Chapter 128 The Evil Ghost Doctor and all the monsters, fighting hard!

The other people heard the unusual noise.

They rushed to the scene at a rapid pace.

And quickly threw themselves into this fierce battle.

Assisted the three people of Yoel who suddenly encountered the monster and fell into a hard battle.

Eighteen people worked together to besiege the evil monsters.

Although the strength of the two sides was very different, the large number of people should have certain advantages.

However, this is not the case.

More people does not necessarily mean an advantage.

On the contrary, it may become another kind of burden.

This is mainly due to the lack of tacit cooperation between team members.

At first, their cooperation seemed quite chaotic.

On the surface, it looked like they were besieging monsters.

But in fact, because of the fear of accidentally hurting teammates, their actions were greatly restricted and they became restrained.

Only two or three people fought the monsters in close combat each time.

Others could only worry on the side and could not exert their due combat effectiveness.

In this way.

The advantage in numbers was not only not reflected, but became a stumbling block that bound their own people.

Ruixi soon realized that this situation could not continue.

She shouted loudly to Walnut in the distance without hesitation

“”Hu Tao! Can you share visual information with everyone?”

When Hu Tao heard this, her special ability flashed through her mind.

She stared at the fierce battle ahead and nodded vigorously.

“I can do it if I try my best!”

After all, they are teammates who often work together.

It was understood immediately.

Understanding Mizuki’s intention, Kurumi quickly turned her head to look at the floor behind her and locked a position.

She said to Takina, Yumiko and Sayuri:”Follow me!”

She led the three of them into the building at a very fast speed, through the stairs, and climbed up to the balcony on the third floor.

Standing at the highest position she had just observed.

From here they can overlook the entire battle area.

“Please protect me. Once I enter the visual sharing state, my awareness of what’s behind me will be greatly reduced.……”

Walnut sincerely requested

“Leave it to me.”

Takina picked up the gun and immediately activated the perspective skill.

She carefully observed the surroundings, alert to whether there were monsters approaching.

After getting a positive answer,

Kurumi took a deep breath.

Her eyes slowly closed.

After opening them suddenly again, she had already concentrated her mind and prepared to start vision sharing.

At the moment of the ability, the vision she saw was successfully shared with everyone below.

“What is this!”

The people below were surprised to find that they seemed to have a God-like perspective and could clearly observe everything around them.

Ruixi shouted:”Everyone, with Walnut’s visual sharing, there is no need to restrict your hands and feet, quickly find your respective positions!”

Following Mizuki’s command, everyone quickly found their position in the battle.

Yoel, Chitose, Ryujumo and Hong took the lead and engaged in a fierce tug-of-war with the evil ghost doctor in close combat.

Kaguya and Yukino used the power of ice and snow from a distance to cleverly contain the evil ghost doctor’s actions and keep him in a small range.

Eriri, soaring in the sky, also used the power of light feathers to restrict the movement of the evil ghost doctor, to prevent it from breaking through the encirclement of Yoel and others and threatening other teammates.

Yangno differentiated other people’s clones, constantly disrupting the judgment of the evil ghost doctor, and further ensuring the safety of everyone.

Chabashira Sae’s electromagnetic force played a huge role.

Facing the evil ghost doctor covered with scalpels, she could accurately attract those scalpels every time she activated the electromagnetic force, which caused the evil ghost doctor’s attacks to deviate frequently.

That’s it.

With Mizuki’s command and Walnut’s visual sharing.

Everyone worked together to fight against the powerful evil ghost doctor.

The battle was still extremely fierce.

Their cooperation has become more and more tacit.

Every attack is accurate and powerful.

Every defense is as solid as a rock.

Coupled with the precise air cannon released by Yui, the powerful flame impact of Hiratsuka Shizuka, and the wind blade controlled by Shiyu; the three rushed out together and launched a fierce attack on the many arms of the evil ghost doctor that were deflected.

In the vision shared by Walnut.

These attacks were like eyes, hitting the vital points of the evil ghost doctor with great accuracy.

In this way.

They no longer have to worry about accidentally injuring their companions.

The evil ghost doctor’s multiple arms, which were originally extremely threatening, instantly lost their previous power under this intensive and precise offensive.

This also suddenly reduced the pressure on Qianshu and others, as if a heavy burden had been unloaded.

