Zongman: I Have An Equipment Bar

Chapter 157: The First Encounter With The Members Of The Luoqiu Club (3)

When they came to the school gate, they saw Liu Ming really standing there.

Xiao Lingyin's expression was happy, and she ran over quickly, throwing herself into Liu Ming's arms.

"Xiao Ming big brother, Lingyin misses you so much." Xiao Lingyin said excitedly.

"I've been thinking about my little Lingyin too." Liu Ming gently rubbed her head, he kind of understood why Xiaolingyin was so excited.

Xiao Lingyin really regarded him as a family member, how could Liu Ming not feel the kind of sincere feelings shown from time to time.

She couldn't help it before, but now it's rare to gain family affection again, and Xiao Lingzhi is probably very worried that she will lose it again.

Worrying about gains and losses.

After all, she is only a ten-year-old girl now.

Xiao Bui quietly looked at the few people who were living in harmony. From their expressions and movements, she found that the relationship between Liu Ming and these children was very deep.

"Lolicon!" Xiao Bu couldn't help muttering in dissatisfaction.

With Liu Ming's current hearing ability, he could easily hear what she said, and couldn't help but glared at her fiercely.

He just gave these lovely children some due care. What kind of lolicon is this? Liu Ming is not a lolicon.

A group of people standing here is a bit eye-catching, Liu Ming looked at a few people and found that there was one missing, so he asked, "Where is Meiyu, why don't you see her?"

"Miha should be at the gymnasium." Xiaolingyin explained.

"Then let's go over and have a look together. If she finds out, but I didn't look for her when I came here, she will definitely be angry afterwards."

After Liu Ming finished speaking, he led several people towards the stadium.

On the way, Liu Ming continued to take out three packs of snacks and distributed them to the three of Xiao Lingyin.

When Kang Na saw it, she also asked for it.

Liu Ming had no choice but to give her a bag too.

And Kanna's friend Sai Chuan Lizi, the two separated not long ago.

After all, Liu Ming didn't know how long he would stay here, if she was with her, it would be dangerous to go home too late.

Under the guidance of Xiao Lingyin, Liu Ming and the others quickly arrived at the gymnasium.

Even if you just stand outside, you can hear bursts of laughter coming from inside.

The gymnasium here does not prohibit people from entering and leaving, and other students can enter and exit at will.

Of course, if they don't apply for the right to use, they can only watch from the edge when they go in, instead of using the stadium, otherwise it will affect the people who are training.

Therefore, Liu Ming and his group did not appear too abrupt after entering.

When Xiao Lingyin was about to call Miu who was on the court, she was stopped by Liu Ming.

It's a rare time to come here, just to see Miu's school life.

There are five small figures on the basketball court, and they keep chasing a basketball.

The exclamation and laughter came from their mouths.

What makes Liu Ming laugh is that, except for the pink-haired girl, other people don't understand the rules of basketball at all.

Every move is a foul.

However, after seeing Miha's hearty smile, he felt that these were not important at all.

It's not going to participate in any important competition, it's just a club activity, and everyone should have fun.

Although Liu Ming and the others didn't make any noise, but he was nearly 1.9 meters tall, so he stood out from the crowd.

It didn't take long for someone to notice it, and all eyes looked over.

Miha, who was still playing around, also stopped, looking at the eyes of everyone.

Then she was stunned, and then showed a look of surprise.

She dropped the basketball in her hand and quickly ran towards Liu Ming.

The movements were even more exaggerated than Xiao Lingyin's. She jumped up and hung directly on Liu Ming's body.

"Brother Xiao Ming, you are finally back, I miss you so much `||." Mei Yu blinked her beautiful big eyes and said happily.

Feeling Xiao Bu's weird gaze again, Liu Ming couldn't help showing a wry smile, he really isn't a lolicon.

He looked at Mei Yu hanging on his body, and said angrily, "There are still people around, please pay attention to the impact.

Mei Yu also cared about it at the same time, relying on Liu Ming's body, she didn't intend to let go at all.

At this time, the five lovely girls who had just trained with Mei Yu also came over.

They all blinked their lovely big eyes and looked at Liu Ming and the others curiously.

Xiaolingyin and Kangna are in the same school as them, and Meiyu has already introduced them to each other.

As for Xiao Chi and Xiao Bu, this was the first time they had seen each other.

But compared to the two women, they were obviously more concerned about the man Liu Ming.

From Mei Yu's actions, it can be seen that the relationship between the two seems to be not simple.

Liu Ming patted Mei Yu's body again [Mei Yu came down reluctantly.

"Miyu, who is he, he is so tall."

"Yeah, almost as tall as two of me."

"I don't know if he can play basketball."

"`" thump thump thump~, let me introduce to you, this one, the super powerful person I have been mentioning, is my most respected and beloved uncle. "Mei Yu solemnly introduced Liu Ming to her friend.

Then she turned around and introduced some of her good friends to Liu Ming.

An anthroposophical flower with a purple headband tied on top of her pink hair.

Like Miwa, the person with the blonde twintails is Maho Misawa.

The person with light blue hair and goggles on his face, giving the impression of a schoolmaster is Nagatsuka Saki.

With long pink curly hair and purple eyes, Hakamada Hinata looks very natural, and she is the smallest among them all.

She has light orange hair and is the tallest among them. Although she is only in the fifth grade of elementary school, Kashiri is 1.7 meters tall.

"Hello!" Liu Ming greeted several people.

"Hi big brother." The girls greeted Liu Ming with a smile.

"Can the big brother play basketball?" Maho Misawa jumped in front of Liu Ming and asked curiously.

The other girls (from Zhao's) couldn't help but stare at Liu Ming. Someone as tall as Liu Ming must be very good at playing basketball.

Liu Ming was stunned for a moment. He knew a little bit about basketball, but he wasn't very good at it.

But that was just the past, as for the present.

Liu Ming took a peek, and now his character attributes.


Wisdom: 7+3 fork 0

Agility: 5+50

Physique: 8+100

(Note: the maximum value of each item for humans is 10)

With this abnormal attribute, no matter how bad his basketball skills are, he will become very powerful.

After all, in the final analysis, basketball is just a game of physical confrontation.

If the difference is only a few points, the difference may not be big, but now the difference is several times or even ten times, and it is still a multiple of the human limit.

With such strength and speed, as long as Liu Ming is willing, he can even easily dunk the basket and run out of afterimages. .

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