At the entrance of Sobu High School

“”Mr. Hisa, here are the land deeds and house contracts for the commercial center project I’m in charge of… In addition, the remaining acquisition funds for the project are all in here.” Yukinoshita

Haruno took out a large cardboard box with many documents from the car with mixed feelings.

A few days ago, she was still confident in letting Awashima Seri negotiate the demolition and compensation.

She was ready to make a big move in her first large-scale commercial center project.

Unexpectedly, in just three days, the positions of both parties had undergone an astonishing reversal.

The orphanage had not yet been acquired, but her own home had been taken over by someone else.

However, for Yukino, she had no choice but to do this.

“Also, about my mother’s side……”

Jiuzeyu interrupted her.

“Don’t worry, I know what you mean. You just need to continue to be the heir of Yukinoshita!”

Mrs. Yukinoshita holds the sole power of the Yukinoshita Group. Although Yukinoshita Haruno has begun to take over some projects as the heir, she is still just the crown prince.

In essence, the Yukinoshita Group that Kuze Yu got is only a part of the Yukinoshita Group.

The premise for Yukinoshita Haruno to fulfill her promise is that she can fully control the entire group.

“Seven years… No, five years. I will fulfill my promise in five years!”

Yukinoshita Haruno took a deep breath and said calmly.

Since she decided to agree to Kuzeha’s conditions, she had not slept all night from last night to the early morning.

Her thinking had undergone countless changes. It was not until she witnessed Kuzeha easily killing the”god” that even Grandma Sanzhi was terrified that Yukinoshita Haruno suddenly figured it out.

What value do money, power, and status have in this world? What role can they play when facing evil spirits, monsters, and even gods?


The only truth in this world is power!

Only with absolute power, money, power, and status will naturally come!

Today’s Yukinoshita Group seems to be unprecedented, but in fact it is just a castle in the air!

Otherwise, her mother would not be so eager to seek talents, cultivate, and seek talented people!

Are those talented people as powerful as Kuzeha?

What’s more, Kuzeha is even willing to let Yukino learn the method of binding spirits!

It seems that she handed over the future of the Yukinoshita Group.

But Yukinoshita Haruno believes that she just grasped the future in an instant!

“Miss Yang No, next you should investigate the previous projects of your Yukinoshita Group, preferably the ones that had some brief obstacles in the middle but ended up safe and sound!”

Kushi Yu narrowed his eyes slightly.

In the world where Kuze Yu lived in his previous life, if the real estate company wanted to expand, it had to do everything, black and white, to have a chance to grow.

Not to mention this extraordinary world of anime.

Kuze Yu suspected that there might be an extraordinary organization hidden behind the Yukinoshita Group that was not controlled by Mrs. Yukinoshita.

Otherwise, with the capabilities of the Yukinoshita Group that he had observed so far, it would not be able to expand to this scale.

Since the Yukinoshita Group was going to become its own back garden, some invisible things had to be cleaned up as soon as possible!

Yukinoshita Yang No heard this, although she felt a little confused, but she still nodded and agreed.

Kuze Yu took the file bag from Yukinoshita Yang No.

After a simple flip through, he found that Yang No and others were quite efficient and had acquired a lot of deeds and houses.

These alone are worth more than tens of billions.

“Find a suitable piece of land not far from the orphanage and build a new courtyard!”

The orphanage was planned to be preserved.

But after all, it has been a few years, and various places are a little run-down.

The most important thing is that the sound insulation is not very good…

Now that the conditions are met, it is natural to build a large courtyard!

“Do you have any requests?”

Jiu Shiyu couldn’t think of any requests for a while.

“Oh, more rooms!”

Jiu Shiyu said.

This is crucial!…………….

When Kuzeha and Yukinoshita Yukino returned to the classroom, it was the break between the second classes.

Having missed two classes at the same time, they returned to the classroom together… adolescent girls are best at making up ambiguous thoughts.

Immediately, all kinds of ambiguous glances and discussions were focused on Kuzeha and Yukinoshita Yukino.

“There must be something going on between them!”

“Wow, Hisayo-san is such a hidden talent that he actually managed to win over Yukinoshita, the proud and lonely flower on the mountaintop!”

“They disappeared for two classes, a full two hours, one hundred and twenty minutes, seven thousand two hundred seconds! I dare not imagine what they did in such a long time!”

Ellie listened to the discussions of the classmates around her, her blue eyes flashing, her fingers quickly pressed the pen cap, making a clicking sound.

She was a little anxious.

But she still pretended to ask casually

“Kuze-san, were you with Yukinoshita-san this morning?”

“Yes, I went to a place with her.”

After hearing Hisahi’s frank admission, Ellie was stunned.

Is he really together with Yukinoshita, as his classmates said?

Ellie suddenly remembered that when school started, Hisahi would stare at Yukinoshita Yukino’s back in a trance.

Thinking of this, Ellie felt her heart suffocating, and the words that were suppressed in her heart seemed to turn into tears and gathered in her eyes.

At this time, Hisahi’s words, which had been paused for a moment, came slowly.

“Unfortunately, I didn’t get to sit in Mr. Hiratsuka’s Aston Martin this time.……”

“Did you go with Hiratsuka-sensei?”

“Yes, otherwise do you think I was flirting with Xue No this morning?”

Seeing Jiu Shi Yu’s half-smile, Ellie snorted and looked away angrily.

But her breathing was no longer blocked, the air became fresher, and her heartbeat was no longer dull!

The next moment, Jiu Shi Yu heard a string of Russian words coming into her ears.

“I was the first one to come, how could I let other women get there first!”

Jiu Shiyu laughed and said nothing.

If we were to sort by time, this girl wouldn’t even be able to get to the party.……

“I’ve already called her Yukino, but Ellie hasn’t reacted yet… Kuze really has the talent to be a scumbag.”

Just then, a soft whisper with almost no emotion came from the front.

Kuze looked up and happened to meet those beautiful eyes. The girl sitting in front of him was the one with the talent for quiet steps, whose presence was so weak that Kuze sometimes forgot about her existence.

Kato Megumi!

Okay, okay, you’re mumbling and complaining, right? I’ll see if I’ll stab you when the time comes!

After meeting Kuze’s half-smiley eyes, Kato Megumi pursed her lips and her heart skipped a beat.

Can his subtle voice be heard?……………

PS: Ask for monthly ticket

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