Chapter 99: A real dream! A real test!

Most of the people who were selected were extremely excited.

“”Mr. Weiming, are you really going to let them pass so easily?”

Ruixi asked suspiciously in the principal’s office.

She didn’t have too many doubts about the fact that Yoel and Longzhutao were able to pass directly.

After all, they had worked together in the virtual world.

They knew each other well and their strengths were indeed outstanding.

Not only her.

Yang No and Kaguya on the side were also curious about Weiming’s thoughts at this moment.

“Haha, you, the first batch of selected people, are just special cases.”

“It will never be so easy to enter the academy in the future.”

Weiming smiled softly.

He slowly turned the office chair under him.

He cast his eyes towards the beautiful scenery outside the French window.

“Before that, you should have a good sleep here.”Before that, you should have a good sleep here.”

Before he finished speaking, the three people in front of him seemed to have all their strength drained away. They fell limply on the sofa beside them and fell asleep instantly.

At the same time, all the interviewees seemed to be led by a mysterious force and fell asleep together.

Kaguya rubbed her brows slowly, and then slowly opened her eyes.

She vaguely remembered that she heard Weiming say that everyone should have a sleep.

But the scene around her at this moment made her feel extremely unfamiliar.

This place is dilapidated.

The walls are peeling.

The ground is covered with dust and cracks.

In the narrow and dark corridor, the faint lights flickered. It was as if they were in a long-abandoned and dilapidated hospital.

There is no doubt that this is definitely not where the school is!

Just when Kaguya was shocked like a clay sculpture or a wooden carving, a figure suddenly appeared beside her like a ghost.

This person was Weiming.


Mizuki and Yangno also appeared silently like ghosts, following closely behind.

“The test has begun. You must take notes carefully.”

Weiming’s voice was as cold as ice, without any emotion.

“This is a dream.”

He continued, his tone eerily calm.

“All of them were drawn into this dream, but were isolated in different areas.”

“Next, everyone will encounter a zombie. You need to record in detail their reactions and the actions they take when facing the zombie.”

“Remember, they can’t see you, so you can do whatever you want.”

After saying this, Wei Ming disappeared without a trace like a puff of smoke.


The three of them exclaimed in unison.

This dream was so real.

It was as if they were there in person, shocking.

What was even more surprising was that everyone’s dreams could actually connect to each other!

Such a miraculous ability was really incredible and jaw-dropping.

“The first mission is here, so I’ll go first.”

Yonori walked through the wall without hesitation and headed in a certain direction.

After Mizuki and Kaguya exchanged a look, they immediately headed towards the target area.

Weiming looked at everything in the dream from a God’s perspective, like a god who dominated everything.

As expected.

Longzhu Tao and Youer were as fast as cheetahs, attacking quickly with overwhelming force.

Their movements were crisp and neat, like flowing water.

They killed all the zombies that emerged without any delay.

Weiming immediately announced:”Congratulations on passing the test.

” It was actually foreseen that they could pass the test easily.

After all, both of them have successfully promoted to the second level.

Coupled with the further improvement of the gene lock.

It would be strange if they couldn’t even pass such a test.

Youer’s gene lock [Sublimation

【Meme]: Gene lock sublimation

【Grade: C


【Body sublimation]: The body enters a sublimation state

【Spiritual Sublimation]: The spirit enters a sublimated state.

Longzhu Tao’s gene lock [Armed】

【Meme]: Gene Lock Armament

【Grade: C


【Armament: Additional features of manipulating weapons

【Transformation: Manipulate weapons to transform.

If you can’t even pass such a simple test, it’s too unreasonable.

The zombies in the dream are so weak that they can’t stand a single blow.

Their overall strength is not even as good as that of ordinary people. They are just scary paper tigers.

Pull them out of the dream.

Remove the words.

Let them wake up from their sleep.

Longzhu Tao opened her eyes and sat up. Seeing Yoel also sat up from the bed

“Sure enough, admission still requires a test.”

Yol nodded in agreement:”That makes sense. We can pass the test easily, but it may be difficult for ordinary people.”

“I’m just curious, was what just happened really just a dream?”

“That kind of clear feeling is really incredible, how can they do it?”

