A staff member of the institute walked by, looked inside through the narrow glass window at the door, and laughed:

“You say that Miyano-sama is suffering, but she has to protest to her superiors with an uncooperative attitude. When the time comes, people from above will be sent to the organization. I just don’t know if she can bear the punishment.”

“Haha, she graduated from an American high school at a young age and climbed over our heads. I thought she was a genius girl, but she turned out to be a fool.”

“You said she was obedient and honest, the organization treated her well and trusted her, she had money and everything she wanted, but she just didn’t know what was good for her.”

“Yes, I also thought that our Director Miyano was out of touch with the world, but look at her bags, all of them are from Hermès and Chanel. In fact, she cares a lot about money.”

“But our Director Miyano is young and beautiful, do you think we can……”

“Hush, you have ulterior motives. We listen to the superiors in everything. We do whatever they tell us to do. You also know what happened to those disobedient people.”

The researcher who spoke before shuddered and shut up immediately.

Thinking of the punishment from the organization, he didn’t even dare to stay in front of the gas chamber for long and left in a hurry.

The soundproofing of the gas chamber was average, and the two researchers spoke very loudly. Miyano Shiho inside heard everything.

She lowered her head, letting her brown bangs fall, and laughed in her heart.

The organization treats her well?

If the organization treats her well, it will not let her have no freedom. Her life is controlled by the organization, and she is even under surveillance.

If it were just that, she could endure it for the safety of her sister.

Even though she hated that her talent was used to invent poison, as long as her sister lived well and as long as her only relative could live a normal life, she was willing to turn herself into a demon.

But… they killed Sister, they actually killed my sister!

Thinking of her sister’s death, Miyano Shiho’s expression was furious and ferocious. She struggled hard, and there was a”dong dong” sound of handcuffs and iron bars. She didn’t stop until a dark red mark was left on her white wrist and she had no strength to struggle anymore.

As a highly talented student who obtained double doctoral degrees at a young age, Miyano Shiho tried to calm herself down and thought about how she would be punished.

Death would probably be the most merciful punishment. She was still useful to the organization and should not be killed directly.

But her end would be more tragic than death. With the means of the organization, Miyano Shiho even suspected that they would most likely inject herself with drugs.

Under the erosion of drugs, she would only be able to cooperate with the organization’s research.

As for whether the drugs would cause problems with her brain, the organization is I won’t care. It won’t be too late to kill her when she is no longer valuable.

Thinking of this, Miyano Shiho fumbled in her sleeves and took out a red and white capsule.

She stared blankly at the medicine in her hand. It was the result of her research, APTX4869.

This medicine was developed based on her parents’ previous research.

The organization needs a poison that cannot be detected as toxic after people take it, such as causing sudden death.

Although Miyano Shiho was reluctant, she had no choice but to start researching poisons.

It was just that she didn’t expect that the poison she researched would now become a sharp blade to poison herself. It was really ironic to think about it.

But thinking of the information on the computer, Miyano Shiho was unwilling.

This poison actually had a small She used her position to conceal the experimental results that showed that the white mice became smaller after taking the drug.

And according to human experiments, there are indeed some people who did not see their bodies after taking the drug, such as Kudo Shinichi, and the clothes from his elementary school days that disappeared from his home!

Although she erased many experimental results, the data is still there. If the organization conducts an inspection, they will definitely find some”side effects” of this drug.

If the organization finds out that the drug can make people smaller, the consequences will be disastrous.

The organization will definitely increase its research. If a stable drug is really developed by the organization one day, the organization will become a behemoth that no one can resist.

Miyano Shiho knew very well that the chemical ingredients she used could not have such an effect.

Therefore, the ingredient of this drug that can trigger the shrinking function lies in the ability of the basic drug that her parents studied.

So, in fact, her parents have been researching”immortality”?

Thinking about messy things in her mind, she regretted not deleting all the information.

“What’s the point of thinking so much? Even if I delete the information here, there is a cloud disk backup, and the organization can still get it. I can’t delete it completely with my authority.”

Miyano Shiho looked at the medicine in her hand, her face expressionless, and she swallowed it without hesitation.

After the medicine went down her stomach, it took only a few seconds for the chemical components in it to take effect.

Pain, unimaginable pain.

The heart felt like it was being torn apart, and the severe pain made Miyano Shiho groan with difficulty. She opened her mouth and wanted to scream, but her throat was burning and she couldn’t make any sound.

Yes, this is also one of the requirements of the drug. People who have taken the poison cannot make any sound, so as not to be discovered.

Is this the feeling of death?

Is this the pain of those who were poisoned before they died? It

‘s really self-inflicted.

It hurts, it hurts, it hurts so much…

Sister, I’m coming to find you


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