Chapter 42 Mordred? White gun dumb? Joan of Arc?

“Mordred? Could it be…” Alice Phil immediately knew who this person was.

Mordred, the legendary son of King Arthur, no wonder he looks exactly the same.

“That’s right, it’s her. Although we look exactly the same, I can’t be mistaken. “My king is extremely sure, she may not be sure about the two just now, but she is 100% sure of this person.

Seeing that my king said so, Alice Phil naturally silently chose no.

Now the function of anonymous voting has been added to the live broadcast room, so don’t look at the fierceness that everyone shouts in the live broadcast room, but who voted for whom, no one can say.

[Fourth image


On a field, a tall white horse stood there, and on its back, a heroic adult woman holding a knight’s spear was looking into the distance.

The whole person of this figure gives people a feeling of sacrosanctity and inviolability, just looking at it from a distance, it gives people a feeling that it is difficult to get along with.

Most importantly, she is in exceptional shape. How good is it? Anyway, each of these women in the group can compare. ]

Weber: “Who is this?” How did it get mixed in? ”

Tosaka Tokichen “I don’t know, but although this heroic spirit looks … Mature, but if you look closely, there is still some imagination with the knight king. ”

Kenneth “Huh? Resemble? Are you kidding? In addition to the pupil color and hair color, there is no place like well, especially the figure, have you forgotten the appearance of the knight king during the live broadcast before? ”

Artoria “@肯尼斯! What do you mean! Do you have an opinion about me!! ”

Kenneth: “Ahem, no, no, I’m just being realistic.” ”

Weber: “But maybe, have you forgotten Alexander and Iskander?” So aren’t two people who are not like the same person? ”

Alexander: “It’s different, there’s a reason I’m like Iskander, and you all know it.” And before the knight king said, her body stopped growing after she pulled out the sword in the stone, so how could it be her? ”

Iskandar: “That’s right. And don’t forget, I became what I am today because I was like this before I became a hero, but the Knight King… She seemed to have looked like this little girl when she died. ”

Kenneth: “Whatever you choose, I choose no.” ”

Giles: “Not my holy maid. ”

Yusheng Ryunosuke: “I have the same opinion as Master Aosu! ”

Lin Ye’s house

“Hahaha! Isn’t this a white gun? It’s so interesting, if you don’t know, you don’t know, what is crazy diss my king for, don’t be embarrassed to die when the answer comes out in this moment? ”

Lin Ye silently chose yes while thinking.

And in the castle of Einz Belén

“Saber, this question is simply given for nothing, I will choose no.” Alice Phil said that she was about to make a decision, however, the quick-eyed King quickly held her hand!

“Wait a minute, don’t worry!”

“What’s wrong Saber?” Alice Phil looked at my king incomprehensibly, and my king said extremely seriously

“Wait a minute, I know this gun, it’s definitely Rhongomyniad! And that horse, that’s also my love horse? Starrian, so Allie, I have a guess that this could really be me. You…… Would you like to believe me? My king looked at Alice Phil in front of him, although she could be 99% sure that this was herself, but falling into the ears of others would still make people a little unbelievable.

However, listening to my king’s words, Alice Phil nodded without hesitation and said, “Of course I believe you, then, I will choose it.” ”

Listening to Alice Phil’s words, a smile appeared on my king’s face. As a servent, there’s nothing better than meeting a master who trusts you.

At this moment, my king could only smile and say, “Thank you for your trust, Alice Phil.” ”

“What is there to be thankful for, but you are helping me.”

I have to say that Alice Phil and Artoria are really good.

[Fifth image


A peerless girl in a battle uniform is holding a battle flag high, with an ancient longsword pinned to her waist, and a golden battle flag in her hand with blooming iris flowers, as if it is the embodiment of holiness. ]

Giles “Joan of Arc! O Holy Virgin! I will never admit mistakes! This is my Holy Virgin! ”

Olga Marie: “You’re endless! It’s this face, you think it’s your holy maid, who knows if you have made a mistake this time! ”

Tosaka Shichen: “I think he should not be wrong this time, first of all, although the knight king and this one are almost ninety percent similar, it is obvious that their temperaments are completely different.

Especially this one on the picture, Iris … I don’t remember anything to do with King Arthur. ”

Dilumdo: “And the most important point. The weapon on the body, the knight king’s sword is a golden broad-bladed sword, and this sword is obviously a French cross sword, which should indeed be the rumored sword of St. Catherine. ”

Joan’s picture was instantly recognized with almost no opinion, but when Joan’s picture was recognized, everyone suddenly understood Giles a little

Weber: “This……… I have to say that these two are really a bit similar. In this way, seeing that Giles admitted his mistake, in fact, he can’t be blamed. ”

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