Chapter 333: Is this body a sword bone?

“Red A, are you serious? You now let me take Avalon and Shirou die, isn’t that exactly what you want? ”

Lin Ye looked at Hong A in front of him, he really didn’t understand why Hong A came out to help Weigong Shilang, in line with the principle that more is better than less, Lin Ye wanted to let Hong A get out of the way.

However, Red A still stood firmly in front of Eimiya Kiriji, and then…


Lin Ye: “The body is a sword bone. ”

Red A “Steelismybody, andfireismyblood”

Lin Ye: “Blood is an iron pimple, and the heart is glass slag. ”

Red A…………

Hong A couldn’t help but glance at Lin Ye, I’m chanting the infinite sword system here! Can you please not make trouble!

And seeing that Hong A gave himself a roll of his eyes, Lin Ye continued indifferently, “You don’t say it? Then I’ll go ahead and help you.

Wanchek trouble, pancake fruit to a set,

I, I’m a sword bone,

Steel does not grow meat.

Nothing made a lot of swords,

I don’t know if I live or die.

The skin is thick and the bone is not afraid of pain,

See if there is nothing in your hand.

When wishes come true,

Infinite Sword Made Out ~~~?

everybodycomeon! ”

Red A?????

Red A is really a little confused, what kind of divine translation is this! I’ll put treasure tools! Can you not spoof when you are so serious and pretending!

Well? Where did I just say?

Well, under Lin Ye’s rhythmic rap, Hong A really forgot what his chant was for a while.

“Lin Ye! A little martial virtue is good! ”

Looking at Hong A, who was about to die, Lin Ye shrugged helplessly and said, “Okay, you continue.” ”

“I’m Sword Bones… Well? ”

Red A………

Lin Ye………

Eimiya Kiriji………

Lin Ye “Iamtheboneofmysword.” ”

Red A: “I don’t need you to remind me!! ”

Red A shouted before he started chanting again. “Iam………”

This time, Lin Ye did not interrupt him, and at this moment, Lin Ye was also directly pulled into the infinite sword system!

“Lin Ye! Take a look at my Infinity Sword System, last time I lost to you, this time! Absolutely not! ”

Hong A said with great confidence, he can be said to have shown his big move as soon as he came up! He didn’t believe that he would lose so badly this time!

“Infinite Sword System!!!”


“The fire is falling from the sky!

Nabistin’s wrath is coming! ”


The finishing sword was directly liberated, and in the sky, a torrent fell again!

Under the huge waves, Red A’s infinite sword system was directly swallowed by the sea before it could react! After the wind and waves calmed down, Lin Ye silently picked up the wet Avalon from the ground, then wiped it with a tissue, and then said

“Fight is fight, what are so many words for? It’s not that the longer the lines, the stronger the treasure. Lin Ye finished speaking, and then silently put Avalon in his arms.

“Well, you two don’t look at me like that, aren’t you just eroded by black mud? Just now, both Black A and Yingling Cheji have obtained a treasure chest, and whether you can open it or not depends on your own luck. ”

Lin Ye said so, it is definitely impossible to make him bleed, if you can open it to calculate the life of Weigong Shilang, if you can’t open it, you are unlucky.

After Lin Ye finished speaking, he directly turned around and left here, he still had his own things to do.

And at this moment, in Lin Ye’s home,

“My King, what are you looking at me like this?” Ai Lei looked at the king in front of her a little afraid, this king has been looking at herself like this since the end of chatting with the black dull just now.

And looking at Ai Lei like this, My King silently said, “Ai Lei… I heard that you have props that can bring people back from the dead, let’s change them. ”

King Wu said and took out the treasure chest he had just obtained and placed it in front of Elle.

“Huh? That’s it? If you want to take it, since we have all come here, we will be our own people in the future, there is no need to be so polite, you can keep the treasure chest yourself.” Ai Lei took out the deceased Su Sheng card from her arms and handed it to My King.

And holding the deceased Su Shengka, My King looked at Ai Lei with great emotion. Look at Lin Ye’s family, everyone is really like a family, compared to before, it is really a world apart.

“Thank you Elle, but you must accept this treasure chest, just as if we exchanged gifts with each other, okay?”

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