Chapter 15 even has a connection question?

What color is grass?


Who who has seen fate/zero does not know the relationship between Kuyu Yamai and Eimiya Kiriji.

Everyone has been mocking Director Ken, saying that Director Ken’s head is covered with green grasslands, but Dilumudo has always treated Sora with courtesy, but Alice Phil is a little…

“Love is a light, so wonderful, guiding us… An unwanted future. ”

Of course, Alice Phil obviously didn’t react because her eyes were on the live broadcast.

[If the emotions that have emerged have echoed in your heart].

The Great Emperor rubbed Weber’s little head with his big hand, looking quite loving.

The marshal appears with Yusheng Ryunosuke, and the Kenneth trio appears.

[Then he will always guard you].

The Tosaka family appears, and on the lonely rooftop, only flying insects accompany the night of Tongyan.

Then, the climax stage is reached

[Lifting the light eliminates hesitation


What I want to give you is the future

In the night of crying, we hugged each other and lamented.]

Everyone appeared, Artoria brandished a golden sword to repel the knights of the Yangtze River, Dilumudo wielded two guns, Golden Flash stood on the street lamp and died independently, all the heroic spirits appeared, the wonderful picture made everyone’s eyes widen, until the last sentence [carrying the miracle of uncleanness] sounded, everyone flashed, and the picture ended here.

Then, the cold voice of the system sounded

“At the end of the live broadcast, ask questions, connect questions, please connect all the characters who appear in the scene with the relationship between master and servent.

The more correct the higher the reward, all pairs have special rewards, all wrong have penalties, the countdown is three minutes, and the timer starts. ”

Sora: “So handsome! Is this the Holy Grail War? It looks like each one is extra interesting. But…@肯尼斯, didn’t you say that you have prepared the cloak of the conqueror king? There was something wrong in the picture just now. ”

Kenneth: “Yes,,, I obviously spent a lot of money to prepare the cloak of the conqueror king, why did I summon the one with the gun.” Wait a minute! My holy relic! ”

Kenneth, who reacted, quickly ran out, and a minute later, he returned

“@韦伯, Weber! You thief! You dare to steal my holy relic!” Your behavior has put the magicians to shame! ”

Weber: “Ah! Was it discovered? No! I’m just borrowing! It’s borrowing! I…… Will return it to you. ”

Kenneth “also? How to return? Will you give it back to me when you finish summoning!” ”

Little Olga Marie “Oh? Is this Ermeiro I? Is it so bad to have such a bad relationship with the second life? ”

Kenneth “Wait? What did you just say about the horror of your statement? Explain it to me! ”

Little Olga Marie: “Explain what! Hurry up and answer the question, I didn’t see that people said that there is a time limit, so it’s right to answer the question quickly! ”

Little Olga Marie looked at a piece of paper in her hand, this paper was divided into two rows, one row, it was Artoria Golden Shining Conqueror King these heroic spirits, on the other side, there were more, and the people in this group were all on this side!

Looking at this dense list, Olga Marie’s eyes are full of little stars, so many people, where do I know their relationship!

Ten years ago! I’m only one year old! How can I go!

And holding this piece of paper, everyone also discussed it in the group

Lin Ye: “Is it connected?” This kind of problem is difficult to say, it is not difficult to say, it is not difficult. ”

It is indeed not difficult, how many times has Lin Ye fate/zero seen it, it is no wonder, but for others, it is too difficult

Iskandar: “It’s okay, there are already several obvious answers in the picture just now, I should be in a group with this little guy named Weber, hahaha, interesting little master.” ”

Webb: “Humph! Why! Didn’t the history books say that Alexander the Great was a 1.5 meter dwarf? Why did I summon a 2-meter-tall brother! ”

1.5 meter shorty? Lin Ye looked at this and smiled, the one you said, it should be Alexander, young Alexander is indeed a handsome Zhengtai, but after this grows up…

Emperor, what the hell have you been through!

Kenneth “Humph! I’ll settle the score with you later, so… I summoned Dilumudo, and the artificial human of the Einz Belen family summoned the woman, right, etc.? Woman? There are still women in the group! ”

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