Chapter 278 Another Saber Face

Weber” @远坂凛, how was the search? Found it? ”

Rin Tosaka “I didn’t find it, according to the records, I really didn’t find any hero who was a fat man.” ”

Ermeiro II “seems to have to guess for himself.” Then guess, among all the emperors of Rome, is there any emperor who is more reliable? ”

Weber: “There are too many emperors in Rome, but when it comes to those who have something to do with the gods, except for the previous kings of Romulus, the later ones Claudius, Caligula, Nero and so on do not seem to have legends related to the gods. ”

Ermelo II: “This question is difficult. ”

Three options, neither of them guessed, this probability is a little too great.

Now, they can only put their hopes on the last option.


This time is different from the previous three, the figure in the video is not a man, but an extremely beautiful beautiful girl.

The golden hair, delicate face, and the dull hair on the head are constantly swinging, and what is even more shocking is that they all know this figure! ]

Mordred “Father!! No, although it is very similar, but this person is definitely not the father! ”

Gao Wen: “That’s right, this is definitely not my king, this can be seen from the sword in her hand, that red sword, my king has never been.” ”

My King” is indeed so, and this is not me. But since it’s not me, who is this person? ”

My king is really a little afraid to admit it, after all, during this time, she has seen many people who are very similar to herself, who knows where this woman came from!

And at the moment, the video continues


Suddenly, this girl directly inserted the red long sword in her hand into the ground! Rumble! In the next second, a golden light appeared from her side, and then, next to her, a golden theater appeared directly, and in the sky, countless bright red petals fluttered in the wind.

In the next second, this girl suddenly clenched the long sword in her hand, and in an instant, her figure flashed, and the entire Golden Theater was directly covered with endless flames! ]

The picture is over, and at this moment, everyone has also seen the horror of this battle, and everyone has begun to guess the identity of this girl.

Webb: “This is definitely not a certain class of King Arthur, after all, the sword in this girl’s hand is already a little more obvious, it must not be the holy sword of the knight king.” ”

Listening to Weber’s analysis, Lin Ye nodded frequently. Weber’s analysis is still relatively correct, but he still overlooks the important point, Nero’s measurements… Slightly better than my king.

“Based on the connection between the first three options, I suspect that the figure in this option is also a Roman emperor. ”

Ermelo II: “That’s right, if the connection between the previous question is the four ancient civilizations, then this question should be the four emperors of Rome.” ”

Tosaka Shichen “And this question is not difficult to guess, in the picture this heroic spirit released his treasure, that is a golden theater, such a gorgeous theater, in the history of Rome, should only be owned by the king who has the art cell comparable to Apollo. ”

Lin Ye “Comparable to the artistic cells of Apollo? She? ”

Lin Ye couldn’t help but think of the Nero’s singing he heard when he sacrificed Nero, and the “beautiful” voice almost didn’t send Lin Ye away.

My King: “So, why would a Roman king look exactly like me?” ”

Ermelo II “Nero Claudius, surely she is right, but this king, is there divinity? ”

Tosaka Shichen” should not be. Nero’s father is Claudius, his mother is Julia Chogustu, and both are ordinary people, so Nero must be a normal person. ”

Iskandar “Haha, can you finally rule out a wrong answer again?” A is certain, so there are only a few answers to this question. A, AB, AC or ABC, four answers, let’s choose. ”

Ermelo II: “The second golden powerhouse looks quite unusual, really has the temperament of a god, I choose AB has divinity.” ”

Giles: “The more unlikely it is, the more likely it is, I think that C is not ordinary, we can’t take people by looks, so I chose AC.” ”

Rin Tosaka: “I’m still steady, let’s choose an A.” ”

My King” chooses them all, anyway, I don’t know it makes no difference, I choose ABC.” ”

Looking at the choices of these people, Lin Ye sighed helplessly.

Did you all choose A? That…… It seems that you are going to wipe out the whole army on this issue.

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