“Yu Hu was killed, so can my ranking be upgraded to a higher level?”

After learning that Yu Hu was killed, Da Ji’s first reaction was that she could upgrade. It must be said that all of Da Ji’s attribute points were put on her appearance and figure, and she really didn’t have any points on intelligence.

“You stupid sister, Yu Hu was killed at such a close distance, and we didn’t hear any sound of fighting.”

“This means that the opponent killed Yu Hu in an instant. This time, the enemy is a man who is far superior to the pillars he encountered before.”

Jifu Taro sensed the danger and immediately came out of Dakimaki’s body. The first thing he did after coming out was to scan the surroundings.

After eliminating several hidden golden sparrows,

“Use your ribbon to dig down. Let’s hide down there and see what happens first.”

Jifutaro chose what he thought was the wisest option, which was to hide temporarily and let others become the target.

They would observe the traces left by the enemy’s attack to judge how to fight.

“It’s over, it’s over, someone has been killed, I will be killed next, I don’t want to die, I don’t want to die!”

Hantiangou hid himself deeper, his body never stopped shaking, his face was full of fear and tears

“The opponent is stronger than we thought. We have no choice but to merge directly.”

“Hey! I think it’s OK”

“I don’t want to merge now.”

“It’s so hard to act on my own, I don’t want to merge.”

Although these are just Hantengu’s clones, they all have their own thoughts, and not all of them want to merge again.

But under the compulsion of accumulated anger, they had to merge again, and finally formed the real Upper Four, Apoku Ten.

Although Hantengu is very rookie, it does not prevent him from being led by a big boss.

Apoku Ten has the ability to control a giant wooden dragon, and also has the ability to attack with sound waves, lightning, shock waves, etc.

He can be said to be the ultimate wizard who combines attack, defense, control, and summoning, and his own physical combat power is definitely not weak.

However, his success is also due to his original body. Because of the existence of his original body, he gained the ability to survive by beheading, but also because of his original body, he had the most fatal weakness.

At this time, Apoku Ten controlled the wood to make a sphere to protect Hantengu’s original body. He looked around vigilantly.

“Yuhu is dead too, wuwuwu, two acquaintances died in one day, I am so sad.”

Douma still pretended to be sad, and then he began to arrange defenses. He also judged the threat of the attack just now.

He waved the fan in his hand to create a little ice man with a body about the height of his waist and the same appearance as him.

This little ice man can not only find enemies by himself, but also use 447 Douma’s blood demon art to attack. The strength is weaker than his original body.

Douma continued to make four, a total of five little ice men. They scattered to find possible enemies.

After Douma made the little ice man, he made a huge ice Buddha statue, and he hid in the Buddha statue.

This Buddha statue has a strong defense. When an attack comes, the hard ice is the first layer of defense, followed by the freezing brought by the ice, which is the second layer of defense.

At the same time, Douma can also move inside the ice Buddha at any time to attack and make more ice defenses. This is the third layer of defense

“These guys reacted very quickly. When they learned that their companions were killed, they immediately hid and defended.”

“It will become increasingly difficult to fight from now on.”

Joseph sensed their actions and spoke up.

“Don’t worry, we have plenty of time to play with them slowly, but they may not have this world to delay with us, and my target is not them.”

After Han Yu finished speaking, he took Joseph and used the Flying Thunder God Technique to move to other places again, although the other party did not seem to notice.

But shooting and moving to another place is a professional quality. Han Yu did not understand the meaning, but still thought it was better to do it.

Not long after Han Yu left, Big Eyes came to investigate.

Although his attack was fast, it would also leave a lot of traces. Whether it was the dazzling arrows, the roar and the thunder in the sky, they would be exposed to a certain extent.


The next second after the big eyeball appeared, the golden sparrow hiding in the tree canopy jumped out and ate it directly, using the ripples to eliminate it.

“Master Muzan, the other party has disappeared again.”

Mingnu had just released her eyes and they were eaten. The only information she got was that the person was not here.

“Do you want to call back the upper rank?”

Mingnu asked

“No need.”

Muzan Kibutsuji said. He didn’t care about the death of the upper rank, he only cared about whether he could kill the enemy, he only cared about whether the enemy would threaten him.

At this time, Muzan Kibutsuji sensed the crisis from Han Yu. He imagined that if one day he was walking outside.

And this mysterious enemy had already aimed at him silently in the dark. When the enemy attacked.

Can he dodge? Or can he recover after being attacked?

The more Muzan Kibutsuji thought about it, the more afraid he became. The more he insisted on life, the more he feared death.

After Han Yu took Joseph to another location using the Flying Thunder God Technique, he connected his vision to the sparrow he had released.

