Chapter 32 Is Lily Green Green?

Kenneth: “Is the first battle of this Holy Grail War us?” Battle of guns and swords, interesting. ”

Alice Phil “Artoria is so handsome, sure enough, my saber is the best.” ”

Tosaka Tokichen: “I’ll talk about the compliments later, the point now is, what is the result of this battle between Saber and Lancer?” ”

Alice Phil: “It must be Saber who won, don’t you even have to think about it!” I choose B! ”

Eimiya Kiriji: “Wait! Don’t worry! How can you judge so easily? ”

Alice Phil “How easy, I am very confident in Artoria!” Don’t you have faith in Saber? ”

Artoria “@爱丽, thank you for your trust, I, will definitely get the Holy Grail for you, so……… I also choose B. ”

Kenneth “Hmph, you guys are too confident, how can I lose to you, I choose A.” ”

Sora: “I… I also choose A. ”

“Thank you for your trust, as a qualified knight, confidence is the most basic quality, so of course I choose A. ”

For the parties, there is no other answer to this question at all, after all, the people present are people who want to face, who will be willing to admit that they are not as good as others.

Weber: “Why are you all so absolute, either he wins or she wins, can’t there be two other results in this kind of thing?” ”

Finn: “No way, I know Dilumdo well, this man is a true knight, and he can be said to be perfect in other ways besides liking the Green Lord. Especially in the case that the other party is also a knight @knight king, this is already very telling, he, will definitely not die. ”

Knight King Artoria “@芬恩, so am I, since I want to fight, I will definitely not return in vain, this is the glory of knights!” ”

Dilumudo “But seek a battle, although he dies without regret.” And @Finn, Lord Monarch… Me, let’s not mention that, okay? ”

Finn “Hahahahaha, @迪卢木多, don’t care, I’m not the kind of stingy person, really not.” ”

Seeing Finn say this, Lin Ye, who eats melons, always feels wrong, this Finn will be so generous? If it weren’t for knowing how you behaved after Dilumudo kidnapped Granny, I might have believed it.

Artoria: “@芬恩, it’s really good that you can understand, just like when Guinevere was taken away by Lancelot, I never blamed Lancelot, but it’s a pity…”

Listening to my king’s words, Finn suddenly reacted, wait a minute, this knight king seems to be very similar to his own experience

Finn: “Both of my parents died when I was a child, and my whereabouts are unknown. ”

My King: “I was fostered when I was a child, and I didn’t know my background. ”

Finn: “I was raised by druids since I was a child”

My King: “I was helped by Merlin and the elves since I was a child. ”

Finn: “I was greened by my chief knight”

My King: “I was also greened by my chief knight”

Finn: “My green hat incident eventually led to the total destruction of the Knights, and I also disappeared. ”

My King’s “My Green Hat incident also eventually led to the fall of the Knights of the Round Table, and I also died in battle. ”

Hearing my king say this, Finn suddenly became excited! See? See? I’m not the only one who has had this experience!

Finn suddenly felt a lot more balanced in his heart, this is like an unlucky person, when he meets another unlucky person, he will suddenly be relieved, if the other person is worse than himself, he will even go to comfort people.

And yet….

Lin Ye “@芬恩, Artoria is a woman. ”

Finn “………………”

Lin Ye: “Lilies are infinitely good, but they can’t give birth.” Since it can’t be born, it can’t be naturally green. ”

Finn “leaned!! ”

For a while, Finn fell into helplessness again.

Is a lily considered green by green?

Does it count? Doesn’t it count?

Dilumudo “Ahem, let’s hurry up and choose, this time is coming soon!” Hurry up! ”

Tosaka Tokichen: “Ahem, that’s right, let’s vote quickly, I choose C and lose both.” ”

Now I don’t know any information, except for blindly casting Tosaka Shichen, and Tosaka Shichen feels that the strength of the two people is similar, and… Tosaka Shichen had already had a plan.

Yan Feng Qili “I choose A”

Lori Sakura: “I choose B”

Lori Rin “I choose D! ”

That’s right, this is Tosaka Shichen’s method, there are four people on his side, so why not bet one by one, four options and four answers, there is always one right.

Yusheng Ryunosuke “Woman? How strong can it be? I choose A”

Weber: “Although Director Ken is not very good, but his magic attainment I still recognize, I choose A!” ”

The knight of the Yangtze River “roar, roar, roar!” “System [Yangtze River Knight Option B].

Well? System? Can you even understand the words of the knights of the Yangtze River? It’s really you.

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