Han Yu then @ed Fulilian several times but she didn’t respond. She seemed to be fast asleep. Old Deng who always sleeps late is the most annoying!

And Bone King didn’t respond either. He was probably dealing with something outside, or maybe he was sleeping. But does Bone King need to sleep?

Han Yu lay on his back on the ground, looking at the clouds slowly floating in the sky. He yawned and slept leisurely for a while. He was not woken up until the evening by the chat group.

【Furong Wang:”@I’m just a salted fish. Sorry, I fell asleep before.”】

【Furong Wang:”Oh, by the way, the research I mentioned earlier on ripples and their further improvement has been successful.”】

【Furong Wang:”I have uploaded it to the chat group. If you are interested, you can download it.”】

【Furong Wang:”By the way, if you are not used to it, please don’t try it, otherwise it will explode!”

After Han Yu woke up, he saw the news about Fulilian. He searched for it in the group file.

“Red dragon scales and red dragon teeth? Why did the useless dragon upload these things?”

Han Yu found the scales and teeth of Lady when he was searching. Although he didn’t know what they could be used for, Han Yu wanted to ask Lady for some later.

After all, these things might be ordinary body tissues for Lady, but Lady is a red dragon. Although they are not good, the scales and teeth should be good for making equipment.

“Found it. The principle and modification conjecture of ripples. As expected of a two thousand year old magician, he has profound knowledge.”

Han Yu immediately used his points to decompress the obtained file, and a lot of knowledge suddenly appeared in his mind. What

Fulilian uploaded was not the modified method of ripples and breathing method, but the principle and various conjectures between the two. The first is the study of ripples.

After research, Fulilian found that the essence of ripples is not breathing, but the use of one’s own life energy.

After the life energy is condensed, it imitates the fluctuations of the sun, and the final form is called ripples.

But in fact, ripples do not simply refer to the energy of the sun. It is essentially a way of using one’s own life energy.

Ripples can condense life energy so that ordinary people cannot perceive the life energy that is randomly dissipated and condense it in the body.

This will strengthen the cells of your body, and the cells will have more life energy after they become stronger.

These excess life energies provide better nutrition for cells to make them stronger.

This is why the ripple messenger becomes stronger. At the same time, the stronger life energy also means that people are younger. According to the above virtuous cycle, people can become very long-lived.

【I’m just a salty fish:”@芙蓉王If it’s according to what you wrote in your file, can people achieve immortality by relying on ripples?”】

【King Hibiscus:”No, the human body will begin to weaken rapidly after a certain period of time. When the rate of weakening is greater than the rate of strengthening, the human body will enter a vicious cycle until death.”】

【Furong Wang:”So this method can delay aging, but it can’t make people immortal.”】

Fulilian has already passed on the ripples that she has studied and modified to improve life energy to Philen. She thinks that now Philen should be able to live a little longer. That’s right. One or two hundred years is just a little longer for Fulilian. It’s a unique concept of time for the immortal species.

Han Yu continued to study the contents of the file uploaded by Fulilian. After explaining the principle of the ripples, Fulilian finally began to explain her conjecture.

She believes that the current ripples are just a way of practice, a way to exercise and control one’s own life energy, but it lacks a systematic way of use.

Just like magic and magic, magic is the root and exercising it will make you stronger, but magic is indeed the embodiment of the power of magic.

If there is only magic but no magic, the power of magic cannot be exerted. If there is only magic but no magic, the power of magic cannot be displayed.

The ripples imitate the fluctuations of the sun because it is more in line with the fluctuations of human bodies. After all, people have been shining on the sun since they were born.

But that doesn’t mean that you can only imitate the sun. In fact, there are many ways to use ripples, and they can be biased towards various angles depending on the user.

For example, making the ripples extremely cold, making the ripples like the wind, making the ripples like light, these are all methods of use.

Han Yu’s understanding is that the ripple cultivation method is similar to the Tao in cultivation, and the method of use is similar to the magic. Only when both are combined can the effect be exerted.

According to different cognitions of each person, the developed ripples are also different.

The ripples developed by Fulilian are more inclined to the nature of magic.

‘If I combine the breathing technique with the ripples, can I create a thunder wave attack?

Han Yu suddenly thought that the Thunder Breathing and Thunder Breathing techniques are actually different. Each technique has its own variations. He will concentrate the power in different locations.

For example, Thunderbolt Flash is to concentrate the power completely in the feet and hands and burst out the strongest power in an instant.

If the ripples are used instead of the breathing technique, it means to concentrate the life energy in the hands and feet and then burst out to attack instantly.

Han Yu had guessed this before and had done some experiments.

【Hibiscus King:”@I’m just a salty fish. By the way, I forgot to mention something. Breathing is not the key. The key is the magic. Oh, I said it wrong. It’s the control of life energy.”】

【King Furong:”I will teach you some magic tricks. You can learn them.”】

【Group member ‘Hibiscus King’ uploaded some magic tips. 】

Han Yu chose to decompress and open it. A lot of knowledge suddenly appeared in his mind. The most important one was the suppression and control of magic.

The second method was to use magic to cover the whole body to form a layer of magic protection. This protection had to be turned on for a long time.

After Han Yu finished reading it, he had some ideas in his mind. He began to try. The first thing was to stimulate the ripples all over the body.

Han Yu used a special breathing method to breathe, using breathing to stimulate the body cells. Gradually, the body began to emit small yellow arcs.

If it is a normal attack, the ripples should be concentrated in the palms, soles, elbows, knees, and other small areas to maximize the condensation of the ripples.

But Han Yu dispersed the ripples throughout his body, contained them inside the body and let them flow.

“I’ll cut it!”

When Han Yu felt it, he drew his sword and saw a golden sword energy coming out, but it only flew a distance of more than ten meters before disappearing.

“Holy shit! An attack with lightning sword energy?!”

“No, it should be a sword attack with ripples!”

Han Yu’s sword shot out all the ripples condensed in his body, like water released from a floodgate, the ripples that were originally flowing in his body burst out at that moment.

However, the ripples did not disappear. As long as Han Yu was still alive, the ripples would continue to be generated. After all, this is the embodiment of life energy.

At this time, the ripples in the body have resumed flowing. Han Yu tried to cut himself with a knife. When the blade fell, the ripples emerged and began to resist.

The blade was only one centimeter away from the skin, but he couldn’t suppress it no matter what.

“Very good, I’ll go find Joseph to show off.”

Han Yu’s first thought was to find Joseph to show off his achievements. After all, you can’t expect a nobody to fight Muzan alone.


How do you know I have benefits and a full set of emoticons?


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