“Who will be the next target?”

“Hmm? The siblings of Upper Six are gone, but the life wave shows that they are still there. Are they getting more?”

Han Yu found that he could not see Daki in the line of sight monitored by his sparrows, so he asked a few sparrows to fly over to check.

However, when the sparrows approached, they were immediately killed by the silk ribbons. His sparrows could not fly over at this time.

“Joseph, check if the position of target number three has moved?”

Han Yu asked Joseph. Although he could also detect it roughly based on the life ripples, it was not as accurate as Joseph’s reading. At this time, he still carefully confirmed it.

“No one moved, still in the same place. No one else moved either, but it seemed that a few small things appeared.”

Joseph looked at the map that he had read out and saw a few smaller stones on it. Those were the little ice men that Douma had released.

“Don’t worry about those. I’ve seen them. They are puppets released by the other party. They are now entangled by my sparrows.”

Han Yu has mobilized the sparrows to besiege. Although the little ice man can also use blood ghost magic, his body is made of ice after all.

It is well known that water can transmit ripples, and ice should be able to do so. Han Yu let the sparrows attack in a suicidal manner, and then transmit the scattered ripples into it to directly melt the little ice man.

“Do you still need to be so vigilant when you are so powerful? I feel that with the strength you showed when fighting Kaz before, it would be easy to kill them.”

Joseph asked in confusion. Although he usually likes to fight with wits, it is mainly because he cannot match the hard power of the Pillar Men.

The fragile body of human beings is too fragile compared to the immortal body of the Pillar Men. If you are not careful, you will die.

“It is never wrong to be cautious, and I am not very experienced. I am just a salted fish. I was just lucky last time.”

Everyone knows it. The chat group status, salted fish, newbie, rookie, trash, giant, big boss, is arranged from top to bottom.

Han Yu does have a faster solution, but now there is such a good opportunity to practice actual combat, he also wants to hone his stand-in attack.

In such a short time, he found several problems. The first is the sense of crisis. The opponent will feel the crisis and cannot achieve silent assassination.

The second is that the impact of the attack is too great, which easily exposes his position. However, this problem is because he attacks according to the breathing method, and only needs to adjust it.

The third one is because of the stand-in. He will find a way to change the gold color of Thunder Beast No. 2 into a better camouflage color, such as an ordinary sparrow during the day and black at night.

At the same time, give them some camouflage breath ability, so that they are less likely to be discovered.

“I don’t believe you, stop gossiping, who is the next target?”

Joseph didn’t believe what Han Yu said at all. He thought Han Yu must have other ideas, but he just didn’t say it.

“Well, let’s choose this Zenbotian.”

Han Yu chose Zenbotian

“Is this guy weak? Why do I feel like he’s hard to beat?”

Joseph looked at the huge wooden dragon surrounding the other party and felt that the other party didn’t seem to be very weak. This guy is hard to beat.

“He is indeed not weak, but I think he is more interesting, and I think his skills are cool so I want to learn them.”

The reason why Han Yu chose Zeng Potian was very simple, it was simply because he was greedy for his skills.

He mobilized the sparrows to besiege Zeng Potian and observed the opponent’s attack method. (To read the exciting novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Zeng Potian watched the sparrows that had been quiet for a long time attack again, and he immediately mobilized the wooden dragon to attack. The winding wooden dragon hit the sparrow and scattered it.

At the same time, the wooden dragon continued to emit lightning, sound waves, and shock waves to attack, and a large number of sparrows continued to die.

“What’s going on? Why are the frequency and number of attacks so much higher? Is the enemy targeting me this time?”

Zeng Botian immediately determined that the sparrow attack was just a precursor, and the enemy’s real attack was still to come. He protected his body more closely.

At the same time, he eliminated the sparrows more quickly.

He knew that these sparrows were the enemy’s eyes and ears. As long as these sparrows were eliminated, the enemy would not be able to see and sense what was happening here.

As long as the enemy could not sense it, that kind of ultra-long-range attack would not work.

“My Hermit Purple has passed, should I control him now?”[]

Joseph’s Hermit Purple has spread over. At this moment, he can detonate the Hermit Purple with just a thought. However, using it multiple times has consumed his physical strength a bit.

“Don’t worry, I haven’t learned them all yet.”

Han Yu wanted to learn the opponent’s sonic attack and shock wave, but the most important thing was the wood dragon transformation and the wood dragon’s ability to launch sonic waves, lightning, and shock waves.

Han Yu, who had mirror neurons, quickly copied the sonic attack and shock waves, and at the same time, the ripples also penetrated the wood dragon, so he could now transform.

