Chapter 271: The First Emperor! Winning!

Weber “Ramses II? The one who is believed to be the incarnation of the sun, the reincarnation of Ra? Are you sure it’s him? ”

Tosaka Shichen: “It should be, looking at the strength of the other party in the picture, except for that one, I really can’t think of any other pharaoh who has that kind of power.” ”

Seeing that these people in front of him had almost guessed the identity of La Er, Lin Ye also did not do anything to deliberately let everyone deviate from the route, because it was not necessary, it would be too bad.

Lin Ye: “Indeed, this should be the Ra Er who said ‘the man of the sun is Pharaoh’. ”

Gawain “Huh? Is the man of the sun a pharaoh? This…… What a headache to be identified as a pharaoh by such a person, after all, I am just a knight serving the king. ”

Iskandar “Huh? I almost forgot, Gao Wen, you seem to be a person of the sun, haha. ”

Cuchulin “Man of the Sun? Pharaoh? Hehe, my bastard father is also a sun god, what kind of sun man is a pharaoh, it is better to fight with real knives and guns, not more effective than these? ”

Lin Ye: “By the way, Cuchulin……… The son of light, son of the sun god Luge, almost forgot you. ”

Iskandar “Haha, is everyone a pharaoh?” Unfortunately, I am the son of Zeus, so I will not mix here. ”

Kim Pika “Ramses II?” That guy, it’s really interesting. ”

Iskandar “Huh? Jin Pika, you didn’t even call him a miscellaneous repair this time? That’s not your personality. ”

Golden flash “Cut, this king is proud and respectful, but it is not no one in sight, and the leader Ben Wang is still clearly distinguished.” ”

Golden Flash is right this time, once the three people of Golden Flash, Little Sun and Ramses II were called the Golden Three Targets, that is, the ceiling of the followers in the regular Holy Grail War. After all, the crown, beast, and god-level heroic general war will not appear, and the three of them represent the peak.

Although with the advent of FGO, more and more powerful heroes appeared, the strong position of the three did not suffer much.

Weber “Ramses II definitely has divinity, Gilgamesh has divinity, B we don’t recognize it, next, let’s look at this fourth question.” ”


On a golden plain, a man wearing a crown and a black water dragon robe was sitting cross-legged on it and closed his eyes, and suddenly, behind him, in a huge floating building (Afang Palace), a bright light shot straight into the sky!

This light instantly came beyond the earth, and then it turned into two jade pairs directly surrounded the earth, and around this horse, all kinds of star destroyers, spaceships and aircraft constantly patrolled around, and finally, the influence of this man appeared above the blue star, and he silently opened his eyes. ]

The picture is over, but in the eyes of everyone, all this is not over, and everyone is still in a dazed state and has not reacted!


Weber “what??? What is this!! Is this a treasure tool? This is too perverted! Who is this person! Why is it completely different from the painting style of the previous three people! ”

Kenneth “What is this!!” It’s too expressive! Although the previous few are perverted, it is still within my understanding, what is going on? They all ran out of the earth! Doesn’t the earth fit you anymore? ”

Iskandar “This… Haha, that’s great! That’s great! My goal is the end of the sea of stars, and I can’t imagine that someone has put the target in the sea of stars! @埃尔梅罗二世, tell me who this heroic spirit is! ”

Sitting in his office, Ermelo II silently rolled his eyes, this is easy to say, how can you let me tell you who this heroic spirit is!

Ermero silently looked at the pile of books placed in front of him: the myth of Olympus, the legend of King Arthur, the Legend of the Bull, the Five Thousand Years of China, Mahabharata, the introduction of world-famous figures………

“This… So many books! None of them have anything to do with these things! This makes me guess? How do you let me guess! ”

At this moment, the entire live broadcast room went crazy, and the impact of this last character on them was too great.

And it is not they who are most affected at this moment! It’s Lin Ye who is at home!

He looked at the last picture, and he couldn’t help but take a deep breath

“First Emperor! Brother Zheng!! ”

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