Two armed military Hummers braked suddenly and stopped suddenly in the factory area of the pharmaceutical research institute.

The staff in the institute looked at the two Hummers in surprise, and looked at the five fully armed people who got off the vehicles, and they were at a loss.

But the next moment, they didn’t have to be confused.

The HK416 automatic rifle equipped with a silencer fired several times in succession, and the 5.56mm bullets instantly penetrated several people, splashing blood.

Some pharmaceutical factory staff only then reacted, screaming in fear, throwing the documents in their hands directly to the ground, and ran to the fifth floor of the research institute yelling.

Fujiwara Toru waved his hand and said to several fully armed personnel:”According to the plan, clear them all!”

The remaining four people, in groups of two, holding rifles, quickly ran to the door of the building with tactical movements, and after taking a glance inside, they rushed into the building.

Fujiwara Toru acted alone because he was alone.

Someone ran out of the building screaming in fear, but Fujiwara Toru ignored him.

“call out————”

Gunshots rang out again in the air, and the person who ran out of the building was shot directly, falling to the ground with blood spurting out of his chest.

On another tall building not far away, snipers and observers were already in place, and their mission was to eliminate those who escaped.

Fujiwara Toru also raised the rifle in his hand, walked into the building in small steps, and shot at anyone he saw.

It cannot be said that all researchers in the institute are members of the Black Organization, but most of them are reservists, and they would rather kill the wrong ones than let them go.

“Someone is invading, hurry up and take up your weapons!”

The security personnel in the institute finally reacted and quickly went to the weapons room to get out their weapons and prepare for resistance.

These weapons are all illegal to possess, and it is absolutely impossible for a medical research institute to apply for so many firearms.

Japan does not ban guns in name, but in fact, gun control is very strict. It is just imitating their American father that it does not ban guns.

However, under such strict gun control, it is no different from banning guns, and you will not see gun stores all over the street.

Although the security personnel ran out with weapons and roars.

But facing Fujiwara Toru’s fully armed elite team, these security personnel who can barely shoot are like street thugs holding guns and military uniforms. It was like a confrontation between two teams, it was a one-sided massacre.

Toru Fujiwara leaned against the wall and fired several bursts of shots again, knocking down several security guards who rushed out from the corner with no tactical skills.

Looking at the pistols in their hands, he shook his head slightly.

With the power of this pistol, it couldn’t penetrate the bulletproof plate on his body. Even if he stood there and let them shoot, it wouldn’t cause any harm to him.

After knocking down several security guards, Toru Fujiwara walked closer and shot them in the head again.

He came to the corridor and kicked open the first door of the corridor. A Japanese man in a white coat saw him and knelt on the ground and shouted,”Please, don’t kill me.”

Without a second thought, Toru Fujiwara raised his gun and shot him dead. After checking that there was no one else in the room, he left and went into the second room to continue cleaning.

Passing by a load-bearing wall of a building, he took out a remote-detonated C4 explosive and placed it on the wall.

As a demolition expert, you must understand civil engineering. Only in this way can you use the least amount of explosives to blow down a building.

The other armed personnel were doing the same work as Toru Fujiwara, eliminating all the personnel and placing C4.

For a while, the entire drug research building was filled with only gunshots, shouting, crying and painful groans.


At the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, after the operator answered the alarm call, he quickly reported the situation to the inspector.

Inspector Megure also received a call from above at this time. He answered”yes” repeatedly, hung up the phone, stood up and shouted:”Everyone gather quickly, report your weapons, and go out with me.”

Seeing Inspector Megure so serious, Takagi hurriedly asked:”What’s the matter? Officer Megure, has there been another murder?”

I don’t know why, there have been countless strange murders in Tokyo recently, and these police officers have to run around every day to solve various murder cases.

Especially these murder cases are simply outrageous, and each one has to use strange murder methods.

While preparing, Officer Megure shouted:”It’s more serious than a murder case. It is said that a large-scale shooting occurred in the suburbs of Tokyo. Not only our search section, but also more police forces have been sent to the scene.”

“Inspector Shiratori, Sato, you guys should also hurry up and get ready, shooting cases are not uncommon!”


Police officer Takagi was surprised and said,”Mass shooting? Are we going to fight with people like those American police officers?”

Although he said so, he was actually quite excited in his words.

There are very few shootings in Japan. Although the police officers in the Criminal Division are armed with guns, they don’t have many opportunities to shoot, let alone shoot at criminals.

Shooting is something that every man likes. The shooting skills they practiced in the police academy are completely useless in actual case handling, and sometimes they are quite disappointing.

Some young police officers were equally excited. After reporting and receiving the guns, they trotted out with Inspector Megure.

They looked at the revolvers in their hands and became more confident. In their opinion, what could Japan have? It’s a large shooting case, and they have so many police officers responding to the call. What are they afraid of?

I just don’t know if there will be a chance to shoot this time.

If it is necessary to shoot, then it’s time to show off my marksmanship!

One police car after another drove to the streets of Tokyo. In addition to the department where Inspector Megure was located, there were more departments from the Criminal Division responding to the call at the same time.

For a moment, dozens of police cars were in a mighty procession, which looked quite spectacular.

Inspector Megure, who was driving, suddenly had a bad feeling.

Why are there so many police officers responding? How”large-scale” is the so-called mass shooting?


In the gas chamber of the pharmaceutical company, Miyano Shiho temporarily regained consciousness from the severe pain.

She stood up staggeringly, holding her aching heart, and murmured hoarsely:”Why am I not dead? What is happening?”

Miyano Shiho looked at the white coat and red sweater that did not fit her figure at all, and her shorter hands and arms, and said in disbelief:”I have become smaller too?!”

Because she had become an elementary school student, the handcuffs could no longer hold her.

After discovering that she had become smaller, Miyano Shiho immediately looked towards the room, and was relieved to find that there were no surveillance cameras.

Suddenly, she heard a commotion outside, and thought she had been discovered because she had become smaller.

But in addition to the terrified shouting and running of people, gunshots could be faintly heard.

“Run! Those lunatics are killing people on sight. They look like they are looking for someone!”

Miyano Shiho, who was very close to the door, heard the conversation of the people running away.

“What’s going on? Killing people on sight? Even Gin wouldn’t do that. Could it be that someone from another organization broke in here?”

“And they are looking for someone, are they looking for me?”

It’s not that Miyano Shiho is narcissistic, but if this institute wants to find someone, then the most important person is her.

The body that just shrank was very weak, and the body seemed to be sick.

But at this time, Miyano Shiho didn’t dare to think too much. She saw that only children could pass through the garbage pipe here, and she quickly crawled in.

Since she was not dead and had a chance to escape, she certainly didn’t want to die.

If possible, she wanted to avenge her sister even more!

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