Chapter 245: Is the Knight of the Yangtze River a Chinese heroic spirit?

The first video is over, and watching the first video, everyone also knows whose identity this question makes them guess.

Weber: “Is it finally going to reveal the identity of this knight of the Yangtze River?” That’s great! I’ve long wanted to know who this guy really is! ”

Kenneth “Do you want to know what is so troublesome @ Tong Yanye, will you tell us the true identity of the Yangtze River Knight?” ”

“Huh? Are you guys crazy? How can it be! If you want to know, guess for yourself, but… It seems that this question is already in my pocket. ”

Weber: “Cut, if you don’t say it, don’t say it, we guess it ourselves.” Come, guys, how about brainstorming? This first video, do you have a clue. ”

Tosaka Shichen “It’s very simple, pay attention, the treasures of the heroic spirit are closely related to the legends of their lifetime, you guys pay attention, this Yangtze River knight can turn any object he touches into a treasure!” Even such a thing as a fighter jet can be done, everyone quickly look for a similar legend. ”

Rin Tosaka “turned something that was not a treasure into his own treasure, this should be the legend of snatching other people’s weapons on the battlefield, or it may be the legend of using anything casually in a duel to defeat others as a treasure, but such a story… It’s hard to find. ”

Weber: “There are not 10,000 or 8,000 historical heroes in the world, not to mention that this heroic spirit may be a character in mythological stories or literary masterpieces, which makes us think about it.” ”

[Please enjoy the second video.]

Still on the bridge of the Toto River in Fuyuki City,

However, this time the characters who appeared were Ma Tong Yanye and Yan Feng Qili, at this moment, Yan Feng Qili looked at the “Iskander” on the side and said

“Unexpectedly, your heroic spirit still has the ability to transform.”

When Yan Feng Qili said this, the “Iskander” in front of him suddenly trembled madly! Immediately afterwards, Iskander’s figure completely disappeared, replaced by the swarthy armor of the Yangtze River Knight!

Looking at this scene, Yan Feng Qili couldn’t help but sigh: “I feel more and more that such an ability is really wasteful to put on a berserker.” ”

On the side, Ma Tong Yanye also said lightly: “This is normal, originally this heroic spirit has a legend of disguising himself as someone else to establish merit.” Well, go away, berserker. “]

The second video also ended.

The picture here reveals a lot of information to everyone

Weber “Wait, let me sort out, this heroic spirit can use anything as his own weapon, and there is a legend of pretending to be someone else to establish merit, and looking at the appearance of the armor, it seems that it is not the existence of modern society, this range is already very small, do you still have a clue?” ”

Li Shuwen: “Speaking of disguise and spying, there were many famous figures in ancient China, such as Cheng Ying, an orphan of the Zhao family, and I feel very consistent. ”

Lin Ye: “Forget it, Master Li, what do you think of the armor of the Yangtze River Knight, it is not a Huaxia style armor, how can it not be a Huaxia heroic spirit.” ”

Li Shuwen: “How is it impossible!” Look out for this heroic note! Knight of the Yangtze River, Knight of the Yangtze River! In addition to the one in China, is there a second Yangtze River in the world? ”

Lin Ye…………

Lin Ye really didn’t know how to refute for a while, what could he say? The nickname of the Yangtze River Knight is the nickname given to the Yangtze River Knight by the majority of Moon Chef after watching the anime?

Forget it, it’s better not to explain it yourself.

Tosaka Rin: “I also found one here, Astolfo under Charlemagne, once he disguised himself as a woman in order to save his partner, and he was also a knight, which is very suitable for the setting of this knight of the Yangtze River.” ”

Tosaka Tokichen “Astolfo?” There is such a legend, but I have never heard of a legend in Astolfo that you can defeat enemies with weapons or snatch other people’s weapons for your own use. ”

Rin Tosaka: “That’s true, too. ”

Gawain: “My King… I…… I thought of someone. ”

My King: “That’s right, I also remembered someone. If it was him, it would be very suitable. ”

Mordred: “What you said… It couldn’t be him. ”

Looking at the appearance of the Britannic trio, Kenneth on the side finally couldn’t help it

“Hey! If you have something to say, say it! Don’t be dumb here! That man! Who the hell is it! ”

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