Chapter 355 Spirit Class Card? What is it?

The world of Illya, a magical girl

At this moment, Rin Tosaka and Luvia were looking at each other angrily, their good-looking eyes were wide, finally, all the anger could not be held back, everything finally broke out!

“It’s all to blame on you!” x2!

Rin Tosaka looked at Luvia angrily, “If it weren’t for you fighting with me!” How could rubies and sapphires leave us! ”

“Blame me?” Luvia stared at Rin Tosaka, “If you want to blame, you should be blamed, if it wasn’t for you to compete with me for the status of a master disciple, why would I fight you?” ”

Luvia and Rin Tosaka really look at each other unfavorably, and at this time, the ruby and sapphire on the side finally can’t listen.

The two gems glanced at each other, and then took advantage of the two women to quarrel and secretly disappeared into the night sky………

And at the moment, the live broadcast room

Kenneth: “I admit that question is wrong, but the most important thing is, can anyone tell me what the card in the hands of the two of them is?” Can you explain? ”

Magical girl Luvia “That, ah, that is the Yingling class card, that is, the Yinglingji turned into a card, the holder can obtain the power of the Yingling through this job introduction card, which is a very magical thing.” ”

Gilgamesh “What? Putting the power of the Spirit to your own use? Wait a minute? So who are those two class cards in your hand? Is it Ben King’s! ”

Rin Tosaka: “Think too much.” My class card is… @红a. ”

Luvia: “My class card should be… @库丘林Lancer. ”

Golden flash “Cut, that’s better. If you are using the power of the king! King Ben will not spare you! ”

Golden Flash is very proud, and Red A’s use of projection magic makes him look down on, not to mention the Yingling Career Card, a prop that uses Yinglingji.

Cuchulin Lancer “What? Which card is my card? Why! Why me! ”

Cuchulin Lancer was obviously surprised, he didn’t care about his power being used, he was more afraid that you would lose with my power? Isn’t that the same shame as losing myself?

As for the red a?

“Oh, class cards, it’s funny stuff.”

Hong A said so and said nothing, obviously, for this master who is proficient in all kinds of piracy, his ability is stolen by someone, and he looks very open.

Alice Phil: “I’m more concerned about one other thing than what you’re discussing. @魔法少女伊莉雅, Illya, why do you also have this magical girl prefix? No, what gemstone do you have, right? Could it be… White gemstones? ”

Magical Girl Illya “What? No no! I don’t have any gems! I’m just an ordinary girl, and I have nothing to do with your magic world.” ”

Illya quickly shook her head desperately, during this time she watched FZ, what kind of stuff is it, there are no good people or bad people at all, only the difference between the living and the dead, she doesn’t want to experience this at all.

However, when Illya had just finished this sentence, she heard a sound of knocking on glass outside her window?

“Ah! What people! Illya quickly shrunk to the corner of the wall, and then secretly looked at her windowsill, and when she saw the windowsill clearly, she froze directly in place

“This… This is… Ruby? Why are you here? ”

At the moment when Illya saw the ruby, in the live broadcast room

“The big thing is bad!” Rin Tosaka suddenly shouted in the live broadcast room.

And seeing that Tosaka Rin was so nervous, Tosaka Shichen silently said, “Don’t be so surprised, the people of the Tosaka family must always uphold elegance.” ”

“Oh.” Rin Tosaka agreed, “How to uphold elegance!” You don’t know at all, just now! My ruby… It’s gone! ”

Luvia: “And my sapphire!” Whining! My sapphire, it’s gone…”

Lin Ye: “Huh? Show you all the videos, and you lost them? You guys…… How did you do that? ”

And seeing Lin Ye say this, the two women blushed in unison, this… It seems to be quite shameful, are we really a little unreliable.

And at this moment, a weak voice sounded

“Ruby … Probably with me…”

“Sapphire… Maybe in my this. ”

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