Chapter 175: Amazing Xiaohui! Is it a celebration banquet or a party?

“”You completed this trial perfectly, especially Xiao Hui.”

Wei Ming praised.

Xiao Hui’s attack was really amazing.

It was as sharp as lightning and directly hit the life-probe worm.

It made it impossible for it to exert the power of the fourth level.

If the life-probe worm was intact and still commanded all the Zerg, they might not be so”easy”.

Xiao Hui’s attack was also the key to the quick completion of this mission.

“It’s all what I should do.”

Xiao Hui, who was praised by Wei Ming, had a calm expression, but the corners of her mouth were slightly raised.

“Xiao Hui is really like that. She always makes people forget her existence, but she can always surprise people with a move.

Qian Shu still remembers the scene vividly. She was also amazed.

“With a swish, a beam of red light rushed out and directly destroyed the huge insect.”

“Xiao Hui’s current mentality and abilities are extremely suitable for becoming a killer, and she will be the most terrifying one among them.”

Yol couldn’t help but sigh.

As a top killer, she knew best how frightening it would be when Kato Hui’s presence completely disappeared.

Yoel definitely didn’t want to face such an enemy.

She might not even know how she died then.

“Haha, you all performed very well. Joel, you have successfully been promoted to the fourth level.”

With just a casual glance, he immediately understood Joel’s current strength.

At the same time, he gave affirmation and praise generously.

Hearing this, everyone turned their eyes to Joel, and they were more or less surprised and envious.

The latter couldn’t help blushing, and responded with a little shyness:”Well…well, maybe it’s because of this sudden high-intensity battle that I have a deeper understanding and mastery of the use of my own abilities.”

Walnut’s smart eyes turned, and he smiled and made a suggestion

“Since this mission was completed so successfully, I wonder if you should hold a celebration party for your trainees and employees?”

“Celebration banquet?”

Wei Ming was slightly startled.

Others also showed expectant expressions.

Celebration banquet… It’s not impossible.

After thinking about it, he asked Hu Tao:”Hold this celebration banquet in a restaurant?”

This undoubtedly earned Hu Tao a big eye roll.

“What kind of restaurant are we going to? It would be weird for so many of us to go to a restaurant together.”

She complained in a tone of condescension.

“Why not just hold it in your villa? It would be such a waste if such a big villa is not used to hold the party!”

“Party? Isn’t it a celebration party?”

Hu Tao’s fox tail was found by Wei Ming.

“Uh… a slip of the tongue, a slip of the tongue, it was a celebration party!”

Hu Tao smiled awkwardly and changed his words.

Wei Ming just smiled.

It’s okay to have some small thoughts, he doesn’t mind

“But I’m not a very good cook.”

Seeing that it was going to be a good show,

Hu Tao’s eyes lit up.

She patted her chest confidently and promised

“Just because you are not a good cook doesn’t mean the other sisters can’t cook.”

She turned to look at the others and blinked and asked:”Don’t you agree?”

“”Hu Tao, I have never seen you cook before. Don’t you know how to cook?”

Qian Shu raised her hand and asked.

Hu Tao, who was exposed, felt a little embarrassed.

She hesitated.

“Uh… I’m really not very good at cooking.”

Hearing this, everyone was speechless.

They thought that this guy was just a freeloader.

Wei Ming cast his eyes on other people.

Everyone seemed to be willing to attend the celebration banquet.

So he simply smiled heartily and said:”Okay, in that case, let’s hold a lively celebration banquet!”


Upon hearing this decision, the originally embarrassed Walnut was the first to cheer and jump for joy.

She danced with joy and her joy was beyond words.


The celebration banquet was being prepared in full swing.

There were laughter and joy everywhere.

Everyone was immersed in the joy of victory.

On the other side, in the dungeon, it was a completely different scene.

Here, some people were suffering.

They were facing endless challenges and difficulties.

Busujima Yako, Miyamoto Rei, Marikawa Shizuka and others gathered together.

They looked serious, as if they were going to announce something very important.

“Everyone, Miyamoto Rei and I are going to attack the tenth floor.”

Dudao Yazi’s voice was not loud, but it was full of determination.

“”Ah? That’s too dangerous!”

Alice said with a worried look on her face.

“Yeah, are you making such a hasty decision?”

The others echoed.

They had just obtained some information about the tenth floor from Hei Tong and others.

It is said that there are two fourth-level monsters in it.

Wouldn’t it be too dangerous to rely on only Busujima Yako and Miyamoto Rei?

The only one who did not dissuade them, Takagi Yuriko, had a strange look in her eyes.

She seemed to have guessed something, so she asked bluntly:”Have you been promoted to the fourth level?”

Busujima Yako and Miyamoto Rei looked at each other.

In the surprised eyes of everyone, the two nodded one after another.

Busujima Yako explained:”In addition to the promotion to the fourth level, there are other reasons why we made this decision.”

“After this period of training and fighting, we have reached the limit of our current level and cannot continue to improve.”

“Although there are still risks in facing the fourth-level monsters, we are confident that we can defeat them.”

“If we don’t try and can’t get the magic stone, we will always stay where we are.”

The logic is clear and well-founded.

No one can refute it.

Indeed, what Dudao Yazi and Miyamoto Rei said makes sense.

If we stay where we are, we will never grow.

But this is not the key point.

Yazi continued to explain:

“Besides, Li and I are higher in rank than you, and we are the first to come to this dungeon. If we are in the team, it will be easy to trigger the mutation dungeon, which will be more dangerous for you.”

Everyone was stunned.

The new rules of the Ten Thousand Worlds Dungeon seem to be like this

“I’m sure you’ve noticed that the number of monsters in the dungeon is determined by the number of adventurers who enter at one time.”

Ya Zi turned to look at Miyamoto Rei, who immediately continued her words.

“So if there are only two of us to attack the tenth floor, maybe the difficulty will be lower.”


The two’s analysis was reasonable and logical.

Gao Cheng Saya and others naturally couldn’t find any reason to refute it.

“I agree with your idea.”

Minami Rika was the first to nod her head in support.

With the first person expressing their opinion, others followed suit. They all undoubtedly chose to support.

They also didn’t want the two of them to delay themselves because of taking care of them.

Takagi Saya patted the two of them on the shoulders with a serious expression and told them:”You must stay alive!”

A ripple could not help but appear in the hearts of Yazi and Li.

From their own point of view, wishing them not to suffer the misfortune of death is actually meaningless.

After all, as slave adventurers, they do not have the real concept of death in the dungeon.

But in the face of everyone’s concerned expressions, the two could only nod in response.


【PS:The picture shows Kato Megumi!】


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