Chapter 147: The magic spear tries to pierce Weiming’s heart!

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“Um… about this sword……”

At the same time,

Yuki carefully held the sword in her hand.

As if it was a rare treasure that was unparalleled in the world and was extremely precious.

When her eyes met with Weiming, her eyes revealed a complex emotion that could not be expressed in words.

It was just a brief touch.

She deeply liked this sword that symbolized the dark oath and victory.

The instinct brought by the body sword saint meme also wanted to hold this sword.

But the reason deep in her heart told her that this love must be restrained.

Although her heart was filled with endless attachment.

She still made up her mind firmly and slowly raised her hand.

The movement was gentle and cautious.

Carefully handed the hilt of the sword to Weiming.

Every subtle movement revealed the cherishment of this delicate balance.

It seemed that she was worried that it would be destroyed if she was not careful.

“”I’ll give it back to you!”

Yuki knew that the sword was not hers, so she chose to return it to Weiming.

Seeing her reluctant but reluctant look, Weiming finally couldn’t help but chuckle.

“Haha, Yuki, have you forgotten that I am your master?”


Yuki raised his head.

It was certain that Weiming was the master who created him.

And he must obey any orders from Weiming and never betray him.

“Since this item is given to you by me as your master, you can accept it with peace of mind.”

Under Yuki’s doubtful gaze, Weiming slowly pushed the sword back.

“From now on, every sword you swing must be swung for me.” Grateful and unprecedented strength surged in Yuuki’s heart as she held the hilt of the sword. She looked solemn.

“Yes! My sword will be wielded for its master!”

“”Okay, stop looking so stern.”

He patted her shoulder gently.

Wei Ming had no doubt about her determination.

“Come, let me see what kind of power you, the so-called sword master, have, and at the same time let you get familiar with your own strength…”

Just as he finished speaking, he suddenly seemed to remember something important. He turned his head to look at the people who had been watching here on the training ground, and shouted loudly:”All of you attack me.”

“It’s time for me to put some pressure on you.”

Hearing this, everyone stopped what they were doing.

They looked at each other, at a loss.

After all, they were facing a person who was highly respected or liked by some people.

It was really difficult to attack him with their own abilities and weapons.

Or maybe there was a natural fear.


Yang Na and the others were all hesitant, and no one dared to act rashly.

Yuki, who was standing in front of him, was even more so. She had just obtained a treasure from Wei Ming.

Now she was immediately turned around and asked to attack.

Moreover, Wei Ming was her master and benefactor, so how could he do it so easily.

Seeing this

, Wei Ming said in a stern voice with a stern look on his face:”Don’t hesitate any more! I said nothing will happen.”

As he spoke, his breath was suddenly released.

A suffocatingly powerful pressure suddenly burst out from him, instantly covering the entire training ground.

It was like a heavy mountain pressing on everyone’s heart.


Everyone’s faces turned pale as paper in an instant, and their bodies began to tremble uncontrollably.


At this moment, a sharp and piercing sound of breaking through the air suddenly sounded.

Before everyone could come back to their senses, they only saw the extremely sharp red light flying towards Weiming with an astonishing momentum.

The red stream of light pierced out and pointed directly at Weiming’s heart. Weiming grinned.

The first person who dared to take the lead in attacking was Kato Hui.

This made him feel very relieved.

The spear that pierced the death thorn was thrown out.

It must reach the cause and effect and penetrate his heart.

In this situation, he just slowly raised his left hand.

The dazzling star power naturally gathered into an extremely huge dragon claw.


The two dragon claws accurately and firmly clamped the streak of light.

The red piercing death thorn spear that was easily clamped was like a trapped beast.

It struggled desperately; it spun violently; it tried to break free from the powerful restraints and pierce his heart.

But everything was in vain.

Although the power contained in this magic spear ignored the law of cause and effect; it could not play any role in the face of such an absolutely overwhelming strength.

What’s more, the source of its power was directly related to him.

The unknown dragon claw easily stopped this powerful magic spear.

“”Xiao Hui, you did a great job!”

Although the attack failed, he did not hesitate to praise her.

The voice was clearly heard by everyone.

It also made everyone present come back to their senses as if they had just woken up from a dream.

Everyone looked at Kato Hui in amazement, who threw the magic spear that could pierce the heart without any warning.

Is she really not afraid of hurting or killing the principal?

That is a magic spear that must reach cause and effect!

Kato Hui was unusually calm at this time.

She just tilted her head slightly and said in a calm tone:”Hasn’t Weiming-kun ordered us to launch an attack?”

Hearing this, everyone’s heart tightened suddenly.

Yes, Weiming had given the order a long time ago.

In this academy, everyone must obey his orders unconditionally.

For a moment, they suddenly realized that they should have the same awareness as Xiaohui.

“Hehe, then I have to take action.”

Qian Shu immediately entered his most powerful state of deification.

Then, like a meteor burning with blazing flames, he rushed towards Wei Ming.

The others also took action with resolute faces.

Then came a series of intensive and fierce attacks against Wei Ming.

Ice and snow that were freezing cold; blazing flames; hypnosis that affected the mind; precise sniping from hidden places;…………Wait.

Facing all these methods, Wei Ming showed no fear and did not even dodge.

This was exactly what he expected to see.


Only the three sisters of Fujiwara Chika and the later arrived Kirisu Mafuyu and Kojima Kana were dumbfounded.

They were stunned by the dazzling battle scene in front of them.

Kirisu Mafuyu and Kojima Kana didn’t understand why they attacked Weiming.

“What’s going on? Why are people attacking the principal?”

Kana Kojima asked anxiously.


Fujiwara Moe weakly raised her hand

“It seems that the principal ordered them to attack.”


She had already unconsciously used the honorific”sir”.

The scene before her was really beyond her imagination.

The superpower seemed to be even more… terrifying than she had imagined!


This answer made Kojima Kana and Kirisu Madoka even more confused.

But soon their attention was attracted by the battle and they did not pursue the question.

Because Weiming was at ease and there was no sign of injury.

【PS: The picture shows Ying Lili! 】

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