Chapter 96 Which Heroic Spirit is out first

Golden Flash: “A group of rat-eyed miscellaneous cultivators!” For the sake of 1000 points, I don’t choose this king with a good conscience! What a fool! ”

Jin Sparkle doesn’t care much about 1000 points, he cares! I actually lost! Are you kidding? I still have time to lose Gilgamesh!

“What is ignorance of conscience?” Originally, the popularity of the knight king was higher than yours, right! ”

Mordred: “That’s right, it is natural that the father king should become the popularity king!” Long live Father! ”

My King “Xiao Mo, low-key, low-key, but just a false name, there is nothing to be happy about. ”

Kenneth: “That’s right, 1,000 points!” I’m going to reach 2,000 points now, and when the Holy Grail War is over, I’ll switch to a magic circuit, maybe I can fight for the crown magician in my lifetime? Kenneth, the crown magician, sounds very good. ”

Weber: “Hmph, you better keep it and wait for it to be abolished by Weigong Cut and then change to a new magic circuit, 2000 points, it should be enough for you.” ”

Kenneth “Webb! You are jealous! It’s the jealousy of Chiguoguo! But it doesn’t matter, I am also your teacher no matter how I say, and I will forgive you with great mercy. ”

Alexander: “It’s a pity, obviously I think Iskandar is right, sure enough, is the king’s path so lonely?” ”

Iskandar “Hahaha, Alexander, you don’t need to care about this at all, the so-called king, our merits never need to be recognized by others.” Moreover, it is only the first popularity king, and there is a second, a third, and one day, we have to let everyone know that I am the right one. ”

Iskandar doesn’t think he lost, he just lost more people on my king’s side in this live broadcast room.

If I have the opportunity in the future, I will definitely pull in all the 100,000 people of my king’s army, really, in terms of being more than people, I, I, Iskander, have never been afraid of others!

At this moment, the second round of Q&A in the live broadcast room also officially began

[The second is titled Multiple Choice question, asking who is the first hero to quit in the fourth Holy Grail War in the fatezero world.]








Looking at the question in front of him, everyone in the live broadcast room became serious. After asking questions for so long, now, is someone finally out of the game?

Weber: “This question… It’s a little hard to answer. ”

Kenneth: “It’s really hard to answer, I used to watch a video before answering the question, but this time, it was directly let us answer, there was no information at all, it was indeed a little difficult.” ”

“Something is wrong, it’s not that there is no information at all. Don’t you find that every time you answer a question, the questions asked in the live broadcast room are either the same type, such as the last time we guessed who is caster, or it is the last three consecutive questions of the battle of the Magic Realm Forest, so the answer to this question must be related to the video of the banquet of the three kings we just watched! ”

Eimiya Kiriji really didn’t say wrong, it did have something to do with the live broadcast just now, and his words were recognized by everyone as soon as they came out.

Although this person is not very good, his mind is still worthy of recognition, and his analysis should be reasonable.

Webb “just… Has it something to do with the banquet of the Three Kings just now? Could it be that Saber was said too hard by Rider, and then attacked Rider directly in anger, and was finally killed by Rider? ”

Alice Phil “Nonsense! Even if they really fight, it is Saber who kills Iskander! My saber is powerful! ”

My King: “Yes, I don’t think I’m going to lose to Iskander, but I don’t think I’m going to go into anger at the banquet and strike at Iskander, which is the insistence of being a king.”

Even if Iskandar and I really want to win or lose, we will start a battle and find a suitable place to duel. ”

Iskandar: “That’s right, I believe in the knight king, and I believe in the golden pickup, and the guy who is extremely proud is even more disdainful to do such a thing.” ”

Webb: “So obviously, remove the three wrong answers, we have four left, assassin, caster, Lancer, and berserker, who do you think it will be?” ”

Iskandar “Ha? Does this still need to be asked? Isn’t the weakest assassin the one who should be the first to go out? Isn’t it right @baimang hassan. ”

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