Chapter 181: My King’s Choice

Kenneth had never been so angry, he watched this video, and at this moment he realized that he had been being played like a fool!

“Eimiya Kiriji, is this your behavior!”

“I just made the right choice, Kenneth, it’s just that you’re naïve, the Holy Grail War is not a magic show, you will believe that others are the biggest mistake you make.” ”

Weber: “But! Kenneth and Sora have obviously lost the power to resist, one of them has lost the spell, the other has no magic circuit, and now they let Dilumudo commit suicide, it can be said that they have no threat to you at all, why do you want to kill them all! ”

“It’s very simple, even if he becomes a waste, Kenneth is the head of the Ermelo family, will he not want to aspire to me when he goes back?” Cutting grass and removing roots, this is a normal thing. ”

Emiya Kiriji doesn’t think there’s anything wrong with his behavior in the live broadcast, to be precise, he thinks his behavior is correct.

Dilumudo “Eimiya Kiriji, your choice may not be wrong, but I do not accept your behavior!” Distrusting your own heroic spirit, using despicable means to tarnish the glory of the knight’s duel, you are a true evil outsider! ”

“Whatever you say,

The so-called duel is just a glorified word for war, and war has never brought only despair;

The so-called glory of knights? It’s just the self-absorption of you people;

The so-called hero is just a cover for criminal behavior with the light of legends.

Human beings have been like this since ancient times, without a little progress, that’s why I want to save the world with the Holy Grail!

As for everything else, it doesn’t matter. ”

This is Eimiya Kiriji, this man is like that.

Looking at Weigong Cheji’s answer, even Lin Ye sighed, unscrupulous means to achieve the end, Lin Ye felt that there was no mistake, Lin Ye sighed at Weigong Cheji’s extreme bias towards the hero.

Lin Ye: “Weigong Kiri, is that what you think about heroes?” ”

“How do I think of heroes, does it matter?” ”

Lin Ye: “It’s really not important, it’s just that our views are different.

The so-called war does bring disaster, but it can also bring peace to the world.

The so-called glory itself is its own persistence, and if you do evil because you hate sin, it will only bring deeper sin.

The so-called heroes, they are not just the individual heroism you think, brave pioneers, glorious victims, and practitioners of peace, the presence of these people will bring light to the night.

Perhaps there will indeed be such a presence as Giles in the ranks of heroes, but you can’t kill all heroes with a stick.

Heroes, I will respect silently,

Sin, I will destroy with my own hands,

So much for. ”

People like Wei Gong Kiriji reminded Lin Ye of another role.

Night God Moon, he used the Death Note in order to achieve peace, and he also wanted to become a messenger of justice at first, but unfortunately, he gradually lost himself and wanted to become the god of the new world.

“Perhaps, that’s how we differ. But if you ask me to express my opinion, I still have to tell you that my choice… There are no errors. ”

After Eimiya Kiriji finished speaking, he dived, and at this moment, My King, who had been silent, finally spoke up

“Dilumudo, let’s agree on a place to complete the duel we didn’t finish.”

That’s right, this is my king’s choice, Emiya Kiriji’s choice is her business, she no longer wants to change, and she knows that she can’t change Emiya Kiriji’s point of view.

So, she set her sights on Dilumudo.

This unfinished battle, she wants to finish.

Looking at Saber’s news, at this moment, Dilumudo felt that his eyes were even a little moist, the boy did not flick tears, but he did not reach the sad place, how desperate he was in the video was only he knew, he could feel the feeling of being betrayed by the world.

Dilumudo “Saber, thank you for your choice, I, Knights of the Order of Fiona! Officially challenging you! ”

My King “I, the Knight King of Britain, am here to accept your challenge!” ”

Iskandar “Hahaha, finally, the duel between the two of you is finally going to take place!” Make an appointment with a location! King Ben will definitely go to watch the battle! ”

Mordred “Huh? Is Father going to duel? I want to watch the battle too, but I’m still in Valhalla! ”

Lin Ye: “Don’t worry, when the time comes, I will take on the job of the camera and broadcast the whole process to you.” ”

Mordred “Haha! Lin Ye! Sure enough, you are the most reliable! Don’t forget to livestream! ”

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