Chapter 76 Take a water gun is archer?

For the first time, Artoria felt the helplessness brought by the fire.

How did she know that there were so many of herself in this world, and so many that looked exactly like herself.

The problem is that it looks weirder than one, playing with water guns, wearing bunny girls, and one being Santa Claus, why didn’t you fly a spaceship!

At this moment, Lin Ye finally spoke, “Okay, it’s time to get down to business, pay attention to the problem itself.” ”

Weber: “Yes, let’s take care of the answer first, what do you all think?” ”

Seeing Lin Ye divert this embarrassing topic, King Wu couldn’t help but feel a warmth in his heart.

Kenneth: “First of all, let’s go through the question, which is who is saber, or is it multiple choice, so isn’t it very simple?” ABD is holding a sword, obviously these three. ”

“How is it possible?” You’ve never had brains? Think about it with your ass and know that this question will not be so simple. ”

Weber: “That’s right, that’s right! What seems the least unlikely is the most likely! So, I choose C! ”

Kenneth: “You fuck me!” Weber! Put away your murderous paranoiac head, there are not so many routines! Didn’t know? ”

Gawain: “This… Forgive me, my king, I really don’t know which of you belong to the Saber class. ”

My King “Gao Wenqing, I don’t blame you for this, because……… Even I couldn’t tell which of them was Saber. ”

When he said this, my king blushed a little.

What else can she say, how can she blame the other party if she can’t recognize it herself?

Giles: “Here… Is it heaven? ”

Lin Ye: “This madman is probably going to answer incorrectly again.” ”

Tosaka Shichen: “So… Is the correct answer ABD? ”

“Huh? Aren’t you naïve? Is using a sword a saber? I don’t know how many swords there are in the king’s treasury, but do you think I’m saber when I take out a sword? Stupidity! ”

A sentence from Jin Shining reflected many people from a state of confusion.

Weber: “That’s right, I feel like three answers are a bit much, I think there should be two. ”

Iskandar “Oh? Little master, who do you think is not that saber? ”

Webb: “I think it’s that Santa Claus, you see, the sack behind her is so big, what if it’s Berserker?” ”

Lin Ye “God Timo’s berserker, carrying the bag is berserker, then the one with the water gun is still the archer?” ”

Weber: “Yes, yes, yes! That’s how I got it! ”

Lin Ye………

Weber, you are such a genius.

Lin Ye looked at this question and sighed, this group of people has been misled by the system.

Although the system says that multiple selections are possible, it does not say that multiple selections are required.

There has always been only one answer to this question.

A, saberLily, only she is the real saber.

Gao Wen “I choose AB”

Weber “I also choose AB”

Tosaka Tokichen “I choose BD”

Mordred “I still choose ABD”

Giles: “I choose ABCD. ”

Xiao Mo: “Come and take this fool away and play with him, we are afraid that someone will treat us all as fools.” ”

Even if it was a multiple-choice question, I didn’t choose ABCD.

Olga Marie: “It’s so annoying, if you choose multiple questions, the routine of the four of us choosing one by one will not work, this possibility is too much.” ”

Roman: “Don’t care, Director, we’ll just let us go.” ”

Olga Marie: “How can you follow the chance!” I was counting on using this system and Yingling to sign up, alas, why didn’t Leif join the group. If he’s there, he will definitely help me. ”

Listening to Olga Marie’s words, Lin Ye on the side was speechless, this Olga Marie still believed Leif so much. Unfortunately, she still looked at the wrong person after all.

As time passed, the participants chose their own answers, and Lin Ye was no exception, but he was different from these people, and he had only one answer, that is, A.

[Publish the correct answer now:

A, Artoria Lily, a young knight king, has just drawn the sword of the king’s choice and is on the road to becoming a king. Class, saber.

B, swimsuit Artoria, the king of the sand that descended on the sea of midsummer, class, Archer. ]

Weber “Huh? Or is it really archer? Make no mistake! Really that water gun as an archer? Then I can still be a caster! ”

Kenneth “Then I have the Moon Spirit Essence, what class should I be?” ”

Lin Ye: “Do you feel… How about Rider? ”

Kenneth: “Makes sense… Wait a minute! What a reason! This truth can’t be justified at all! ”

Looking at the ruler on the table and silent, I felt that I should be able to be a ruler. ”

Tosaka Tokichen “ruler? I thought you were going to be Avenger. ”

“You’re right, I should be Avenger, Avenger who only takes revenge on you, so what are you?” ”

Tosaka Tokichen: “Me? Of course I’m a caster, what else? ”

Lin Ye: “Maybe……… Shielder? ”

Tosaka Shichen “Shield soldiers? What do you mean? ”

What do you mean? Lin Ye couldn’t help but roll his eyes, what can it mean, you are the first pot king of ten thousand worlds, so many pots stacked should not be shield soldiers? Can anyone else break your shield?

[C, Artoria the Bunny Girl, the dealer of the Great Summer Casino, no one can cheat in front of her eyes, class, ruler. ] ]

Mordred: “This father is a ruler? It completely turned my impression of rulers upside down. Xiao Mo also didn’t expect that his eternally serious father would still have this kind of dress.

Kenneth “I originally thought that the rulers were all like Joan of Arc, but I couldn’t imagine that there were such …”

Lin Ye: “Alas,,, your understanding of the ruler class is still too superficial.” ”

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