Chapter 327: The Avengers! Angolan Manue!

So what is guaranteed?

This question is a bit difficult, but there is really no way, after all, who makes the identity of Angolan Manuel a little embarrassing?

“So in the eyes of everyone, am I such a existence?”

“I don’t think so, but you tell me, do you hate humans?”

“What is hate? What is love? Haha, I’m joking, in fact, for me, for the current human beings, there is no emotion, just like the flowers and trees around you, so you should not see me, how about leaving here honestly? ”

“Can I leave? But I’m going to destroy this Holy Grail first? ”

“That’s not okay, my power comes all from the Holy Grail, if you destroy the Holy Grail, then I will become the weakest hero again, what if you kill me then?”

Emiya Kiriji shook his head, “I won’t, I can vouch for it with my personality.” ”

“Hahaha! Emiya Kiriji, you are too interesting, with your personality? Do you yourself say that your personality is useful? For you, a promise is a piece of wasted paper. ”

Seeing Manuel in front of him say this, Emiya Kiriji also stopped talking.

It seems that there is no need to argue with the other party about this.

“Red A, how is the magic recovery?”

“The recovery is okay, there is the power of a war.”

“Then… Ruined the Holy Grail! The moment Eimiya Kiriji’s voice fell, the figure of Red A took action! In an instant, on Hong A’s hands, the two swords of the general Mo Xie appeared directly!



In the next second, the blade of General Mo Xie suddenly began to lengthen, and the two short swords suddenly turned into wing-like long swords!


The figure of Red A instantly streaked across Xiao An’s dark body! In the next second, Xiao An was directly cut off by the waist and cut in two!


“It’s useless.” Xiao An’s upper body that fell to the ground said so, and then, his body suddenly turned into liquid, and then flowed back to his original body.

Xiao An, who had recovered, twisted his waist, touched it with his hand again, and found that it was indeed closed before he said with a sigh of relief: “Fortunately, my lower body is still there, and I don’t want to be in a wheelchair in the future.” ”

“What’s going on?” Wei Gong Kiriji didn’t know why, Hong A obviously cut the other party, why Xiao An didn’t have anything.

And looking at such a Weigong Cheji, Xiao An said lightly, “Are you surprised?” You have all seen that Tongyan night, he can still exert that kind of power, do you think I will not be able to compare with him? Xiao An said with a relaxed face, and comparing with Xiao An on the side of the red A is not so relaxed.

“It seems that this time it is troublesome.” Hong A clenched the general Mo Xie in his hand, and it was also the first time he had confronted such an enemy.

And Eimiya Kiriji discovered that something was wrong.

“No, Hong A, you pay attention to the body of Angolan Manue, his body is definitely not an ordinary heroic body, the source of his power… It’s the Holy Grail! ”

“Holy Grail? I see. Red A nodded silently, “So, I still have to bypass the Holy Grail of Destruction in Angola Manue?” In that case…”

Near Hong A, endless flames began to surround, and immediately after, everything in front of him was sucked into a field!

Inherently enchanted! Unlimited Sword System!

Facing the Holy Grail in front of him, Hong A directly stretched out one of his hands, and in the next second, behind him, endless treasures were directly projected!

Unlimited Sword System! Launch!

Brush brush brush!

The sword blades in the sky shot down towards the Holy Grail, and looking at these blades, Xiao An also understood what the other party meant.

“Really, why are you so smart? I obviously don’t want to fight, so why force me? ”

The moment Xiao An’s voice fell, in front of him, the black mud rose directly towards the sky! In an instant, a thick wall of black mud surrounded the Grail 360 degrees!

Countless swords fell and shot at the top of the Holy Grail, making a banging sound, and the black mud was covered with cracks, but unfortunately, whenever there was a crack in the black mud wall, there would be other cracks that would be repaired instantly!

Gradually! The black mud wall has turned into a hedgehog, and there is no place on it that allows the sword to stick into it! However, it still held up tenaciously!

This infinite sword system… It seems that there is no way to break through the defense of the black mud.

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