Zongman: I Have An Equipment Bar

Chapter 160 Invitation To Be A Guest (2)

Looking at the pair of big watery eyes in front of him, Liu Ming couldn't help swallowing, feeling a little stressed.

But in order to live a leisurely and happy life in the future, he resolutely refused.

He said, "I am very happy to be invited by you. However, I really don't have time, so let's forget about the coaching. You should find someone else."

"It's too much, Brother Xiao Ming, you have failed our expectations." Mei Yu said

Liu Ming glared at her angrily, "You mean to say that if you weren't making noise, nothing would have happened at all."

Miha made a playful grimace.

"Big brother, is it really not possible?" Sun Xiang pulled the corner of Liu Ming's clothes forward, staring straight at Liu Ming with a pair of big bright eyes.

"Come on, Hinata's super cute skill is activated, no one can be safe and sound under this move." Maho said proudly on the side of "383".

Mei Yu shook her head, and said helplessly, "I don't think it's very useful, brother Ming, but he's a very incomprehensible person."

"If that's the case, let's go together too." Maho wouldn't just give up like this. She pulled several other people and surrounded them together.

Although Zhihua and the others were a little shy, when she thought of the basketball skills that Liu Ming showed just now, her heart moved again.

She blushed, imitating everyone's movements, and stretched out her little hand to hold Liu Ming's clothes.

Seeing the six lovely girls surrounding him, Liu Ming felt a burst of black lines.

In the current situation, he didn't even need to guess, he just knew that Xiao Bu would definitely call him a lolicon again.

Liu Ming had no choice but to explain, "It's not that I disagree, but that I really don't have time."

"Miyu knows that at this time, I am the busiest, and I simply don't have time to guide you.

Mei Yu couldn't help being stunned, the situation seemed to be really like this.

"Miyu, is it like this?" Ji Sha asked.

Mei Yu nodded and said, "Brother Xiaoming runs a Chinese restaurant, and it will be open at five o'clock in the evening. It seems that he really doesn't have time to come and guide us."

"Oh, how could I have forgotten such an important thing." Mei Yu scratched her head in distress.

"Oh, big brother is the chef, isn't the food delicious?" Hinata thought of another aspect and asked curiously.

"Of course, Brother Xiaoming cooks the best dishes, number one in the world." Mei Yu assured her by patting her small chest.

"Really, I really want to try the food made by the big brother." Hinata's eyes sparkled with stars.

"No problem, just wrap it on my body. Tomorrow, I'll ask Brother Xiaoming to make an extra bento." Mei Yu said.

"Thank you, Miha," Hinata said happily.

"Hey, you two, don't be fooled, we are discussing about coaching now. However, give me a portion of the bento too." Although Maho said this, he was still quite curious about Liu Ming's cooking.

"If it's not troublesome, give me a copy too." Saki said calmly.

"Then I want to too."

"It's all covered on my body, everyone has it." Mei Yu readily agreed.

Liu Ming listened to the black line, the relationship was not made by her, so she can be completely polite?

It's just that Mei Yu has already agreed, what can Liu Ming do? She can't let her lose face in front of her friends.

"Ahem" Liu Ming interrupted everyone's conversation with a dry cough, then he looked at Miyu and asked, "How long will it take you to leave? If it's too long, I'll take Xiao Chi and the others back first. Oh, yes, I I have to pick up Xiaokong and Xingzi."

Miha didn't answer immediately, but looked at Zhihua and the others.

"It's rare that the big brother came to pick you up, so you can go first." Maho was easy to talk, so he told Meiyu to leave early.

"Yeah, we can't keep the big brothers waiting," Hinata also said.

"Okay, then I'll go first." Mei Yu didn't refute. It was rare that Liu Ming came to pick her up, she really didn't have the mood to continue training now.

It's just that she didn't understand why Liu Ming came to pick her up from school suddenly, she had never done it before.

She couldn't help asking curiously, "Brother Xiao Ming, what's the matter today? Why did you come to pick me up suddenly?"

"Aren't you welcome?" Liu Ming asked.

"No, I'm just a little curious." Mei Yu waved her hand quickly.

"Haven't we not seen each other for a week? That's why I came to pick you up from school. I'm going to cook a big meal tonight to celebrate." Liu Ming explained.

"Big meal." Miyu's eyes flashed all of a sudden, and she suddenly pulled Zhihua and the others to a corner.

Liu Ming blinked, not understanding what happened to Mei Yu.


"Miha, what else do you need?" Maho asked strangely..

"Do you know what Brother Xiaoming said just now? He actually said that he will have a big dinner tonight." Meiyu said excitedly.

"Oh, congratulations Miu, you can eat good food tonight." Hinata said.

"Yeah, your cousin is really kind to you." Zhihua said enviously.

"Big meal, I don't know what to eat." Mafan swallowed.

"So didn't I come to tell you now? Are you interested? Do you want to go together?" Meiyu proposed and said.

"That's not good." Saji said.

"It's okay, Xiao Chi's classmates also came to play last time. And a cute girl like you, Xiao Ming will definitely welcome you very much," Mei Yu said with a smile.

"Coco is cute or something" Aisha stammered and couldn't speak a complete sentence, her face was red.

Jisha and Zhihua are also a little shy.

That is to say, Maho and Hinata did not respond, but happily asked "Can we really go there together?"

"Oh, let's go to the big brother's house to play together."

"Don't worry, I'll tell brother Ming right now, there will be absolutely no problem."

After Mei Yu finished speaking, she ran to Liu Ming without waiting for everyone to reply.

At this time, Xiao Bu also pulled Xiao Chi and the three of them to Liu Ming's side, looking at him with strange eyes.

Liu Ming glanced at her and didn't bother to explain.

Those who clear themselves will clear themselves.

"Brother Xiaoming, can Zhihua and the others go back with us? They want to play with us." Meiyu looked at Liu Ming expectantly with a 4.2 expression.

Liu Ming gave her an angry look, it must be because of what she said just now that this happened.

But he didn't care, he nodded and said, "Yes, but they have to call their family members first, so as not to worry about their family members."

"Yeah, Brother Xiaoming, you are so kind, I'm going to tell them the good news now."

Looking at Meiyu who was startled, Liu Ming couldn't help but shook his head.

"Is she Miyu? She is really cute." Xiao Bu said calmly.

"Well, she is Xiao Chi's second sister. Although she is a bit naughty, she is a kind-hearted child." Liu Ming said gently.

Xiao Bu Mu gave her an angry look, what she said just now didn't mean that at all.

But judging from the way the two get along, it should be just a little more family affection.

She couldn't help secretly heaving a sigh of relief. .

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