Zongman: I Have An Equipment Bar

Chapter 42: Choosing A School

After a while of joking, Liu Ming also became serious again.

"Okay, now let's talk about the second business."

Yuta rolled his eyes, you know you have to talk about business.

"Since you want to live here, it's best to arrange the school transfer before the school starts. Before the summer vacation, do you have any favorite schools?"

Sora and Miha shook their heads at the same time, they were not familiar with the situation here at all.

"Is that so?" Liu Ming was also a little distressed. His place is a big city, and there are many schools, but it is really difficult for him to choose the right one.

Suddenly his eyes lit up, and he immediately thought of an idea.

"If there is an old man in the family, if there is a treasure, the ancients would not deceive me. Fortunately, there is Granny Tujian, otherwise I don't know what to do."

Liu Ming personally ran to the next door to pick up Granny Tujian.

"Really, even at this age, I'm still so frizzy." Granny Tujian reluctantly followed Liu Ming to the restaurant.



Everyone in the restaurant greeted her one by one.

"Hehe, good boy, they're all good kids." Granny Tujian smiled even wider. Due to various reasons, she is now the only one living in the house, and it hasn't been as lively as these days for a long time.

"Mother-in-law" Xiao Chi stopped playing games and hugged her.

These days, she has eaten the snacks brought by Granny Tujian.

"Xiao Chi is good too." Granny Tujian bent down and picked up Xiao Chi.

Liu Ming was really afraid that something might happen to her, so he quickly helped her to sit down.

Xiao Kong brought a cup of tea to Granny Tujian.

Liu Ming began to explain the matter in detail, hoping that she could give some advice.

Mother-in-law Tujian thought that Xiaoniaoyou and the others were just here to do summer jobs, but she didn't expect such a sad story. She looked at the little chick in her arms, her gaze softened even more. "

"The old man in Nakamura went abroad to accompany his children some time ago, and the house happened to be vacant. I'll call and ask later, and I should be able to rent it." Granny Tuma gently rubbed Xiao Chi's hair, her tone was very firm.

"The old man is finally willing to go abroad, no wonder I haven't seen him for a while." Liu Ming said in surprise.

"Hehe, he doesn't want to go abroad, but for the sake of his grandson, there is nothing he can do." Granny Tujian seemed to think of something funny, and laughed straight away.

"Grandson? Could it be..." Liu Ming was puzzled at first, and then pleasantly surprised.

"That's it. Look at everyone who has children. And look at you. You don't even have a girlfriend. As a man, you have to take the initiative."

Granny Tujian couldn't help but cast a contemptuous look at Liu Ming as she spoke, and a look at Thor with deep meaning in her eyes.

"Ahahaha." Liu Ming scratched his head with a dry smile.

"Brother Xiao Ming, didn't you promise us not to look for a house just now?" Mei Yu suddenly became anxious.

"Nakamura's house is next door, very close," Liu Ming explained.

"I don't care, Brother Xiao Ming promised. If you talk about finding a house again, believe it or not, I will tell Xiao Chi, let Xiao Chi come and talk to you." Mei Yu said dissatisfiedly shaking her head.

"Okay, we're not looking for a house anymore." Liu Ming was speechless, and told Xiao Chi, believe it or not, she will cry for you every minute.

"We're only talking about school issues." He hastily changed the subject.

"Hee hee, Brother Xiao Ming's way of changing the subject is really bad." Mei Yu revealed it with a smile.

Liu Ming glared at her, and said in a threatening tone, "It seems that someone wants to eat takeaway."

Mei Yu's smile suddenly froze.

"Okay, don't scare the child, look how Miyu is scared by you." Granny Tuma pulled Meiyu to comfort her softly.

Liu Ming couldn't help but rolled his eyes, he didn't believe that mischievous Mei Yu could be scared so easily.

"Xiaokong should be a sophomore in high school now, Miu is a fifth, Kangna is a sophomore, and Xiao Chi is a kindergarten." Liu Ming explained the situation of several people.

"Kindergarten is easy to find. I have an old friend who is the principal of the kindergarten. Xiao Chi can go there. As for whether you want to go to a girls' school or a mixed school." Granny Tuma thought about it and asked.

When choosing a school, it is better to choose according to their preferences, so that they can easily have a sense of belonging to the school and integrate into the atmosphere of the new school more easily.

"We have always been in the national mixed school." Sora replied.

"Then do you have any special requirements for the school, such as focus or something?" Granny Tujian continued to ask.

"It's better to be closer, so it's convenient to go to and from school. And in this way, we can have more time to help out in the restaurant." Xiao Kong thought for a while and said.

"Ahem, except for rest days, I don't need your help." Liu Ming immediately interrupted her, rejecting her idea.

"But..." Xiao Kong still wanted to say something.

"No, but since you are a student, you should enjoy the school life. You should also participate in extracurricular activities and make more friends. If there are not enough people in the restaurant, wouldn't I hire more people?" Liu Ming said.

"Xiao Ming is right. You are still young, so there is no need to put the pressure on yourself. How you lived before is how you live now. If something happens, just go to Xiao Ming. Anyway, he has plenty of time." Granny Tujian sold Liu Ming directly.

Liu Ming shrugged helplessly, but he didn't refute, after all, he seemed to be quite free.

"Hee hee" Mei Yu giggled and made a face at Liu Ming.

Liu Ming glared at her angrily.

In this way, under the introduction of Granny Tujian, they finally found the school they wanted to go to.

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