Chapter 109 Ryunosuke wants to become a Death Breaker?

“I just made the right decision and killed someone who deserved to be killed.” ”

Dilumudo: “It’s a great joy, it’s a great joy.” ”

Yan Feng Qili: “But I have to say that this man is very pure and perverted.” ”

Alice Phil: “However, this pure perversion is better to live in hell.” ”

At the moment, everyone is happy for a perverted exit, however, there is one person who is happier than them

Yusheng Ryunosuke “Haha, so it is, is it so?” The beauty I had been looking for for so many years was inside my body. Guys, I’m going to go first! ”

One step ahead? Wait, everyone watching the live broadcast, watching and watching, someone is going to commit suicide? Your exit is too casual.

Giles: “Wait, Ryunosuke, even if you want to die, look at me!” What will I do if you die! ”

Giles is a heroic spirit, he is not an archer, he does not act alone, he has to go back without the master, how can he accept this.

I still have a lot of things I haven’t done! Lin Ye he hasn’t killed yet, Heizhen he hasn’t snatched it, Joan of Arc he hasn’t summoned it, and the Holy Grail has not even seen Mao.

Wait a minute…… He doesn’t seem to have answered correctly once! I haven’t even touched the side of the treasure chest. He was also thrown into a sin bag and tortured for an hour!

For a while, Giles almost didn’t cry, why was he so unlucky.

And hearing Giles’s voice, Yusheng Ryunosuke said, “Okay, then I’ll wait for you to die and I’ll die, by the way, @ Emiya Kiriji, I don’t need to trouble you when I die, I can get it myself, the wound you shot is not good-looking.” ”

Eimiya Kiriji “……………”

At this moment, Wei Gong Kiriji felt that his brain was buzzing, what was going on, someone wanted to commit suicide without even having to make a move?

Are you mocking me.

Lin Ye “@雨生龙之介, you shouldn’t beat yourself up like this, you think, you already know that the blood in your intestines is the most beautiful thing in the world, then, don’t you want to see it every day?” ”

Yusheng Ryunosuke: “This… Of course I want to, but what am I going to do? People’s stomachs are opened, this will definitely die. ”

Lin Ye: “Of course, if people are killed, they will die, isn’t this a very simple truth?” ”

Yusheng Ryunosuke “So, is there any way?” ”

Lin Ye: “Yes, can you get the Holy Grail, or answer a little more questions, get a treasure chest, and then ask for an immortal body or something?” ”

Yusheng Ryunosuke: “This… Is this okay too? ”

Lin Ye: “Of course, in addition to the heroic spirits, the most famous in the Moon World is the true ancestor, especially the twenty-seven ancestors of the dead disciple, each of them is a powerful existence that even surpasses many heroic spirits present, and almost all of them are immortal existences. ”

The twenty-seven ancestors of the death man, from the Marshal of the Zhuyue Demon Dao Fufu Mercury Big Spider, down to the black and white knight Nero Kaos, any one is a living legend, even the weakest one is not comparable to Hundred Faces Hassan.

Yusheng Ryunosuke “Hmm!! Terrible! That’s awesome! I decided! I’m going to become this true ancestor! The twenty-eight ancestors of the death disciples also sound quite interesting. I decided! Giles, I’m going to get the Holy Grail! I want to be a true ancestor! I want to die or die! ”

Giles “Ryunosuke! Great, have you finally found your goal too? Good! Since that’s the case, I’ll help you get your wish come true! ”

“Okay, Giles, let’s work together then.” ”

Looking at the two perverts in the live broadcast room, Lin Ye couldn’t help but laugh.

“Lin Ye, what are you doing? Aren’t you helping them? Wouldn’t it be better if that kind of guy died? “Ai Lei doesn’t understand, Lin Ye doesn’t care about Group C, how can he still help them come up with ideas? Isn’t this aiding and abusing?

And looking at such Ai Lei, Lin Ye said with a smile: “You don’t understand, it’s not interesting to let a person who wants to die die, only by making people hopeful can make a person despair.” ”

Listening to Lin Ye say this, everyone understood what Lin Ye wanted to do.

First let Yusheng Ryunosuke have hope of living, and then crush it with his own hands.

For a while, Heizhen silently patted Lin Ye’s shoulder, and then gave him a thumbs up: “Lin Ye, you are too damaged, I like it.” ”

Listening to Heizhen’s words, Lin Ye rolled his eyes.

What is too damaged, I obviously learned this from Giles, okay, doesn’t that guy like to come to this hand? Let you be so lacking in virtue, and now let you see and see what it is to give back to the other in the way of the other.

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