Zongman: I Have An Equipment Bar

Chapter 91 Rectifying The Name Of The Master

When Liu Ming saw Xingping Chuangzhen, he remembered a big piece, and pulled Tian Suohui to the corner.

He asked softly, "When you take a shower now, close the bathroom door."

Tian Suohui blushed, she thought Liu Ming was going to say something, but it turned out to be such embarrassing things.

She nodded lightly, and said dryly, "Of course, and Master, didn't you remind me a long time ago, why do you have to repeat it now?"

Liu Ming didn't feel embarrassed either, he gently rubbed Xiao Hui's head, "I didn't see that you guys and girls live together, of course I'm afraid you have an accident, girls can't suffer.

At the same time, he thought to himself, "Fortunately, I reminded Tian Suohui early on, so my peeing apprentice didn't suffer a loss."

Then the two returned to the crowd.

"Hello, my name is Liu Ming, I am Xiaohui's master, thank you for taking care of Xiaohui.

Liu Ming stretched out his hand and shook everyone gently.

Everyone was shocked at first, then numb, and finally relieved.

The people in Jixing Liao were basically careless, and under the influence of Liu Ming, they let go of each other and returned to their normal appearance. 02 started chatting with Liu Ming one by one.

Of course there is one exception.

That is Xingping Chuangzhen.

He came to Liu Ming with an excited expression, and said excitedly, "Since you are Xiaohui's master, your cooking skills must be very strong. Let's compete."

Liu Ming looked at Xing Ping Chuangzhen strangely, as expected of the king of medicine, opening his mouth was a competition.

It's just that Liu Ming has no interest in abusing food. He said calmly, "You should be the very arrogant transfer student that Xiaohui said."

Hearing this, Xing Ping Chuangzhen's excited expression froze immediately, and he opened his mouth to explain, but he couldn't.

Who made him say such arrogant words at the opening ceremony.

"Pfft~~hahaha" Seeing the weird scene in front of her, Yoshino Yuki couldn't help but burst out laughing happily.

Although the others were not so exaggerated, they were suppressing their smiles and shrugging their shoulders.

"Master~~~" Tian Suohui looked at Liu Ming resentfully.

She said bad things about people behind her back, and now that Master said it, her thin face can't stand it.

But it's not her fault, she didn't know that Xing Ping Chuang would really live in Ji Xing Room.

Liu Ming was helpless, so he had to change his words, "Well, you should be the transfer student with personality that Xiaohui mentioned."

"Hahaha~~~ I can't do it anymore, I'm going to laugh at me to death." Yoshino Yuki, who smiled lightly, really couldn't bear it, and smiled on Shenliangzi's shoulder.

Everyone was also a little speechless.

They have heard what Liu Ming said just now, so is it necessary to change their words now?

And how does it feel like Liu Ming did it on purpose.

After recovering a little, Yoshino Yuki took Xiaohui's hand and whispered in her ear, "Xiaohui, you are so funny, master."

"Master, it's true." Tian Suohui's face flushed with anger, and she felt a little ashamed as an apprentice.

Xing Ping Chuangzhen threw away irrelevant thoughts, and said with a serious expression, "These are not important, please compete with me.

"Hmm~~You..." Liu Ming looked Xingping Chuangzhen up and down, then shook his head.

"Forget it, when you defeat Xiaohui, you can challenge me again."

Xing Ping Chuangzhen is the king of medicine, and he may cheat at any time. With him as an opponent, he can put a lot of pressure on Xiaohui, so that Xiaohui's progress will be even faster.

Everyone was expecting it, but Liu Ming turned it down.

And it's fine if you don't agree, but you even pushed Xiao Hui out, don't they know Xiao Hui's cooking skills?

This is not an important competition, but just to learn from each other. I don't dare to do this, and I don't have the consciousness to be a chef at all.

Everyone looked at Liu Ming with contempt.

Liu Ming didn't mind either, he looked at Tian Suohui and said, "It's true, you children, they are your good friends, and you let them worry about you so much."

"It's just time for dinner, go to the kitchen and make a dish, let them taste it, let them see your current strength. 21

Liu Ming, the master, can not care about other people's opinions, but Tian Suohui, as an apprentice, has the obligation to uphold the dignity of the master.

Tian Suohui has a gentle and introverted personality and doesn't like publicity, so even if her cooking skills have greatly improved, she never thought about showing off in front of her friends.

But this time, it was an exception. In order to let everyone understand how extraordinary her master is, Tian Suohui plans to go all out.

She nodded heavily, and said with a super serious expression, "Well, I see, Master."

Watching Tian Suohui trot into the kitchen, Liu Ming couldn't help touching his chin, thinking to himself, Xiaohui seems to be a little too serious."

"Is this really good? Xiaohui will eat halberds with others later, so it's not good to waste energy now," Ryoko Sakaki asked worriedly.

"Yeah, shouldn't Xiaohui focus now?" Yoshino Yuki also showed worry.

However, Jun Ibuzaki, who has always been calm, and Zenji Marui, who pays attention to details, found a difference.

"Didn't you notice that Xiaohui seems to be a little different?" Ibuzaki Jun said calmly.

"That's right, I feel that Xiaohui seems to be more confident than before." Marui Zenji pushed his eyes and said seriously.

"Ah~?" Yoshino Yuuhime was out of character and didn't pay attention to these.

Seeing that Tian Suohui has such a group of friends who care about her, Liu Ming also feels very happy.

"Hehe, you don't think that Xiaohui is still the same Xiaohui as before, do you? If that's true, then my master 940 is not called for nothing."

"What do you mean by that?" Ryoko Sakaki looked at Liu Ming suspiciously.

The same goes for several others, even Xing Ping Chuangzhen is a little curious.

"Today, you haven't tasted the dishes made by Xiaohui. But, is it difficult for you to know Xiaohui's grades in class?"

Everyone was stunned for a moment, then shocked.

The first to react was Zenji Marui, a top student.

He said word by word, "If I remember correctly, Xiaohui's grades are all A's from the beginning to the present. y


Tian Suohui seems to have gotten all A's in his grades these days.

After all, Tian Suohui was sent an expulsion notice by the school before, and everyone in Jixing Liao was very concerned about her grades.

When I saw it before, I just felt happy for Tian Suohui, but now that I think about it, I feel incredible.

You know, she is Tian Suohui, and she is at the bottom of the list in her entrance examination results.

Now it can get the highest evaluation of all A's.

"Oh~ Then I want to see what Xiaohui's cooking tastes like." Xing Ping Chuangzhen folded his hands and sat on the chair.

He has only lived in the Jixing dormitory for a short time, so he doesn't know what happened before.

However, judging from the expressions of the crowd, Xiao Hui's culinary skills seem to be very strong.

As a result, he suddenly became interested. .

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