Chapter 236 for 20 million masters

“Pick it up, this first sword! It’s for Olga Marie! ”

Cracking sound!

In the sky! The first thunder sword fell directly from the sky! In an instant, this thunder sword directly penetrated Gaitia’s arm!

Under the attack of the thunder sword, Gaetia did not even shed blood, and one arm had already turned into char!


Gaetia was screaming, but unfortunately, Lin Ye did not have any pity for him, he just raised his second finger faintly!

“This second sword! It’s for my poor and cute junior! ”

Another thunder sword fell! Another arm turned into coke!

“This third sword! It’s for the Doctor Roman who didn’t eat the cake! ”

The third thunder sword fell, and one of Gaitia’s legs also turned into flying ash!

“This fourth sword! It’s for my krypton gold and dry waste liver! ”


Gaitia’s limbs were gone this time, but at this moment, Gaetia was stunned! “Hey! What the hell is the reason for this fourth sword of yours! What does it have to do with me whether your liver is good or not! ”

“How it doesn’t matter!” Lin Ye directly refuted it, but Lin Ye really didn’t have any ideas now, ready to talk to Gaitia about what is called “non-European.” ”

“As for this last sword! This is for the wrath of 20 million masters!! ”

“20 million masters! Do you Chaldeans have so many masters combined! “Gaitia is crazy, what kind of thing, if you want to stab me, stab me, what are you doing with such a low-level excuse!”

“Who says there isn’t? I said yes, yes! Lin Ye finished speaking, and then directly threw down the last Thunder Sword in his hand!


The power contained in this last sword is enough to destroy everything! And it was this furious power, this power fell directly on Gaitia’s body!


A light flashed, a breeze blew,

Gaitia’s body…

It completely turned into fly ash and dissipated.

[The punishment ends, the executor returns, the executor is retrospective……… ]


Immediately afterwards, Lin Ye’s body returned to the world of fatezero, looking at the scene in front of him, Lin Ye looked at his palm again

“The feeling of whipping Gaitia… It seems to be really good. ”

Looking at Lin Ye like this, Heizhen on the side said lightly

“You fought very cool, this time is good, it is estimated that Solomon will definitely not let you go, this beam must be knotted.”

Hearing Heizhen say this, Lin Xuan shrugged indifferently before saying, “What does it matter?” It’s good if I’m having fun, as for the beam with that guy? The two of us… It was originally a mortal enemy who was incompatible with fire and water. ”

One is the master who saves Renli, and the other is the boss who destroys Renri, and the two of them are originally enemies of life and death.

Therefore, Lin Ye was not afraid of Gaitia at all. Because…… It’s useless to be afraid.

And at this moment, in the Crown Time Temple, Gaetia, who had recovered, was still sitting on the jade throne dumbly, and it still kept staring at the place where Lin Ye disappeared, as if it was worried whether Lin Ye would suddenly appear from there again.

Finally, when Lin Ye really did not appear, Gaetia really breathed a sigh of relief.

“I… Finally saved? For a moment, Gaitia really felt that his eyes were a little wet, he wanted to cry but couldn’t cry, and finally, Gaitia was extremely strong to bury this hatred in the depths of his heart, and it took a long time for him to finally speak

“Lin Ye! You wait for me! See you next time! I will definitely not be beaten to tears by you again! I! Gaitya! Do what you say! ”

Alas, if Lin Ye saw such a firm gaze at this moment, he would definitely give it a heartfelt piece of advice, and this advice was…” ”

But now, Gaitia has at least understood one thing, that is, this live broadcast room is really a super artifact beyond his cognition!

And at the moment in the live broadcast room

Weber “Everything… Is it finally over? This live broadcast room is really… That’s awesome! Even the crown position can’t get rid of the punishment in the live broadcast room, what can I say except! I declare it in my personal capacity! Live Broadcast Room! Officially become the sixth law of our type moon world! ”

Kenneth: “If you say announce, announce it!” Besides, how do I feel that the level of the live broadcast room is stronger than the five major laws. ”

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