Fujiwara Toru switched the automatic gear to manual gear. The huge engine roared, the engine tachometer began to soar, the tires of the Porsche 911 rubbed against the ground, making a harsh sound, and the car shot out like lightning.

“Don’t you want to kill yourself!”

“Looking for death!”

“Who is so bold as to race in the metropolis!”


Bursts of curses were heard on the street. Toru Fujiwara, who was driving a 911, took advantage of every opportunity to squeeze in and out. To avoid being hit, cars slammed on the brakes, rolled down their windows and cursed.

Anyone who sees a sports car speeding on the street would think it was drag racing.

Toru Fujiwara, he completely ignored all that. He was fully focused and didn’t care about the red and green lights. He just wanted to get rid of the cars behind him.

He braked, shifted gears, and the 911 did a beautiful drift, narrowly missing a large car. It turned to the left at an intersection, trying to get rid of the SUV behind it.

But no matter how Toru Fujiwara drag raced to show his driving skills, the two Chevrolets behind him were still chasing him closely.

“The other driver is a tall���!”

Fujiwara Toru said as he glanced in the rearview mirror.

His driving skills are only B-level, which may be a miraculous skill for ordinary people, but this is a level that professionals can reach after training.

Belmode nodded slightly, and she thought of Vodka, the driver who drove Gin.

Belmode did not wear a seat belt, but held the handrail above his head with his hands, so that he could jump out of the car as soon as possible when needed.

Fujiwara Toru continued to drive through the streets and alleys. He could not stop the car to engage in a gunfight with the other party. It was not because he was afraid of the other party, but because of Fujiwara Toru’s identity.

After all, he is now a public official of the United States, and this is the United States. It is not that he can change his identity in private and make whatever trouble he wants.

If a gunfight is carried out in the downtown area, there will be heavy casualties, and he will be in great trouble. He may even be sold out by the higher-ups in order to calm the incident.

Those officials are not good-hearted.

So, take these people to a place where there are few people!

Fujiwara Toru was very familiar with the roads in the metropolis. The scenery outside the car quickly receded, and soon they drove to a remote park.

Police sirens could be heard from all directions, and there were two helicopters following them in the sky. It seemed that GTA incidents often occurred in the United States, and the police were quick to respond.

However, ordinary police forces were not strong enough and lacked firepower when facing such professionals, and the response speed of the American special police was relatively slow.


Fujiwara Toru braked again, and the tires of the Porsche rubbed against the ground, and a puff of white smoke rose.

In front of Fujiwara Toru, two other Chevrolet SUVs blocked the narrow road.

He was surrounded from front and back.

Twelve people got off the four SUVs, holding M4 assault rifles, all aimed at the Porsche 911.

Belmode’s heart tightened when she saw this scene. She stretched out her left hand and held Fujiwara Toru’s hand, and said calmly:”Boy, we have no way to escape?”

Twelve M4 assault rifles, equipped with 5.56mm bullets, at this distance, can definitely sweep the two people sitting in the car into sieves.

At this moment of life and death, Belmode was not afraid at all. Her right hand was placed on the door handle, ready to get out of the car.

Fujiwara Toru has the identity of the CIA. As long as he speaks out, the other party may be afraid to attack Fujiwara Toru.

As for herself, it doesn’t matter. It was she who implicated Fujiwara Toru. Belmode didn’t want her”angel” who had been found with great difficulty to be broken here.

Fujiwara Toru had no idea of the complicated thoughts in Belmode’s mind at this moment, he just smiled confidently and said,”On the contrary, they have no way to escape!”


Not far away, a Ford sedan was speeding towards Fujiwara Toru’s location.

Sitting at the driver’s seat was an Asian man wearing a knitted hat, staring straight ahead. Sitting on the passenger seat, a European and American woman with short straight blond hair said,”Shuichi, why are you so anxious all of a sudden?”

Akai Shuichi held the steering wheel, dodged the car in front, and said calmly,”I just received a message from above saying that there are terrorists nearby, and asked me to come over urgently for support, but they didn’t tell me who they were going to support, it was very mysterious.”

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