Chapter 343 I don’t want to summon Red A!

Who said that Rin Tosaka can only be a tsundere double ponytail, and this sells cute and does not lose to others.


“I don’t eat your set! Want to be a white? There are no doors! Lin Ye directly refused.

And looking at Lin Ye like this, Yuansaka Rin was not angry, she sat directly next to Lin Ye and said, “How can I be a white, don’t worry, as long as you tell me the answer, I won’t charge you rent, you can live as long as you want.” ”

“You think I’d love to live in your house?” Lin Ye glanced at Yuansaka Rin, the old house of the Yuansaka family is older than his own age.

“Huh? Do you know how many people want to live in my house and I am not happy! After my father died, you were the only man living in this house! ”

“I suddenly felt a little unlucky.”

Rin Tosaka…………


“Okay, I’ll tell you the answer, you summoned, it’s in the live broadcast room.”

“In the live broadcast room?” Rin Tosaka opened the live broadcast room and began to flip through the list: “Hodog… Big dogs… Hassan…… None of this can be… Could it be my King! ”

Rin Tosaka’s eyes lit up as soon as he brushed it!

“Think too much.” Lin Ye gave her a blank look, “You guess again.” ”

“Guess again? Surely it won’t be the crown … It won’t be those from the Wei Gong family, hahahaha, how is it possible, such a weak heroic spirit, I don’t want it. ”

Far Saka Rin said so, and hearing Far Saka Rin say this, Lin Ye on the side was suddenly speechless, he looked at Far Saka Rin silently, and seeing Lin Ye’s eyes, Far Saka Rin was stunned for a moment, and then she seemed to understand something

“No… No way! It’s really those from the Weigong family! ”

“Well, it’s Red A.” Lin Ye directly said the correct answer.

“Hah!” However, Rin Tosaka’s face was full of disappointment at the moment! “Why him!”

Rin Tosaka remembered the performance of Red A all along, well, he has never won from beginning to end! With such a servent, how can he win!

“This… Red A doesn’t seem to have won a few times. ”

Lin Ye recalled the three lines of FSN, and after careful calculation, it seemed that Red A really did not win in the duel of eight hundred.

The peak should be the time that he grinded out Uncle B’s five lives.

And after reacting, Rin Tosaka immediately ran to the side of the clock, and then immediately began to frantically tune the clock!

While tuning back, he shouted “No, no, no!” This time I definitely don’t summon a red a! ”

“You… As for? ”

“As for ah.” Rin Tosaka said quite seriously, and at this time, the correct answer was also announced in the live broadcast room.

[All answers have been submitted, answers are under review…] Publish the correct answer… ]

[“O guardian of the scales! ”

Rin Tosaka finally finished chanting the last incantation, and in an instant, a strong magic force continued to impact in the basement, and Rin Tosaka was shaken down by this force, and then a deafening sound sounded


Hearing this voice, Rin Tosaka, who was lying on the ground, instantly reacted!

“It worked!”

However, when Rin Tosaka stood up and looked around, he found that there were no heroic spirits nearby!


Rin, who reacted, suddenly heard a sound of Ding Zero above his head! And Rin Tosaka, who reacted, also ran upstairs frantically!

“Ah! How the door is broken! Don’t get in the way! Yes! ”

Rin Tosaka kicked the door open with a force, then slammed into the living room.

And the moment he saw the scene in the living room, Tosaka Rin was stunned.

There was a huge hole in the ceiling overhead, and there were all kinds of rubble and debris in the room, on the sofa that had collapsed, and at this moment, a man in red was sitting there, and this figure…

Exactly Red A! ]

And when the picture gets here, everyone already knows the answer to this question! However, when they saw the red A summoned by Rin Tosaka, everyone was stunned!

Weber “Why! Why is it a red a! This is unreasonable! ”

Black A: “Huh? Red A? You…… Was it actually summoned? Sure enough, our experience was completely different. ”

Red A” This is also normal, after all, even in parallel worlds, everyone’s experience is different, such as Eimiya Kiriji and Yingling Kiriji, such as Artoria Pendragon and Artoria Kast, and for example, Illya and the magical girl Illya. ”

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