Chapter 153 live broadcast, black dull appearance!

Kenneth remembered the embarrassment of guessing the caster when he was in the previous question, really, if you are all like Cuchulain, can we guess wrong?

Isn’t it okay for a mage to honestly put magic tricks? What a melee to play!

However, as soon as Kenneth finished saying this, the next picture slapped him fiercely.

[In the picture, looking at the red A in front of him who was slapped on the ground by his magic, the dog directly picked up the staff in his hand and played a gun flower.]

“Enough of attacking each other from a distance, now, as usual! Let’s fight with real knives and guns! ”

“Huh? Just by your caster class? Hong A also showed his own general Mo Xie, and then the two of them clanged together.

That’s right, one caster, one archer, two ranged outputs and melee combat with weapons. ]

Kenneth, snap!

The current Director Ken seems to have been slapped fiercely! No way! What’s going on with you two! If you don’t agree with a word, you will fight in close combat! Do you want to slap me in the face like that!”

Lin Ye: “Alas, a dog is still a dog, a red A is still a red A.” ”

Weber: “A mage who can’t fight melee is not a good archer.” ”

Iskandar “Haha, sure enough, fists to the flesh is the romance of men!” Well played! It’s a beautiful fight! Let me ask here, are you two interested in joining the camp of this king? ”

Red A” is not interested. ”

Fardog: “Not interested. ”

Rin Tosaka “Looking at this Cuchulain, suddenly felt unexpectedly handsome, I just happened to summon Saber, Cuchulain, can you serve as Saber?” ”

Fabu “Huh? Of course, welcome to summon me! I am definitely stronger than you originally summoned this red one. ”

Red A “Cuchulain, don’t be too proud, the battle has not yet been divided.” ”

True, the battle between the two continues

[Suddenly, Red A caught a loophole in the dog, and in an instant, he directly pierced the ribs on both sides of the dog with the double knife in his hand, however, before Red A had time to be happy, he found that the Cuchulin he stabbed did not know when it turned into a bunch of vines, and this vine wrapped around his body! ]

“Not good!”

Red A reacted, but it was too late.

“This time, I’m using new tricks!”

Cuchulin raised the magic staff in his hand, and then, at the foot of Red A, a huge wooden monster hand more than ten meters long directly grabbed Red A’s body!

Raise your hand and smash it on the ground! In an instant, the dust flew up, and when the light disappeared, Hong A’s body also fell directly to the ground motionless, and then turned into a point of light and disappeared. ]

[The correct answer to the third question is A, and Cuchulin wins.] ]

The system officially announced the correct answer, and listening to the correct answer of the system, there was also a lot of laughter in the live broadcast room, except for Red A, because, it seems that only he lost.

Red A: “Why… Why did I lose to this dog! ”

Red A can lose, but he only doesn’t want to lose to Cuchulain, after all, losing to Cuchulin or something, it’s too faceless.

Law dog “Haha, losing is losing, red a, you have to admit it.” ”

Red A: “What do I admit!” Say yes to melee combat! But you secretly put treasures! Are you bullying me and can’t put the treasure away? ”

“Yes, that’s it. ”

Red A…………

I go, did this guy shamelessly admit it?

“Although I have already guessed it, but how much I want an accident to happen, alas, it seems that I can only answer this question correctly with tears.” ”

Red A…………

You are really my father, you still talk about the wind at this time?

The system did not give everyone much time to chat this time, and it also showed its last question at this moment

[In the picture,

The three of Matthew were standing on a high ground looking at the Great Grail in front of them in admiration, while in front of them, a black figure walked out

“Oh? What a fun servent. ”

The figure that appeared looked at the three people below, and at this moment, everyone also saw the true face of this figure clearly.

The black armor is covered with red lines and the big sword in her hand, her body is obviously very petite, but it gives people an incomparably terrifying sense of oppression, she is like a big sword that has just come out of its sheath, making people feel terrified at first sight.

And most importantly, this figure is known to everyone in the live broadcast room! ]

Alice Phil “Saber! It’s Saber! Wait, this color is not right. ”

Gao Wen: “My King, this is definitely My King, it’s just this breath, is it blackened?” ”

“I don’t know why, I suddenly have an uncomfortable feeling when I see this figure, but what is the reason for this?” ”

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