Bone King looked at the teasing words in the chat group and was inexplicably moved. Although he seemed safe since he came to this world, he was very panicked.

【The Bone of the Sin Realm finally became the King:”Although I look like this, I am actually a good person. I have never hurt anyone.”】

【The useless dragon wants a home:”I know, although I am a dragon, I have never fought with anyone.”】

【I am just a salted fish:”I also understand that although I am a salted fish, it means that I am just a salted fish.”】

【Guichuzhen:”I understand that too. Although I am still sleeping in the stable now, it doesn’t mean I will always sleep in the stable in the future. I will definitely become a powerful adventurer!”】

【Furong Wang:”@cutereddeer, how old are you?”】

【Cute Red Deer:”Fifty years old!”】

【Furong Wang:”Really? It’s still a baby.”】

【Cute Red Deer:”??? How old are you?”】

【King Furong:”Less than 2,000 years old.”】

【Cute Red Deer:”Hey!”】

【The Bone of the Sin Realm finally became the King:”Two thousand years old is amazing!”】

【Guichuzhen:”Can people really live for 2,000 years?!”】

【I’m just salted fish:”She is not a human, she is an elf”】

【Waste Dragon wants a home:”Actually, I am over 50 years old.”】

As we all know, even a small group of six people can be divided into two factions. There are two factions in this group right now. They are Han Yu, Bone King, Kazuma, and Fei Long in the playful group.

There is also the longevity group, Fulilian, and Malu, who are seriously discussing magic.

【I’m just a salted fish:”I’m not going to chat with you guys anymore, I’m going to buy some magic to learn”】

Han Yu opened the file and clicked on the defensive magic collection. Although it was a collection, it only took 10 points to unzip it.

The small files in the following part need to be unzipped.

There are many magics in the defensive magic collection. Han Yu selected them by reading the introduction written by the system, and finally chose the most basic defensive magic.

After Han Yu purchased it, knowledge about defensive magic appeared in his mind, as well as things about the refinement of magic power.

A weak magic power appeared in Han Yu’s body. With Han Yu’s breathing, this magic power was like a flame, slowly burning.

He stretched out his hand and constructed a hexagon according to the knowledge of defensive magic. This is the simplest application of defensive magic.

According to the knowledge transmitted by Fulilian, this defensive magic is the most basic and the most complete. Basic does not mean weak.

Most of the magicians in her world are still using this kind of defense, but some have begun to use solid element defense.

However, as an old-school magician, Fulilian still thinks that this basic defensive magic is the most applicable.

The basis of defensive magic is the hexagon, but you can adjust it according to your own knowledge to make it more complex and have higher defense.

But there are also problems. Such complex defense magic will slow down the construction speed and consume more magic power.

Han Yu looked at the suspended hexagon in his palm. It only lasted for about ten seconds before the hexagonal shield disappeared.

He felt the magic power that was slowly increasing.

‘My magic power is improving smoothly, am I a magic genius?! ‘

Han Yu felt that being a warrior was a waste, he looked like a noble wizard, and being a poor warrior was not suitable for him.


In Fulilian’s world,

Fulilian is shopping with Philen to buy supplies for the trip, but her mission is to not go out of line and buy things randomly.

It is actually Philen who is buying the supplies.

“Hey, this wave is very interesting, it’s a bit like magic, but different.”

As a magician who is almost 2,000 years old, she saw the essence of the wave at a glance and compared it with magic.

“Compared to magic, this wave is more like the magic of the goddess.”

Flillian quickly learned the wave, and a faint golden lightning flashed on her palm. This was when she suppressed it.

If it was fully released, as a two thousand year old Deng, the vitality was terrifying, and the wave would be terrifying. If it was fully released, Fulillian said that she could not become the burning sun Fulillian!

【King Hibiscus:”By the way, those with dark attributes please don’t learn this wave, as the forces will repel each other.”】

【The Bone of the Sin Realm finally became the King:”The person is in the cemetery, he has exploded, he is very honest!”】

【Cute Red Deer:”I am now learning the magic uploaded by Fulilian, and I don’t have points to learn Ripple”】

【Guichuzhen:”Ahem, me too”】

Kazuma now regrets why he bought those other magics. It was so stupid. It would have been better if he bought an attack magic.

【Waste dragon wants a home:”Eh? @Hibiscus King Elf Grandma, have you learned it? Why can’t I learn it?”】

Lady is very clear about his own strength. His attribute panel is terribly low. He can’t learn magic. He might as well try ripples.

But after buying it, Lady found that he couldn’t learn it at all. It was obviously only in his mind, but his body couldn’t learn it.

【Furong Wang:”Angry and puffy mouth·jpg”】

【King Hibiscus:”Don’t call me Elf Grandma, I’ll get angry!”】

【The Waste Dragon wants a home:”Yes! Can you tell me why, Elf Sister?”】

【Furong Wang:”Happily holding my head high·jpg”】

【King Hibiscus:”It should be that the power systems in different worlds are different. Your place is not compatible with the power of ripples. Why don’t you try to learn my magic?”】

【I’m just a salted fish:”There is such a thing as incompatibility? How come I didn’t notice it?”】

【The Bone of the Sin Realm finally became the King:”The person is in the cemetery, and it has exploded!”】


Han Yu felt that there was no problem. He felt that there was nothing wrong with his body. On the contrary, it became better because of the nourishment of magic power.


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