Chapter 38 Breaking the Talisman of All Laws

“System, next time add a function that can hide the answer, otherwise someone will always follow suit.”

Lin Ye said to the system, and listening to Lin Ye’s words, the system also silently replied

“Good host.”

After the system was confirmed, Lin Ye looked at the two treasure chests in front of him.

One is obtained by answering the questions yourself, and the other is rewarded by the system

“Let’s open this system reward first, try your luck first.”

Lin Ye saw what everyone in the group had obtained, and it was honestly good, so Lin Ye also wanted to put his treasure chest behind.

Then, Lin Ye opened the first treasure chest in front of him and brushed! After the chest is opened, there is no golden light, no special sound effects, and some are just ordinary cards.

“This is … Bank cards! System Do you play me! ”

That’s right! This card is not something like a Spirit Summoning Card, Skill Card, Item Card or the like! That’s a bank card!

“Master, don’t underestimate this bank card! This thing is the highest level in the points mall! ”

“Highest level!” Lin Ye’s eyes lit up, “It sounds good, sure enough, I knew that this thing wouldn’t be that simple, so what?” What is his function? ”

“It has only one function! There is money in it! ”

Lin Ye…………

“Sure enough! System, you’re just kidding me! What should there be without money in the bank card! Can’t there be a girl! ”

“Master, you probably didn’t understand me. This is a universal bank card, as long as you have this card, you can spend as much as you want in any modern world, and there is no upper limit.

It can be said that you can become the richest man in the world in any world if you want.

And most importantly……… Master, you have no money in your pocket. ”

A sentence of the system embarrassed Lin Ye, he was wearing but not a soul, if he hadn’t sold the most valuable watch he had with him when he came to this world, he might not even be able to afford to eat.

Lin Ye didn’t understand why those who used to read novels could eat and drink without worrying about it if they didn’t do anything for a day, but Lin Ye really felt what it means to be a penny to stump a hero.

As for stealing and robbing, Lin Ye is not that kind of person, let alone Lin Ye, a normal person who has received a normal education will not rob it.

“So… Am I the richest man in the world? ”

System [As long as the owner does not worry about being troubled by some small people, then you are the richest man in the world. ]

“Look at it this way… This thing seems to be really good. Lin Ye looked at the hotel where he was staying now, and he couldn’t help but secretly make up his mind: “Ahem, I’ll go out and buy a villa in a while, I can’t always let Ai Lei live in a hotel with me, right, and maybe many people will come in the future, how can I solve the housing problem first.” ”

Lin Ye thought about it this way, and his reward seemed to be good. Lin Ye didn’t know at all, this thing is not only good, in the future, through the heavens and realms, the effect of this thing is far from as simple as he thought, for example, some goddesses are particularly short of money…

(Ishtarin???? )

“Forget it, let’s take a look at the next one.” Lin Ye opened another box.


This time, a burst of colorful light appeared in front of Lin Ye! Seeing this light, Lin Ye smiled!

“That’s my luck.”

[Congratulations to the owner for obtaining the treasure tool, RuleBreaker!] ]


Grade: C

Kind: Magic Treasure

This is not a combat treasure, but a very powerful functional treasure.

“Break the ring” of all magic tricks, even mana aggregates, mana treasures, and even the curse contract of the Holy Grail can be broken!

It was with this treasure that Medea broke the contract of Red A and My King.

In FGO Chapter 7, Gilgamesh is the one who asks Gollum to use the prototype of this treasure to break Tiamat’s invincible defenses.

To put it bluntly, for the Type Moon Traverser, the importance of this treasure is even more important than an EX-level treasure!

Lin Ye could see the effect of this treasure tool at a glance, and he already understood what this treasure tool meant.

Thinking of this, Lin Ye put away this treasure with satisfaction, and then he said to Ai Lei who had just come out of the bath

“Let’s go Elle, let’s go out and buy a house!”

“Huh? Didn’t you say that the house target is too big and easy to target? ”

Lin Ye……… :

“Ahem, didn’t I see your strength getting stronger? With you, what kind of enemy dares to provoke us, go, let’s go now! ”

“Then I’ll take the garden.”

“Little meaning, buy you another cart of seeds.”

“Long live Lin Ye!”

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