After five or six days


“I’m going to take Zenitsu down the mountain today. I’ll leave the mountain to you. If there are crows coming to deliver messages, you can help me take them.”

After Kuwajima Jigoro got dressed, he took the Nichirin sword. He was going to take Zenitsu down the mountain to train. As a ghost hunter, he not only had to learn how to kill ghosts, but also how to adapt to the social and mountain environment.

“Go early and come back early.”

Han Yu yawned. He stayed up too late last night and woke up too early this morning. He was still shrouded in sleepiness.

“Senior brother, let’s go.”

Agatsuma Zenitsu didn’t cry and make a fuss this time. The process of going down the mountain for training didn’t require fighting. He mostly walked around and talked about various points of attention.

For example, how to hide the Sun Blade from being discovered, how to inquire about information everywhere, and how to gain the trust of those who were attacked by ghosts.

These didn’t require direct combat, and he could also go down the mountain to see the little sister. Agatsuma Zenitsu liked this very much.

Agatsuma Zenitsu and Kuwajima Jigoro went down the mountain together, leaving only Han Yu on the mountain.

【Different world chat group】

【Guichuzhen:”@I’m just a salted fish. As expected, the bow and arrow blessing is completed, the strength blessing, the speed blessing, the luck blessing, as well as the power, the accuracy, and most importantly, the holy purification blessing.”】

【Guichuzhen:”But this bow is too heavy now. It takes Aqua and I to lift it.”】

【Group member ‘鬼畜真’ sent ‘后义弓·改升级’ to ‘我是咸鱼’’】

【I’m just a salted fish:”The key is to exert its power. After all, I am a man who wants to shoot the sun. How can I shoot without a big bow?”

Han Yu received the Hou Yi bow. The moment he held it, he felt that the weight seemed to have doubled. The appearance was also a little different.

The bow body turned into a dull color, the lines disappeared, and the bowstring became very thin, looking like a worn-out old bow.

“I have heard that divine objects are dim and precious treasures are lightless. I created you bit by bit, but now you are pretending to be me.”

Han Yu changed the appearance of his double again to make it exactly the same as the bow and arrow at this time, and then began to inject ripple energy.

The bow and arrow burned instantly like flames touching hot oil when they came into contact with the ripple energy. The originally dull bow began to emit golden light.

The bowstring also became thicker, and the whole bow and arrow could faintly make the sound of thunder.

Han Yu pulled the bow with one hand, pulling the bowstring with all his strength, but he could only pull it halfway before he was unable to pull it any further.

“Oh, the improvement is quite great.”

Han Yu’s body was filled with ripples and his strength increased again. He slowly pulled the bow to its full length, but he did not gather any arrows and just fired them in vain.


With a loud roar, objects near and in front of Han Yu were destroyed by the huge impact force. This was just the empty bow.

“”Not bad, not bad, really not bad.”

Han Yu was very satisfied with the power of the bow and arrow. What he showed at this moment was just the tip of the iceberg. If he used his full strength, he really didn’t know how powerful it would be.

However, this was not the final form. Han Yu still wanted to adjust it again.

【Daily chat group】

【I’m just a salted fish:”@齐木楠子齐木 I’ll treat you to donuts, help me see if there is any place where the bow can be strengthened”】

Han Yu gave the specialty donuts he exchanged for peaches and Hoopa to Saiki Kusuo. This specialty donut was particularly delicious.

【Saiki Kusunoko:”Although I am just an ordinary psychic, but… I may be able to help a little bit.”】

‘Ordinary’, yes, an ordinary person who can modify reality, travel through time and space, and destroy the world.

Compared to this, Tornado, a superpower, is not worthy of being called ordinary.

【Doctor:”What are you doing? The doctor wants to play too. Take the doctor with you to play.”】

【I’m just a salted fish:”Doctor, stop making trouble, I’ll give you a lollipop”】

【Doctor:”It’s delicious, but can the doctor really help?”】

【I’m just salted fish:”I’m making a bow and arrow, a real lethal bow and arrow, the doctor doesn’t like to make this kind of thing”】

Although the doctor is a seven-year-old genius inventor, she is still a child after all. Compared with those great inventions, she prefers to invent fun things, such as bamboo dragonflies, animal dialogue bows, cotton candy making machines, etc.

As for lethal weapons, the doctor is not unable to make them, but she doesn’t like and doesn’t want to make them.

【Doctor:”Yes, the doctor doesn’t like making this”】

【Doctor:”But the doctor wants to help, the doctor wants to help, let the doctor help”】

Children are like this. When they encounter something, they want to show themselves, but after trying a few times, they will give up immediately if they find it troublesome.

Han Yu thought about it and realized that the doctor was really good, but he couldn’t give her the bow and arrow. He might as well give the blueprint to the doctor and let her see it.

【I’m just a salted fish:”Okay, give this drawing to the doctor, and help me find out if there are any deficiencies. If you can find them, I’ll give you snacks.”】

【Group member ‘I’m just a salted fish’ launched a ‘Hou Yi bow blueprint’ attack on ‘Doctor’’】

【Doctor:”Leave it to the doctor, the doctor will definitely find the problem.”】

Probably after ten minutes.

【Doctor:”This blueprint is very beautiful, but the doctor found several problems. The bow and arrow made in this way will not be very powerful.”】


Han Yu didn’t expect that the doctor actually found it. You know, this bow and arrow was made by several people. Most of the problems should have been solved.

【I’m just a salted fish:”The doctor is amazing, let’s talk about it in detail”】

【Doctor:”It’s like this, like that, and like this. That’s probably what it means. Do you understand?”】

【I’m just a salted fish:”Well, I didn’t understand”】

The doctor is indeed a genius. Everything she said was biased towards the flow of thoughts. It was completely what she thought it should be, but she was right.

Although Han Yu understood clearly, he also understood the general meaning. After all, it was hard not to understand what the doctor said and did.

The general meaning was that the design of the bow and arrow itself was problematic. The bow and arrow that looked like this could not exert its maximum power.

It should be designed according to the current popular bow and arrow design scheme.

Han Yu suddenly realized at that time that it was right for him to use the plan of Hou Yi’s bow at the beginning, but he misunderstood one thing.

That is, the main body of Hou Yi’s bow is a special prop in the world of Bone King. There are many props in the world of Bone King, such as so-called world blessings and blessings. The important thing about those weapons is the effect rather than the weapon itself, so it is wrong to imitate the other party’s appearance.

It is enough to just imitate the design principle and magic of the other party.

Hou Yi’s bow itself is just an old-fashioned bow and arrow style. Such a bow and arrow is far less powerful than the current bow and arrow.


In fact, bows and arrows are used instead of guns because guns are rather out of place in this kind of hot-blooded battle series, so bows and arrows were used to adapt. In fact, the effect is the same.


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