Chapter One Hundred and One Giles’ Night Raid

Chinese Martial Arts A++++ (Liuhe Big Gun)

The skills held by Li Shuwen Lancer class, the pinnacle of marksmanship, embody the ultimate gun art of Chinese martial arts.

Included Treasure: Magic Gun Matchless!

Treasure Tools: Magic Guns Matchless


Type: Treasure to people

When Li Shuwen uses the spear, he can penetrate the flies that stay on it without harming the wall. Power changes with the strength of the holder, there is no limit.

And with the instant death effect, that is, the probability of death depends on the lucky difference between itself and the target.

Feeling the ability he had acquired, Lin Ye couldn’t help but get excited at the moment.

This is the first martial arts skill that Lin Ye has acquired, and when he fought with others before, Lin Ye had to use Cuchulain’s class card for the first time, because if he didn’t use it, his combat power… Uh-huh…

How high do you think an otaku gun can fight?

But now it’s different, this is Lin Ye’s own skill, in the future, Lin Ye is finally no longer the black iron five with five combat effectiveness without using a class card!

He! Finally on bronze!

“No, although my marksmanship is enough, my attributes can’t keep up.” System, how many points do I still have? ”

[Master remaining points: 4000]

4000 points? That’s a lot. Lin Ye previously raised his mana and luck to B and used 2,000 points, and now he has the three attributes of strength, agility and durability, all of which are question marks.

Lin Ye’s system, spend 3,000 points to raise all my attributes to B!” ”

[Good host. ]

As the sound of the system fell, Lin Ye felt a warm current pouring into his body, and immediately after, Lin Ye’s strength, speed and endurance had undergone earth-shaking changes!

If nothing else, anyway, Lin Ye felt that if Hong A appeared in front of him again, he could beat him this time without using the Ying Spirit Rank Card.

And at this moment, Heizhen on the side was also curious to look at Lin Ye, she didn’t know why, she always felt that Lin Ye at this moment was a little different from before, but she couldn’t say anything.

“Lin Ye, what did you just get?”

Heizhen asked curiously, however, Lin Ye looked at her with an inscrutable smile

“Well… Secret. ”

“Ah! You’re playing tricks! I’ll tell you what I’ve gained! You still don’t tell me! Hei Zhen looked at Lin Ye in front of him with a puff, didn’t this Lin Ye tell himself that this was not a hanging appetite?

And looking at Heizhen’s bulging appearance, Lin Ye smiled and said, “Okay, don’t be angry, but……… Maybe you’ll see it soon. ”

Soon? Heizhen didn’t understand what Lin Ye meant, but the people in the live broadcast room all said that Lin Ye was a prophet, so he must have predicted something.

But…… Coming soon? Lin Ye… Is this going to fight with someone again?

For a while, Heizhen couldn’t help but get excited.

Fights or something, she likes it the most!

Looking at the excited Heizhen, Lin Ye silently shook his head and walked to his room, he still had a treasure chest of system rewards that had not been opened, who knew what else was good in it.


At this moment, in a dark corner, two figures were constantly approaching Lin Ye’s courtyard.

These two figures are the perverted duo, Yusheng Ryunosuke and Caster Giles.

“Master Qingxu, you really want to raid Lin Ye’s house at night! Have you really figured it out? Yusheng Ryunosuke looked nervously at Giles in front of him.

He is not afraid of death, but this kind of death is too boring.

Listening to Yusheng Ryunosuke’s words, Giles looked at Lin Ye’s courtyard in front of him without turning his head, and at this moment, his eyes were about to be engulfed in flames!

“Ryunosuke oh~ You don’t know my generation’s devotion to Joan! And now, Joan of Arc has been blinded by that guy Lin Ye, I must let her return to the right path! So! This Lin Ye family! I must go! ”

Originally, in the anime, Giles attacked Einz Belen’s house at night, because he took my king as Joan of Arc. But now, having found True Joan, My King has been left behind by Giles.

“But… But there are two heroic spirits in the family! You can’t even beat saber + Lancer, isn’t this rushing to death? “Yusheng Ryunosuke is not a white person who knows nothing now, and after watching so many videos, he at least has a certain understanding of everyone.

My own Qingxu Master is very strong, but Heizhen and Ai Lei on the opposite side seem to be stronger!

“Ryunosuke oh~ Don’t worry, didn’t I tell you how to use the spell? At that time, you can see my signal form, if you really can’t beat it, we will come back and implement the second plan. ”

“Then why not just use the second plan?” Isn’t that scheme stronger? ”

Listening to Ryunosuke’s words, Giles turned his head to look at the calm sea not far away, and it took a long time for him to finally speak

“Because once that trick is used, I… I can’t go back. ”

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