Chapter 268 announces the correct answer

[A, Yingling, Dion de Baumont.]

A famous knight and swordsman and literary scholar of the country of F, he is also a famous spy.

Gender: Male (Dieng has the skill of self-suggestion, gender can adjust itself, but most of the time he still acts as a male.) )]

Everyone “………”

Weber “This! This turned out to be Dion! Yes! How come! ”

Ermelo II “I should have thought of it a long time ago, this style of equipment, and that weapon, plus this beautiful face, alas…”

Ermelo II was also disappointed, he should have guessed, alas, what a pity.

Giles: “But… You are free to change your physical gender! You can even use autosuggestion to become a woman! This skill is also too exaggerated! ”

Tosaka Shichen “It’s not an exaggeration, as far as I know, Gilgamesh’s best friend Enchidu is also such a existence, he has no gender and can be male or female.” ”

Gilgamesh “shut up and miscellaneous!” It’s not the same at all! Enkidu is Enchidu, he doesn’t need to be a man or a woman, he can do it! ”

Gilgamesh’s words are very firm, for him, everything that has something to do with Enchi will not be trivial.

And hearing Gilgamesh say this, others also roughly understood the status of Enchidu in Gilgamesh’s heart.

Iskandar “Hahaha, Kim Pika, will there also be recognized friends in the hearts of people like you?” It really surprised me. ”

Gilgamesh “Che, what do you understand?” He is the only one who can fancy me in this world, and as for the others… It’s just a bunch of miscellaneous repairs. ”

Lin Ye: “Okay, well, knowing the relationship between you and Xiao En, let’s continue to read the answer first.” ”

[B. Leonardo da Vinci, Renaissance writer, artist, inventor, physician, mathematician…] The existence known as the Almighty.

Gender: Female (Leonardo, known as the Almighty, chose to “redesign” his flesh into what he considered to be the most perfect existence at the time of arrival, Mona Lisa, true gender??? )]

Is it really Leonardo da Vinci, but is this image of Leonardo da Vinci? Take a closer look, the character in this picture really looks like the Mona Lisa. ”

“Real Gender??? Is it? Although I don’t know if the real Da Vinci is a man, she is now using the appearance of the Mona Lisa, which means that at least in the body she is definitely a woman. ”

Weber: “So… We guessed right again! Pretty! Haha, it seems that we have hope to answer this question correctly! I chose ACD, C you must be right! ”

Kenneth “Want to get it right?” That’s not that easy. ”

[C: Van Gogh/Nymph Ninf

For the mixed spirit of the hero, after the arrival of the spirit Van Gogh, he gave up himself because he was unwilling to cooperate with the summoner, and the remaining 5% of the spirit base was fused with the fairy Ninf in Greek mythology using a special technique.

80% of Lingji are crazy fairies (nymph).

15% of the Lingki comes from the black box of imaginary numbers (Usum).

The memory and painting talent of the painter Van Gogh occupies only 5% of the Lingji.

So, its gender is: female]

Weber: “Wait! So! This person is not Van Gogh! ”

Lin Ye “More precisely, the fairy Ningfu who has some of Van Gogh’s abilities. ”

Weber: “I know! So! I’m wrong again, right! ”

Weber chose ACD, and now since the one in front of him is mainly fairy Ninf, then Weber is naturally wrong.


Weber: “Ah!! Why! Why is that! Why am I wrong again! ”

Ermelo II “Well, Weber, you still have a lot to learn, it doesn’t matter, I chose AD ah, I still have hope.” Isn’t it the same whether the two of us answered correctly? ”

Ermelo II looked at Weber as if he were looking at his own students, and although it may feel a little strange, it is what it is.

Listening to Ermero II’s words, Webb said to Ermeiro II quite helplessly, “What’s going on with you?” How do I feel like you and Kenneth are so similar! The same love of preaching, although not as nasty as he is. ”

Kenneth “………”

Can I also carry the pot on this? And also! How can I hate it! Weber! I’m for your own good!

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