"Who are you?"

Seeing this man, Higashino Yu raised his head slightly and was taken aback. Although I don't know what the other party is here for, but as long as the beam is not formed, it will not prevent Higashino Yuu from giving the other party a smiling face.

"Marcus, Marcus Flint, Captain and Chaser of Slytherin Quidditch. Of course, a Mudblood like you probably doesn't even know what Quidditch is. Marcus proud He raised his head and laughed, and the followers behind him also laughed loudly.


The smile on Higashino Yu's face gradually disappeared, and he looked at Marcus with a bit of seriousness: "This is not a good thing, if you apologize to me, I can let the past go, otherwise, I'm afraid your dean will save you when he comes. Not you."

Marcus laughed, showing his buck teeth, but his expression was gloomy, like a boa constrictor staring at its prey

"Don't even think about it, Mudblood! A Mudblood is a Mudblood, don't think that being able to enter Hogwarts means you are equal to us.

"Yes, a Mudblood is a Mudblood."

"31 Hogwarts shouldn't be recruiting Mudbloods, let them fend for themselves outside."

The group of teenagers following behind kept clamoring, apparently they didn't think Higashino Yu alone could deal with them.


A violent storm erupted from Higashino Yuu's body in an instant, and even the glass of the auditorium in the distance was rattled by the strong wind. At this moment, not only the students, but even the teacher raised their heads involuntarily.

Several deans subconsciously looked at Dumbledore's position in the middle, but there was no other figure there.

"What happened?"

"Is there an enemy invasion?"

"Are you kidding? This is Hogwarts. There is no safer place in England than this."

The whole auditorium was in chaos.

At the critical moment, Professor McGonagall, the vice-principal, quickly stood up.

"Everyone be quiet!"

Under the blessing of magic, the small voice is like a huge loudspeaker, which can easily suppress everyone's voice.

Looking at the students sitting quietly in their seats, Professor McGonagall nodded in satisfaction and said:

"The prefects of each college organized the students present to be quiet and not to run around, and wait for us to come back.

After speaking, he took the rest of the teachers and walked quickly towards the place where the movement happened just now.

Because only Dumbledore can apparate at Hogwarts, they can only use it.

"Oh~ Merlin's beard, what happened here?"

As soon as Dumbledore appeared at the scene, he saw a group of young Slytherin wizards lying on the ground in disarray, groaning unceasingly. Several of them were seriously injured, blood was scattered all over the ground, and at the same time, several of them were injured. His school uniform was dyed darker.

And in front of them, a little wizard wearing a Ravenclaw College wizard robe stood quietly, the gust of wind whistling on his body, which had not completely dissipated.

Dumbledore hurriedly used the Restoration Curse on several people to stop the bleeding, and at the same time waved his patron saint to the school hospital to find Mrs. Pangley.

Then he set his sights on Higashino Yuu.

"I remember you are Yu Tono from Ravenclaw, right. Can you tell me what happened here?"

"You actually remember me?" Higashino Yu looked up in surprise.

You must know that there are many students in Hogwarts. He didn't expect that he would be remembered by Dumbledore as an ordinary little wizard.

"In fact, I remember all the little wizards in Hogwarts. Including those who graduate every year." Dumbledore smiled.

"Then you are really good."

"Oh, this... this... this... what the hell is going on here?"

While talking, a group of teachers in the hall also came out, and Teacher Qiluo, who was covered in garlic fragrance, stuttered and yelled and almost fainted after watching this scene.

"Yu! What's going on, what happened here?"

Professor Flitwick, the head of Ravenclaw, looked at the only person standing in front of him and ran over with short legs and asked hurriedly.

"In fact, there is no need to say much about the matter here, Professor Flitwick, it is obvious that our Mr. Higashino joined the wrong house. He should go to Gryffindor. Not the knowledge-hungry Ravenclaw."

Snape looked at the scene in front of him with a cold expression and a sneer.

"Or, for a student like Mr. Higashino, who already has graduate-level abilities, we can allow him to graduate early?"

"Impossible! Severus! For thousands of years, we have never had an example of a young wizard graduating early after just two days of school."

Professor Flitwick said directly, almost without thinking.

"However, Hogwarts has never had an example of a young wizard hitting a group of senior seniors just after two days of class, and there are even fifth-grade students among them."

Looking at Marcus lying unconscious on the ground, Snape looked even colder.

"If Mr. Higashino agrees, I don't mind if she joins Gryffindor." The older cat girl looked at Higashino Yuu with a soft smile, and didn't feel that the matter in front of her was serious at all.

In fact, it is true.

Compared with the wounds in the world of Harry Potter that can't be healed without counter-spells, the injuries caused by Higashino Yuu can only be regarded as ordinary "bruises".

That's right, it is the "bruises" that can be effectively treated only by dripping white fresh juice.

"Don't even think about it, Minerva, Yu is from our college and has been with our college all his life. He has always been a great guy in my eyes." Professor Flitwick said loudly without any hesitation. Don't stand up and kick Professor McGonagall 407's knee.

Higashino Yu was amused by this lovely teacher and then slowly raised his head to look at everyone.

"Professors, can I say a few words?"

"Oh? What's your opinion, Mr. Higashino? Could it be that you describe to us how you bullied the seniors?"

Professor Snape said that the corners of his mouth twitched here too, a large group of 2nd, 34th and 5th graders were beaten and maimed by a first grader, it was a shame to throw it at grandma's house.

"They call me a Mudblood."

The sound is not loud, but it is clearly transmitted to the ears of several people.

For a moment, no matter it was Professor McGonagall or Professor Flitwick, even Professor Sprout, who had been silent since just now, changed his face and exclaimed: "Merlin's beard! They... .how can they say this!"

And Professor Snape's expression turned extremely ugly, looking at the students who fell on the ground with murderous intent on their faces.

"Did you...really say that?"

"I....I didn't....he lied to the professor...."

Seeing Snape's appearance at this time, a few students who hadn't suffered any injuries and were not sober quickly retorted.

They had only been in school for one year, and when they usually talked about Mudblood, they only talked about it in private or within the college, but at this time they were scolded by the deans of the four major colleges at the same time, and they were frightened stupid. .

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