Zongman: I Travel Through Countless Worlds At The Same Time

74. Ravenclaw's Diadem And Voldemort's Memory

Higashino Yu looked at the room as big as a church in front of him, and there were piles of objects everywhere, some of which were as high as a hill, and his face was bewildered.

Needless to say, these accumulated objects must be the masterpieces of Hogwarts students of all ages.

But although it's not the kind I want, but fortunately, it's also secret enough to be used here.

So he directly communicated with the demon in his body.

"Hey! Partner, come out to pick up customers!"


The mighty and majestic lion in the consciousness space gave a big yawn humanely, then slowly stood up while shaking his head.

After seeing Yu Higashino standing in front of him clearly, he opened his mouth slowly.

"Partner, what do you want me for?"

Facing the hot air emitted by Huang Golden Lion while speaking, Higashino Yu held his hands in front of his chest~ not afraid at all.

"It's nothing, since the two of us are used together as one, you should let me know what abilities you have!"

"Hmm...that makes sense, then use your eyes to take a good look at my abilities-- let's go!"

Huang Golden Lion pondered for two seconds, and then his whole body erupted violently. The terrifying aura directly ejected Higashino Yuu from the mental space. When his consciousness returned to his body, he suddenly saw a huge male lion standing beside him, which was three meters high and ten meters long. The whole body is golden, and the whole body seems to be poured with gold, even at night, the golden light is still shining.


Facing the front, the Yellow Golden Lion suddenly let out a loud roar, and the terrifying sound wave exploded in front of the two of them like a thunderbolt. Immediately, the sound wave expanded like lightning, and there was only a loud bang. Then it exploded, countless tables, chairs and benches, magical props burst into pieces, flying in mid-air eloquently, as if hit by a bomb

However, this is just the beginning. After the explosion, a terrifying air wave rolled into the distance, and all the collections where the air wave passed were all blown upside down, like a wolf-toothed flying saucer.

The props were so frightened that they screamed and flew around.

The roar of Huang Golden Lion is so terrifying.

"I still have Cero here, do you want to try it?"

Looking down at his partner beside him, a hoarse and thick voice rang in Higashino Yu's ear.

"No...no need!"

Higashino Yu quickly shook his head, joking, the power of a roar has such an effect, if it makes a Cero again, I am afraid that the Response Library will be directly penetrated by it.

At that time, it was Higashino Yu who was in trouble.

"It's okay, I...huh?"

Huang Golden Lion had just finished speaking, when he suddenly raised his head and looked towards the corner not far away.

"that is not!"

Following Huang Golden Lion's gaze, Higashino Yuu also saw the objects in the corner that were constantly being clanged and bumped, his face froze.

An unknown metal is inlaid with a huge shining sapphire, and there are countless small gemstones inlaid around the sapphire. From a distance, it looks like an eagle with wings spread out.

Ravenclaw's diadem.

Originally, Higashino Yu thought that it would take him some time in the future to find this thing like in the original book, but he didn't expect that it would take no effort at all now.

The emerald green tornado rose from under the crown out of thin air, and carried the crown to Yu Higashino.

Gently wiped off the dust on the crown, and looked at the words on the crown, "Extraordinary wisdom is the greatest wealth of mankind." ("Wit beyond measure is man's greatest treasure.") He did not choose to put it on his head recklessly, but looked up at Yellow Golden Lion.

"Partner, do you have a way to get that thing out of the crown without destroying it?"

"Of course, it's an easy thing to do."

Huang Golden Lion nodded slightly showing a humane smile, and then directly turned into a streamer and rushed into the crown.

In the next second, the crown hummed.

It can be said that even if Dumbledore wanted to destroy the soul inside the crown, it would be difficult to do so. Perhaps this is why Voldemort chose to make the diadem a Horcrux in the first place.

If it is an ordinary diary, it will be destroyed and no one will feel distressed, but the crown of Calvin Claw is different. It not only has important practical significance, but also has a terrifying commemorative significance.

This is a Ravenclaw relic, and if it is destroyed, it is likely to become a sinner in history.

But they never imagined that there would be such an outlier as Higashino Yuu in the magic world.

The soul problem that is difficult to solve for others is not a problem at all in Higashino Yu's view.

Just as Higashino Yuu was thinking wildly, the buzzing sound of the crown in his hand suddenly stopped, and the next second, Huang Golden Lion reappeared in front of him, and he hiccupped heavily.

...asking for flowers......

"Okay, I've already taken care of the guy here, but I think this thing should be useful to you, so I'll leave it for you."

While speaking Huang Golden Lion spit out a golden ball of light at him.

The ball of light fluttered and fell directly between his eyebrows, and in the next second it went directly into his mind. Immediately, Yu Higashino felt that he had more memories that should not have existed.

"This is?"

Holding his swollen eyebrows, he looked at Huang Golden Lion with a puzzled expression.

"This is the magic that Voldemort learned before making this Horcrux, and his talent.

"Magic and talent? This thing won't have any effect on me!"

Higashino Yu was a little worried when he was rubbing the center of his eyebrows.

"Don't worry, it won't. After my refinement, this is an ordinary memory. You can treat it as a martial arts secret book stored in a jade slip in a fantasy novel. It won't have any negative impact on you. You and I originally It's one, and if something goes wrong with you I'll die too, so I won't give you things that could harm you.

Huang Golden Lion opened and closed his mouth wide, and then got into his body directly after speaking.

"Is that...?"

Nodding silently, Higashino Yuu pulled out his wand casually, and waved lightly at the Spike flying saucer in front of him like a blessing. In an instant, the Spike flying saucer turned into a pot of orchids, and the ear-piercing screams stopped silently.


Looking at the magic wand in his hand and looking at the orchids in front of him, Yu Higashino realized how precious the gift Huang Golden Lion gave him was.

According to the original book, the use of Ravenclaw's diadem to make Horcruxes happened after Voldemort graduated from school and his initial application to be a Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry was rejected.

That is, in 1946, at this time, he hadn't started to study black magic, but the magic taught in the school was basically excellent.

"That is to say...my current magic level can completely graduate from Hogwarts?"

Looking at his hands, Higashino Yu was in a daze for a while.

If you have the ability to graduate on the first day of school, I am afraid that even a fan novel would not dare to write like that. Guang!.

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