Longzhu Tao shrugged helplessly:”It’s a superpower, it’s normal not to understand.”

Their guess was indeed correct.

Except for the two of them, the performance of everyone else was not satisfactory.

In the whole dream.

Wei Ming used the power of the mantra to make everyone unable to realize that this was just a dream.

The real feeling was like being there.

Only in this way can the most real reaction be triggered.

Most people fled in panic with screams and panic, and some people hid in the room and trembled.


Some people’s performance was still acceptable.

Miura Yumiko’s performance was outstanding

“”Roar, roar, roar!”

The zombies staggered forward like dying old men.

In fact, as long as you can stay calm, not be enslaved by fear, or quickly get rid of fear, you will find that this group of zombies, in addition to their extremely ugly faces, have appallingly poor actual mobility.

If you run a little, the zombies’ speed and reaction will be completely unable to keep up, and they can only look up to you.

Using the items in the hospital is like mastering a magic weapon to fight zombies.

For example, a cart.

In a long and narrow corridor, it can become a strong shield to protect life and easily isolate the threat of zombies.

Look at what Youmiko is doing now.

She leaned against the corner, adjusting her nervous heartbeat and breathing, and fighting a fierce battle with her fear.

With her keen observation, she understood the extremely slow movement speed of the zombies.

When her eyes touched the multi-layered medicine cart not far away, a bold idea flashed in her mind like a spark of electric carbide.



It happened in a flash.

She gritted her teeth without hesitation and rushed away like an arrow.

In the blink of an eye, she arrived right behind the cart.

She pushed the cart and rushed towards the zombie like a warrior.

Even though the zombie was baring its fangs and claws, it could only be like a seedling blown down by a hurricane.

After being blocked by the cart, it waved its hands in vain and could not touch her at all.

Realizing this,

Yumiko finally felt relieved.

Her courage gradually swelled like an inflated balloon.

Aiming at the open door at the end of the corridor behind the zombie, a trace of determination flashed in her eyes.


Youmiko pushed the cart with all her might.

The zombies were like fallen leaves swept by the wind, unable to fight back, and could only be pushed back by her.

Finally, they were pushed into the room along with the cart.


“With a”bang”, the door closed tightly.

An indestructible wall completely isolated the danger.

Just in case, she immediately ran to another room.


Quickly pick up the bed sheet and tie it tightly around the door handle to add another layer of defense.


The zombie behind the door roared angrily.

“”Bang, bang, bang!” She banged on the door frantically, trying to break through this last line of defense.

However, it was all in vain. The door was as solid as a rock.

After confirming that the door could not be opened,

Yumiko felt relieved. She leaned against the wall and slumped on the ground.

At this moment, she finally had time to think about the situation in front of her.

“Aren’t I in the Potential Academy dormitory with Yui?

She was sure she had never been to this hospital.


The sudden sound of footsteps hit Yumiko’s heart like a heavy hammer, and her nerves instantly tensed up.



Yumiko was horrified and trembled all over.

She turned her head and saw the cold face of Shinomiya Kaguya appearing in front of her like a ghost.

“It’s you!”

Yumiko naturally knew her.

Kaguya Shinomiya said without any nonsense:”Congratulations, you have successfully passed this assessment, and welcome to join the Potential Academy”

“Next, you will be out of the dream”

“Assessment? Dream?”

Youmiko was confused, as if she was lost in the clouds, and wanted to ask more questions.

Suddenly, a strong sense of withdrawal came over her like a tide.

Everything in the dream was distorted and shattered in front of her eyes.


Yumiko sat up suddenly on the bed, breathing heavily.

When she woke up, she saw Yui still sleeping beside her. Did she finally realize it? She probably understood the meaning of”dream” and”assessment” mentioned by Kaguya.

She smiled bitterly:”I told you, it’s not that easy to join the Potential Academy!””

“I don’t know how Yui is doing now.”

She was worried at this moment.

Yui, whom she was worried about, was being frightened by the zombies and was retreating step by step. She was about to retreat to a corner with no way to retreat.


【PS:The picture shows Yuigahama Yui!】

【PS:Thank you for your support. Please vote for me for monthly tickets, evaluation tickets, and flowers! The more votes you get, the faster the update will be! 】

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