Zongman: I Have An Equipment Bar

Chapter 15 Arranging Work

Liu Ming's grooming speed was very fast, and he finished washing in more than ten minutes.

When he came to the kitchen, Tian Suohui was still processing the ingredients.

"Master, you are here." Tian Suohui stood up respectfully.

"Don't be so cautious, I'm not that scary, just treat me as a family member or friend with a normal heart, otherwise I'm afraid you won't be able to concentrate on studying"

"Okay, okay." Tian Suohui still couldn't let go.

There is no way to do this, the concept of hierarchy is deeply ingrained in country R, ​​even if Liu Ming told her not to care, she couldn't do it all at once.

Liu Ming waved his hand to signal her to get out of the way.

Take over the position.

Holding the kitchen knife, Liu Ming said softly, "The importance of knife skills to dishes, I think you must be quite clear after studying Yuanyue Academy for so long. So what kind of knife skills are considered qualified? How to improve your sword skills."

Liu Ming turned the bowl slightly, and the ingredients on the cutting board were instantly dismembered.

He patted the dining cabinet lightly, and the weak vibration caused cracks to appear in the materials there, and he actually processed the remaining ingredients in the blink of an eye just now.

And it's done perfectly.

Tian Suohui also realized that he had worshiped a great master.

Afterwards, Liu Ming explained to Tian Suohui some small skills in sword skills, which are all secrets that are not passed on. Even in ancient times, the imperial chef would only teach his own disciples, which are secret skills passed down.

Liu Ming's cooking speed has always been known for being fast. In less than an hour, he cooked a large table of delicious dishes.

Thor suffered a lot today, and accompanied him for most of the day in the primeval forest. It was only then that he finally found all the ingredients needed for Kaiwei Tang, so that he would not lose his promise to his apprentice.

Today these dishes are specially for her.

"Dinner is ready, come in and serve the food out" Liu Ming shouted loudly.

Thor's movements were still so fast, staring greedily at the various delicacies on the dining table.

"Xiao Ming cooked so many dishes tonight, I feel so happy." The corners of Thor's eyes curled up.

"You've worked hard today, so have a good meal tonight." Liu Ming rubbed her head appreciatively.

"Hey, Xiao Ming, you're so kind." Thor's face was full.

She picked up two dishes and walked towards the hall.

After Kang Na was fully charged, her physical strength also recovered a little. Following Thor's actions, he also picked up two dishes.

Liu Ming didn't stop her, although Kang Na was petite, but she was a giant dragon after all, her strength far surpassed that of ordinary people.

"Little Kangna, you can just sit outside and leave these things to us." Tian Suohui didn't know this. Seeing that Kangna, who was only five years old, was carrying two plates of food,

She ran over quickly and received it in her hands. Kang Na blinked her eyes, looked blankly at the empty little hand, a little confused why.

Obviously Thor can serve food, why can't she.

Liu Ming patted her little head lightly, "For others, you are just a child, you have to learn the common sense of this world in the future, please sit at the table now."

"Oh." Connor responded.

Sitting on the chair, her eyes felt that it was not enough, and the food in front of her was too delicious, and her saliva kept echoing in her mouth.

"Master Thor, these foods are delicious."

"That's right, Xiao Ming's cooking skills are the best." Thor looked up proudly.

"En..." Kang Na kept nodding her head, staring at the dishes on the table, swallowing from time to time.

"Stay here and do what you want, didn't you say you can do whatever you want, don't wait for me." Liu Ming saw several people sitting there staring at the table, but they didn't make any moves.

I can't help but find it funny, and at the same time feel heartwarming, this is the feeling of home.

It hasn't been this lively here in years.

"Am I in heaven?" The moment Kangna ate it, her sense of satisfaction immediately reached its peak.

"Is this heaven? It's so beautiful and warm. Hey, it's strange. I know that the dragon should return to the embrace of the dragon god after death. How could it go to heaven?"

"Master Thor, these foods are really delicious." Connor looked at Thor with a happy face.

"That's right, Xiao Ming's food is the best in the world."

"The next number one," Kang Na nodded her head in agreement.

It is not the first time for Tian Suohui to eat Liu Ming's dishes, but every time there is a new shock, especially this time, witnessing the whole process of making the dishes makes her realize that Liu Ming's unfathomable Strength.

Ordinary ingredients, ordinary cooking methods, but can produce a shocking taste, she seems to have reached this level.

The scenery at this height must be beautiful.

Tian Suohui couldn't help being crazy.


After the meal, Liu Ming gathered everyone together, and Tian Suohui gently poured everyone a cup of tea.

"The restaurant will officially open tomorrow, and now I will arrange everyone's work."

"Thor" Liu Ming looked at Thor.

"To" Thor raised his hands high.

"In the past few days, I have also taken you to many places. You know where the food wholesale market is. I will give you a purchase order tomorrow, and you can help purchase the goods. It is best to convince them to deliver goods every day. Come to the door, is there any problem?"

"No problem at all, just leave it to me." Thor patted his chest and readily agreed.

Liu Ming nodded appreciatively, he has watched anime. But knowing how powerful Thor's communication skills are,

Nothing to worry about.


"Yes..." Tian Suohui stood up nervously.

Liu Ming pointed to the transparent kitchen window on the right side of the main entrance in the restaurant.

"That place is for takeaway food, so I'll leave it to you. I won't give you any restrictions except that the dishes are Chinese cuisine. What to sell, how to sell, and how much to sell are all up to you. You Just treat it as your little shop."

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