Chapter 216: Wang Ha is a berserker

Webb “Berserker, identification complete. ”

“Berry of God Timo!” Where do you tell this is a berserker! ”

Weber “Huh? This great figure, the hard-hitting way of fighting, and this… Nice tooth, you say this is not a berserker? ”

“I!! ”

“Ahem, don’t pay attention to these, these are not the point. ”

The curse quickly interrupted Bai Maung, how could he let Bai Maung tell the private information he knew.

Looking at the curse wrist and Bai Ming’s behavior, Lin Ye already understood what was happening.

“Wang Ha, I really don’t know how you killed La Er at that time, it shouldn’t be with your mouth, otherwise everyone didn’t see the tooth marks on La’er’s head when they entered the pyramid? Hahaha! ”

Thinking of this, Lin Ye couldn’t help but laugh. And beside Lin Ye, Hei Du asked curiously, “Lin Ye, why are you smiling so happily?” Did you think of something happy? ”

“Haha, of course I’m happy.” Lin Ye said helplessly, “Do you know who this C is? Crown assassin, Wang Hassan, such a person is actually regarded as a berserker, you guys say it’s interesting. ”

“What!” Hearing Lin Ye say this, in an instant, the faces of the three women changed.

Heizhen looked at Lin Ye with wide eyes and asked

“What? Is this crown assassin? Lin Ye, are you serious? ”

“Of course, I can make such a joke.” Lin Ye said. Looking at the surprised look on the faces of several women, Lin Ye also said helplessly, “But……… Don’t be confused by this video, the real Wang Hassan… Wouldn’t you kill with your mouth so casually, do you know why he is a crowned assassin? ”

“Why?” Heizhen asked blankly.

“Because, everyone who saw him died, and everyone who saw him was killed, isn’t this the most perfect infiltration.”

Lin Ye said easily, but everyone could hear the horror of this sentence, killing everyone who had seen it, where was it so easy.

However, Ai Lei on the side said quite calmly, “Everyone who has seen him is dead? Is it hard? Before I came here, everyone who saw me also died. ”

Lin Ye…………

. Lean, forgot, Elle is the goddess of the underworld, of course everyone who has seen her is dead! No, it should be that you can only see her when you die!

“Ahem, okay, don’t worry about this, keep reading.” Lin Ye diverted this topic, obviously, it is better to answer the question first.


This is a picture, however, the figure in this picture is very strange.

Because, he is a black shadow! Not to mention the clothing, even the figure is not clear, the only thing that can be seen clearly is that he has a pair of exceptionally bright eyes. ]

Webb: “What is this ,,,,?” What kind of person is this, I can’t even see my face! Is this sure that the live broadcast room was deliberately blacked out so that we could not see it? ”

Lin Ye: “No, the system should not be worse than these two boxes, perhaps, people are originally like this.” ”

Lin Ye said directly, he did recognize the identity of the other party at the first time!

Evil in this world! Angolan Manue!

That is, the existence known as Xiao An.

In the third Holy Grail War that year, the Einz Belen family summoned Xiao An, but on the first day, the king and black who were specially summoned by the Edfeldt family directly killed in seconds.

Thinking of this, Lin Ye also looked directly at the live broadcast room

Kuro: “Hey… You already recognize it. ”

My King: “That’s right, he should be right.” ”

Webb: “What?” Do you know him? Can you recognize this? This is on! ”

My King: “It’s nothing, it’s just that we’ve fought him.” ”

Seeing my king say this, brush brush, for a moment everyone set their eyes on my king’s avatar, but unfortunately, my king is not stupid, how could she tell these people the answer.

And at Einzbelen Castle, Black A, Eimiya Kiriji, and Alice Phil also set their sights directly on my king.

Looking at these people, King Wu said helplessly: “At that time, everything happened too quickly, and this person was too weak, so the two of us just solved it as soon as we made a move.” ”

Too weak?

If Angolan Manuel knew that my king had such an opinion of him, it is estimated that Angolan Manuel would be angry to death, saying who is weak? Are you polite?

After my king said this, she added, “However, I thought he should have been sane, so… I at least knew that he was definitely not a berserker. ”

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