Chapter 346: Lin Ye has turned to the master!

In the living room, Lin Ye silently took out two treasure chests at this moment.

These two treasure chests were the one he got when he answered the question just now, and the one that he received with the system reward, and looking at these two treasure chests, Lin Ye also rubbed his hands and opened the first treasure chest.

And then inside is another familiar card…

“Another boundary card? Forget it, keep it, the more this stuff, the better. Lin Ye directly put this piercing card back into Lin Ye’s treasure, and then put it together with the FZ World-FGO World Piercing Card and the FZ World-FSN World Piercing Card.

Then Lin Ye silently opened the second chest, and this time, the light in the treasure chest was completely different!

The colorful light began to shine, and immediately after, a beautifully packaged book lay quietly in the box.

“This is … A book? ”

Lin Ye was stunned for a moment, this treasure chest himself had opened a lot, and this was the first time he had opened a book.

Lin Ye picked up the book in front of him, and on the writing was a purple magic array, Lin Ye gently turned the first page, and there was a line clearly written on the title page of the book

“Hogwarts Wizardry… Well? Isn’t this a wizarding textbook from the Harry Potter world? How did I come up with this thing! ”

Lin Ye was stunned for a moment, he had been complaining that he had unlimited magic power but no powerful magic before, and as a result, you got me such a magic book?

“The problem is … The magic of the Harry Potter world… Isn’t it a little weak. Lin Ye didn’t know how to complain, “There are a lot of powerful magic in the heavens and realms, the super-level magic of the Overlord world, the forbidden spells of the Holy Sword Envoy and the various forbidden spells in it, the 100,000 and 300 magic guide books in the magic forbidden book catalog, why give me a Hogwarts magic book.” ”

Is the level of magic low in the Harry Potter world? It must not be low, but what Lin Ye wants is still that powerful and destructive attack magic, just like the roar of the dragon king, the holy sword of the angel, and the fall of the sky, such magic is in line with Lin Ye’s identity.

“Alas, forget it, something is better than nothing, at least in terms of life, Hogwarts House magic is still very comprehensive.”

This is not Lin Ye comforting himself, after all, in the heavens and realms, there is really no magical world that dares to say that his magic system surpasses Harry Potter.

“The Flying Spell… Transfiguration Charm… Levitation Spell… All petrified… The Oblivion Curse… Death Seeker… Wait a minute! Death Curse!! Your Hogwarts still teaches this! Lin Ye reacted at once, not only all kinds of spells, but even a life-seeking spell in this book! Reaper of the Soul Curse! And the Drill Heart Charm!

Confused! Control! Hypnosis! Torture! Kill!

“No wonder this book is in color, now it seems that I am still too young!”

Thinking of this, Lin Ye directly began to open this magic book, and in the next second, bright light flew into Lin Ye’s mind, and in an instant, Lin Ye felt that his mind was full of rich magical knowledge.

“It’s good that I don’t need a magic wand to cast spells, otherwise I don’t have enough ammunition to fire?”

After thinking about it, Lin Ye directly picked up a cup on one side, and then lightly tapped “Wingardiumleviosa” on it with his other hand. ”

In the next second, this cup floated directly, and it could also move continuously with Lin Ye’s mind, and at this moment, Lin Ye was like a child who had obtained a new toy.

More than simply flying a cup, the next second, Lin Ye began to frantically output magic power, and in an instant, all the furniture of the entire Tosaka family flew up! Even as long as Lin Ye was willing, he could make the entire Yuansaka Mansion fly into the air!

This is just the simplest floating spell, and there are more spells that Lin Ye has not tried, but the power can be imagined. Forgetting everything can make people stupid directly, all petrification can be comparable to the Eye of Medusa, transfiguration can be teleported, and repairs can be repaired to open repair companies ,,, magic, which is really useful.

After playing for a long time, Lin Ye showed a happy smile: “Decided, from today onwards, I will officially transfer to the master, and in the future, I can also be a caster.” ”

Lin Ye decided that the next time he fought with someone, don’t rush up stupidly with a gun and a sword on his shoulder, and he can also elegantly hide behind and throw magic.

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