Chapter 134: Why don’t archers take bows!

Gawain “Mordred, that… It’s you. ”

Xiao Mo “is not familiar, does not know, does not know.” ”

Xiao Mo kept shaking his head, he would never admit such a shameful thing.

My King: “Xiao Mo, your strength still needs to be improved, but it’s a pity that Merlin is not there, otherwise I will let him teach you swordsmanship well.” ”

Xiao Mo: “I don’t need it!” I won’t lose! You can’t just look at this paragraph and think that I lost, my strength, you only see the tip of the iceberg. ”

Weber: “Don’t pay attention to this first, the question now is, is this person who abused Mordred an archer?” ”

Kenneth “How can it be an archer, have you ever seen an archer with a bow and no need to fight melee with people?” ”

Webb: “I’ve seen it, aren’t the first two just that?” ”

Kenneth: “Huh? ……… That makes sense. ”

That’s right, the red A in front and the golden flash, aren’t they all holding swords and going up to cut people?

“Hehe, it’s really interesting, in the previous question, four heroic people who are not archers have a bow, and the result is really on archer’s side, and they all take swords and go up to fight with people?” Who the hell is the archer! ”

Lin Ye: “This is how rare and strange you are, don’t you know?” Archers who don’t want to fight in close combat are not good archers. ”

“What kind of crooked theory is this!” A good archer, a good kite, not put, and people face it! If I hadn’t known that Red A and Gold were archers, I would have thought they were two sabers! ”

Lin Ye: “That’s you don’t know, as far as I know, powerful archers are basically strong in close combat.” ”

Lin Xuan’s words are right, don’t say far away, just say close, Charon in the third video, this is the teacher who taught countless heroes, which one of the eighteen weapons is not so proficient.

Weber: “I felt as if I had discovered something. ”

Kenneth: “What did you find again?” ”

Weber “Look, according to our experience in the first and second questions, each of the four answers has a strong connection, for example, in the previous question, it is clear that the four heroic spirits who are not archers, each holding a bow in their hands, then can we change the angle, this time the four characters appeared, each of them is a melee master, but the more so, the more it can show that they are archers!” I say that, you understand…”

Kenneth “Understand, the system is digging holes for us again, right, the Lancers are lucky with E, and the archers never use bows, so you’re saying that all three answers are archers?” ”

Weber: “That’s right! Now it’s time for the fourth! If the fourth hero is another melee master, then he must also be an archer! ”

Good idea, worthy of Weber, this brain is still very smart. However, will the system be as simple as you think?

[Fourth video:

In a ruin, two figures are looking at each other,

One of them was a beautiful girl dressed in a European medieval robe, her long golden hair and the battle flag in her hand fluttering in the wind. ]

Giles “Joan of Arc! O Holy Virgin! Did you finally appear in the video in the live room? This perfect figure, this beautiful face, this holy temperament! How much I want to fight again under your flying flag!! ”

My King “Giles, are you sure you didn’t admit your mistake this time?” Is this really Joan of Arc? ”

Giles” is like a fake package! Do you doubt my vision! ”

All of them…………

Giles, don’t you have a little bit in mind about the advanced stage of blindness on your face?

We doubt your vision, it’s strange not to doubt it.

Joan of Arc: “Guys, this is really me, I proved myself, this time Giles did not admit mistakes.” ”

Seeing that Joan of Arc came out and admitted, all of them withdrew the doubts in their hearts and continued to watch the video in front of them.

[At this moment, opposite Joan of Arc, a petite figure with a black aura is looking at Joan of Arc with great anger, her head has cat-like ears, and her clothes are like the fur of a beast, not looking like a cat, but like an angry leopard.]

“The reason why I am fighting is for those unloved children to have a little happiness, even if it is not perfect, but what have you done!”


Atalanta in front of her was already shrouded in black aura, and at this moment, she seemed to have lost her mind, and her eyes were already glowing red!

She raised her arm, and on her arm, a black bow appeared! ]

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