Under tacit cooperation. The evil ghost doctor really seems to no longer be an invincible enemy.

“They are so amazing!”

Yuki’s eyes sparkled with excitement and he couldn’t help but exclaim

“Everyone’s performance was so cool, just like the awesome top players in the game!”

“Stop sighing and continue to absorb energy.”

Weiming held her head with his hand, signaling her not to be distracted.

He handed Yuki the energy crystal, just to let her absorb more.

If it doesn’t explode, just absorb it as much as you can.

“”Oh, I get it.”

Yuki stuck out her tongue mischievously.

But she still took the crystal obediently and continued to absorb the energy in it.

Yuki has transformed into an efficient energy absorption machine, greedily absorbing every bit of energy from the energy crystal.

Weiming knew that if he wanted Yuki to grow up quickly, he had to let her absorb continuously.

Only in this way could he be worthy of the embryo he consumed.

Although ordinary monster embryos are unlimited in his case.

The battle below is also becoming increasingly fierce.

At the critical moment when everyone seemed to be about to win, the evil ghost doctor suddenly changed.

Its already broken body was restored to its original state at an astonishing speed in the blink of an eye.

“What happened?!”

This sudden change shocked everyone.

Just when they were confused, the evil ghost doctor suddenly raised his head to the sky and let out a deafening roar.

“”Gah, ah, ah, ah!”

This roar seemed to have some special meaning.

Negative energy was spreading outward.

The originally peaceful ghostland of the hospital began to become agitated.


Yili stood in the sky and was keenly aware of the abnormality around her.

She looked around and found that other evil spirits and monsters in the hospital were constantly gathering here.

“Everyone, pay attention! All the other evil spirits and monsters in the hospital are gathering here!”

Feeling something was wrong, Eriri shouted anxiously.

“Not good!” Ruixi’s face instantly became solemn after hearing the news. If all the evil spirits and monsters gathered here, they would face a siege. Ruixi:”We must resolve the battle quickly!” The evil ghost doctor, who had recovered his vitality, launched a fierce attack again. There was a strange red light flashing in its blood-red eyes, as if two fierce flames were burning.


Ruixi felt a sharp pain in her head for no reason, as if she was pierced by countless steel needles at the same time.

She gritted her teeth and barely stood still.

The evil ghost doctor had already pounced on her like a tiger descending from the mountain.

The row of scalpels in its hand swung down, slashing towards Ruixi with a sharp sound of breaking through the air.

If these scalpels really fell,

Ruixi would definitely be chopped into countless pieces in an instant.


At this critical moment,

Takina held a large-caliber sniper rifle and decisively pulled the trigger.

After a loud bang, the bullet accurately hit the evil ghost doctor’s forehead.


Although the shot did not kill it directly, it made it pause for a moment.

This shot was thrilling and full of dangers.

If there was any mistake, the consequences would be disastrous.

When Ruixi’s life was at stake, Shiyu, who was not far away, took quick action.

The wind was whistling.

She passed by Ruixi like lightning, and took her with her to roll nimbly, cleverly avoiding the attack from the evil ghost doctor.

The sharp knife light chopped the ground fiercely, making a deafening sound.


The loud sound shook the world.

Clouds of smoke and dust rose into the sky.

Shiyu quickly waved her arms.

A strong wind suddenly blew up, blowing the diffused smoke and dust away.


Doing so not only clears the visual obstacles.

It also prevents the evil ghost doctor from using the dust as a cover to launch a sneak attack.

When I saw the appearance of the evil ghost doctor clearly through the dissipating smoke and dust, I couldn’t help but feel an indescribable chill in my heart.

After the smoke and dust faded, the scene in front of me was shocking.

The originally flat ground was now cut into pieces, as if it had suffered ruthless destruction.

The ground was covered with crisscrossing cuts.

Each one was extremely neat.

It was as if it was cut by precision instruments, which was chilling.

It is hard to imagine what a horrible scene it would be if those attacks just now really fell on Ruixi.

“”Gaga, gaga!”

Suddenly, there was a sharp and piercing scream from all around.

Evil spirits with hideous faces and various shapes rushed towards them from all directions.

Even the walls began to crawl out of creepy evil spirits.


【PS:The picture shows Yuuki! 】

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