Moreover, the sound waves and shock waves copied by the mirror neurons were released using life energy, which means they could be released using ripples.

Han Yu is now copying the way to use the wood dragon to release skills. After learning it, his Thunder Beast No. 2 can also release skills.

“Hey man, please hurry up, I can’t hold on any longer. Both the extension of the Stand and the burst of ripples will consume a lot of my energy.”

“I’m not a freak of physical strength like you who is weaker than a cow.”

Joseph was already complaining. His physical strength was indeed much stronger than that of ordinary people, but it also had its limits. He was already very tired.

“You planted so many Senzu beans and you still have the nerve to say you are tired. It’s as funny as if you were the owner of a sex toy store and you were still a virgin.”

Han Yu said.

Joseph only then remembered that he brought Senzu beans with him. He took one out and put it in his mouth. After he chewed it, his energy was restored and he was full of strength.

“This thing is really useful!”

Although it was not the first time, Joseph was still surprised that this small bean could provide such a huge amount of energy.

“Single dog, do you want to take one?”

Joseph said

“Just wait, I will build a big harem sooner or later, and then I will laugh at you, old man, every day.”

Han Yu decided that he must build a big harem in the future, full of girls, the kind that he would play with one and throw two.

It’s not for showing off, just because there are so many girls.

“Okay, let’s do it.”

Han Yu had already learned how to use the Wood Dragon’s skills, and had also locked onto the opponent’s position. Now he could attack.

“Okay, watch out, full power hermit purple wave sprint!”

After eating the magic beans, Joseph not only replenished his physical strength, but also became so strong that he was about to overflow. At this time, he converted all of this into ripples.

This explosion was far greater than the previous ones, and the control was also more solid, even the surrounding wooden dragons were motionless.


Accompanied by a huge thunder, a golden light shot out at an extremely fast speed, instantly piercing through the body of Zeng Potian, and at the same time directly obliterating the hidden body.

Although the body was obliterated, Zeng Potian did not disappear for the time being. His body was slowly disintegrating, and at the same time, he stared expressionlessly at the direction where the arrow came from.

“Hmm! Another one died. This time the opponent is too scary. I have to run away with my stupid sister.”

After Jifu Taro judged that he might not be the opponent, he immediately wanted to run away with Daki. As for Muzan Kibutsuji’s order, it could be put second.

“”Wow, another person has died.”

Douma cried and felt a greater sense of crisis. At the same time, he also felt that his little ice man had been destroyed.

“We are not fighting now, what will you do, Master Muzan? Abandon us, or take us back?”

“Hehehe, this is really interesting.”

Although Douma knew that he might be the next person to die, he could no longer feel the slightest fear.

“Master Muzan, Hantengu of Upper Rank Four is also dead.”

Miracle reported

“Trash, all trash!”

Muzan Kibutsuji’s sense of crisis became more and more serious, and his emotions became irritable, and he directly cursed.

Mingnu lowered her head and was silent for a moment, then said:”What should we do next? Should we bring back the remaining upper strings?”

Muzan Kibutsuji sat down again and calmed down for a long time before saying:”Bring it back.” Mingnu plucked the strings in her hand, and immediately, windows of the Infinite City appeared near Douma and Gitaro, and they could enter the Infinite City through them.


The prostitute Taro and Daki immediately entered.

“”Hehe, Master Muzan, I am so touched.”

Douma said.

When the door was about to close after he entered, a golden sparrow flew in at the fastest speed and followed them into the Infinite City.

“Found it.”

Han Yu suddenly said

“What did you find?”

Joseph looked at the target that suddenly disappeared on the map. He was still confused when he heard Han Yu’s words. He asked

“Of course, we have found the other party’s hometown. Next, we will start to steal the home.”

Han Yu then briefly told Joseph about the Infinite City and Muzan Kibutsuji, and then he controlled the sparrows that had sneaked into the Infinite City to hide quietly.

Joseph immediately understood after listening to Han Yu’s description that if he was in another space, his telepathy might not be effective, and he would need to develop this aspect of telepathy in the future.

He also understood why Han Yu played slowly. It turned out that he was deliberately waiting for the other party’s support and then took the opportunity to steal the home.

“What should we do next? How about I get a bomb and you throw it in with the Flying Thunder God Technique? We can just clean up the place.”

Joseph said

“You are such a bad guy, but I like it hehehe.”

Han Yu also thought so, using Flying Thunder God to shuttle over and fight the opponent? How is it possible? Let’s not talk about Mingnu’s ability to control the Infinite City, just say that with such an advantage, a head-on confrontation?

Can you play games? This is the first time for him, Old Han, to fight such a rich battle.


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