Chapter 148 Roman is just lazy!

Roman “Giles! You talk nonsense! How could I have ruined the Chaldeans! ”

Giles: “So how do you explain!” Why are you not late early or late, but you have to be late at this time! ”

Matthew “No, Dr. Roman just likes to be lazy, I’m so useless, how can I come up with such a plan!” ”

Roman “Matthew… I appreciate that you speak for me, but can I not mention the fact that I am lazy. ”

“Alas, you are so naïve, don’t you know that the most unlikely is often the most likely, in order to achieve the goal, everything may be a disguise.” ”

Lin Ye: “Old bug, you are very researched about this, but… I also trust doctors. ”

“This is not that and that, then there are only two choices, one is an accident, the other is the other, which one do you think?” ”

Olga Marie: “How could it be an accident, in order to achieve the goal, we conducted research for an unknown amount of time, how could an accident happen. ”

Weber: “Then there are only others, but this option is too broad.” ”

Kenneth: “Choose, just choose your own answer, no matter who you suspect, I already have someone in my heart anyway.” ”

For a while, everyone in the live broadcast room began to choose their own answers, and in the FGO world, Lin Ye at this moment also chose Leif without hesitation.

When Lin Ye finished choosing, the three people on the side all set their eyes on Lin Ye, obviously, they were asking for the correct answer.

Lin Ye did not hide either, since he already had a choice, he naturally would not hide his privacy.

“Choose Reif.”

“Leif! No way! Olga Marie didn’t believe at all, why, how could it be Leif, that was obviously the most unlikely answer.

Olga Marie’s reaction Lin Ye was not surprised at all, Lin Ye knew that Olga Marie trusted Leif, but facts are facts, Lin Ye will not accommodate her

“If you don’t believe me, make your own choice.”

And listening to Lin Ye’s words, the magic dog on the side chose Leif without hesitation, and after choosing, he also looked at Lin Ye and said

“Anyway, I don’t know who to choose, junior brother, you say to choose whoever you want.”

Looking at such a Cuchulain, Lin Ye began to look him up and down again, you guy, it won’t really be Odin, right?

And looking at Lin Ye’s expression, Fagou turned his head a little embarrassed, “Junior Brother… Don’t look at me like that, I like women. ”

“.” Lin Ye directly gave him a roll of his eyes, forget it, since he can’t understand it, then let’s talk about it later.

On the one hand, Matthew also directly chose Leif, although she didn’t think that Leif was behind the scenes, but since Lin Ye said so, then she just had to believe it.

And now, Olga Marie is still entangled, on the one hand is Leif who has been helping her, on the other hand is the only master, she does not know who to believe.

After a long time, she gritted her teeth and said

“Forget it! I’ll choose Leif too! But I’m not doubting Leif, I just don’t want to make people feel like we’re not united. ”

Olga Marie was still talking arrogantly, and listening to her words, Lin Ye just smiled and didn’t say it, facts speak louder than words, there will be an answer later.

[Answer collection complete, answers under review, answers will be announced at the end, please continue to enjoy the video below.] ]

Instead of announcing the answer directly, the video continued to play, and everyone continued to watch the live broadcast

[In the first verse, on an empty flat ground, the protagonist is walking blankly, and suddenly, a black figure is aimed directly at the protagonist from a distance.

The moment he drew his bow and arrow, countless red rays of light fell like raindrops! And at this moment, Matthew’s figure appeared, she held a huge shield, and in an instant, these attacks were completely blocked by this shield.

In the second section, Olga Marie is constantly fleeing, as happened before, Olga Marie can’t stop these terrible dragon tooth soldiers at all, and at this moment, the protagonist brought Matthew over to support and repel these dragon tooth soldiers, looking at Matthew in front of him, Olga Marie showed a surprised expression, and looking at the director’s expression, Matthew also wanted to explain

“Director, maybe I can’t believe it, I…”

Matthew was only half of what she said, and Olga Marie interrupted her directly

“Well, there is nothing to be surprised by, I want to ask, why is it only successful now.”

Listening to Olga Marie’s words, Matthew also explained: “Director, I believe you should know that in order to solve the special point F, Chaldea was ready to follow, but he never responded to our call, and I signed a contract with him when I was dying. “]

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