The attribute panel of Lady is too rubbish to look at, and he is a timid and untalented dragon, so the general methods cannot help him become stronger.

Han Yu thought of several methods, such as finding someone to build a mechanical armor for Lady. Who can compete with the Red Dragon Mecha?!

But later he thought about it and gave up. Lady’s intelligence value in the single digits is probably not enough to play with such a high-tech thing as the Red Dragon Mecha. Later he thought about giving him a set of magic inscriptions, directly engraved on the scales, automatic attack, automatic defense, plus auxiliary magic.

But this is difficult to implement. First of all, the dragon scales have a high magic resistance and it is difficult to engrave. Secondly, the workload is too large.

Han Yu thought about it and finally thought of the dragon attribute skills in Pokémon. These skills do not need to be over-learned. If you can do it directly, you can do it. If you don’t know it, you can’t. If you give it to Lady, it should… It can improve the combat effectiveness.

【I’m just a salted fish:”@Chuangshi Yangtuo has dragon attribute skills? Upload a few and see”】

【Genesis Alpaca:”There are quite a few dragon-attribute skills. What kind do you want?”】

【Fantasy:”Fantasy also has it. Fantasy has many, many skills.”】

“A red dragon should have melee skills, so the claw skill should be learned, followed by a defense skill, a strengthening skill, and finally a meteor shower to replace the fire-breathing skill.”

Han Yu calculated that if he gave Lady these equipment, she should be able to pretend to be a real dragon.

【I’m just a salted fish:”Dragon attribute meteor swarm, dragon claw, defense skills and strengthening skills are enough.”】

【Genesis Alpaca:”In that case, I suggest using Dragon Dance, Dragon Claw, and Meteor Swarm. It is better to use defensive skills to defend.”】

【I’m just a salted fish:”As expected of an old creator”】

【Group member ‘Creation Alpaca’ uploaded ‘Dragon Attribute Four Moves’】

【Group member ‘Meow’ uploaded ‘All Dragon-type moves’.

Meow can transform into any Pokémon and learn all Pokémon’s moves. This Mew looks like a genius.

【Fantasy:”Fantasy has many, many moves.”】

【I’m just a salted fish:”Dream match high!!!”】

【Wishing Star:”Dreamlike is so great!!!”】

【Naughty Trickster:”Dreamlike is awesome!!!”】


After downloading, Han Yu discovered that after learning dragon-attribute moves, he also gained corresponding Pokémon energy.

“Ah, could I be the legendary Pokémon, a real rookie!!!”

Han Yu felt that he could definitely become a trainer. He already had the physical qualities that a trainer should have.


【Different world chat group】

【I’m just salted fish:”@垃圾龙want a home, Leidi got it for you, attack, defense, buff, all aspects”】

【Group member ‘I’m just a salted fish’ uploaded ‘Four dragon-attribute moves’】

【Waste Dragon wants a home:”Thank you so much!!!”】


After Leddy downloaded it, a lot of knowledge suddenly appeared in his mind. He started to act on his own, starting with the Dragon Dance.

Leddy raised his short little hands and shook them left and right, left and right, left and right, and sang a little tune happily.

After the Dragon Dance was completed, Leddy used the Dragon Claw again. Three claw strikes flew out, leaving marks on the ground in the distance.

The last one was the meteor shower. Leddy raised his head and opened his mouth. Flames spewed out of his mouth, flew into the air, and exploded into small fireballs that fell to the ground.

“It’s so hot, so hot, so hot!!!”

Leidy’s throat was burned by the flames he spit out. He looked around for water to drink.

“Mr. Leddy, here.”

Mr. Dialiya used magic to summon water to extinguish the fire caused by Leddy, and washed Leddy’s body. Finally, he also erased the scars on the ground and restored the plants to life.

“He thanked Mr. Dialia.”

Although Leddy is a wimp, he can actually breathe fire, but he burns himself when he does it. I wonder why?


【Waste Dragon wants a home:”Thank you so much, Mr. Salty Fish. I not only swung my huge claws, but also spit out super powerful flames.”】

【Waste Dragon wants a home:”Now I can protect Xiaobi well!”】

【I’m just a salted fish:”Okay, as long as you think it’s okay”】


After Han Yu dealt with Lady’s matter, he was ready to start making his own Hou Yi bow. First, he used the blueprint to conjure up the bow.

“This drawing is quite detailed, with length, thickness, and even the angle of the arc marked.”

“What did Bone King do in the original world? Engineer?”

Han Yu was stunned when he saw the professional drawings. He originally thought that he only needed to draw a rough outline, but this drawing was too detailed.

Thunder Beast No. 1 Then Han Yu kept reading the drawings and began to twist back and forth. The shape of a bow gradually emerged, the bow body, the bowstring.

When the general shape was determined, Han Yu began to beautify his Hou Yi bow according to the marked small details.

In fact, this shape is already good, but it would be a waste if such a good drawing is not used to make a beautiful crossbow.

With Han Yu’s subtle adjustments, the bows and arrows became more and more beautiful, and various patterns, decorations, and fine lines emerged.

“I have never performed such a delicate operation before, so this time it was quite unexpected.”

When Han Yu used to transform, he just thought about it and then things appeared. These things were very rough, and you could even say that they only had the appearance.

The same was true for the arms that he transformed. You could only see the shape of the arms, and you couldn’t see the fingers clearly.

As Han Yu perfected it, he found���There are more problems. First of all, the appearance can be said to be perfect, but he now feels the emptiness inside.

“I only imitated the outside, but I don’t understand it internally. If I can complete it more completely, it might be more powerful.”

“But let’s talk about this later. Let’s go and try out the new bow and arrow first.”

Han Yu walked into the yard with the bow, looked around, and finally chose a peach about fifty meters away. This peach was rotten.

Hou Yi’s bow itself has no bow and arrow. When the bowstring is pulled, the energy will gather into a bow and arrow.

Han Yu pulled the bow and an arrow emerged. It is called an arrow, but it looks more like a wooden thorn, without any fine design.

Pull the bow and shoot the arrow.

In just a moment, the peach in the distance was shot and exploded, and the arrow also turned into energy and dissipated.

“Not bad, but still not enough, still needs to be adjusted.”

Han Yu felt that the bow was good enough as an ordinary bow and arrow, but it was not enough as his weapon, and it was far from enough.

Further adjustments and modifications were needed.


If anyone has seen the Dragon Clan Buying a House or Mr. Dragon Wants a Home, they all know that Lady’s attribute panel is all in single digits, and some are negative. By the way, the attribute values ​​seem to be in percentage.


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