"This is the familiar summoning circle that I finally got after fighting the Demon King as the True Eye of the Evil King. Of course, I can successfully summon a familiar! Don’t you believe me? Thunder Hammer User!"

The girl called Thunder Hammer User is named Sanae Tomomori.

After hearing what Rikka Takanashi said, Sanae Tomomori immediately shook her head and denied it.

"Of course not. As the first servant of the Evil King True Eyes, I naturally have great trust in the Evil King True Eyes!"

"Very good!"

Hearing what Touma Sanae said, Rikka Takanashi nodded with satisfaction.

The two began to look at the blueprint in their hands carefully again.

In fact, this was a blueprint that Rikka Takanashi picked up accidentally.

She just felt that the pattern was very suitable for her temperament, so she brought it back.

As for the summoning of familiars, well! Chuunibyou


After looking at it for a while, Toumori Sanae couldn't help but ask

"How do I summon a familiar now?"

I can't just yell at this piece of paper.

The question from Touma made Rikka fall into deep thought. She put her hand on her chin and pretended to think.

Soon she had the answer.

"Since it is a familiar that has made a contract with me, it is natural that I will summon it with my blood!"

"What, you actually need blood to summon?"

Tomoe Sanae knows how to cooperate. The atmosphere has been created so much that it is impossible not to bleed.

Takanashi Rikka found a needle from somewhere.

What she said just now was quite imposing, but when it came to stabbing herself, she was still a little timid.

After all, although she was a little bit chuunibyou, she was just a girl who had not seen much of the world.

"Let's go together!"

Takanashi Rikka suddenly looked at Touma Sanae who was standing beside her.

"Let's summon familiars together!"

Seeing that Rikka Takanashi found another needle from somewhere, Sanae Toumori was a little scared, but she still took it tremblingly.

""Okay, okay!"

In the end, the two girls hesitated for a long time before two drops of blood came out.

And they fell on the drawing.

I thought nothing would happen. After all, the second-year syndrome is not really stupid, it's just easy to fall into fantasy.

"It seems that this,"

Rikka Takanashi was about to say, it seems that this blueprint is just a trap set by the devil.

But the next moment


With the integration of the two drops of blood, the red lines on the originally quiet blueprint suddenly reflected some brilliance.

Under the stunned expressions of the two girls, a terrifying and weird creature slowly crawled out of the blueprint.

"What is this?

Sanae Toumori couldn't help but step back, and she began to tremble. Rikka

Takanashi also felt fear, but after thinking about something, she suddenly shouted at the terrifying monster.

"Since I summoned you, please take me to the invisible boundary!"

In fact, Rikka Takanashi didn't have Chuunibyou since she was a child.

It was because after her father died unexpectedly, she couldn't accept this fact and thought that her father had entered some invisible boundary. So Rikka Takanashi's Chuunibyou was to find a way to enter the invisible boundary and find her father!

Success! After working so hard for so long, is it finally going to succeed?

"Open for me the passage to the invisible boundary!"


The summoned monster didn't say anything.

It just looked at Rikka Takanashi and Sanae Tomomori in front of it, and a ferocious smile gradually appeared on its face.


At this moment, the door of the club was suddenly kicked open.

"I don't know if I can open the invisible boundary, but you are really brave!"

Rikka Takanashi and Sanae Touma?

Looking at the appearance of the two girls, Ye Liuyun already had the answer in his heart. Yes, according to the severe second-year syndrome of these two girls, it is not surprising that they will do any strange things!

""Who are you?"

The sudden situation also made Takanashi Rikka and Touma Sanae look over blankly.

Obviously, they haven't realized the seriousness of the problem yet.

"Is this weird?"

"How terrifying!"

Yotsuya Miko and Yukinoshita Yukino, who came with them, looked at such a hideous and terrifying monster. Even though they had seen similar monsters before, they still felt fear from the bottom of their hearts.

"A special kind of weirdness, or an urban legend?"

If it can be seen by ordinary people, it must not be an ordinary weirdness.

As he spoke, Ye Liuyun walked towards the weird location.

When he passed by Rikka Takanashi and Sanae Toumori, he patted their shoulders.

"From the perspective of ordinary people, you are really brave!"From this point of view, Chuunibyou is actually quite good. At least when you encounter strange things, your first feeling is not to be so scared that you lose your composure.

I agree, and I will also brush up on the talent entries.

They are all famous female characters, I think I will definitely gain something.

"Successfully contacted the target: Rikka Takanashi!

The golden entry has been triggered, do you want to load it?"

"Successfully contacted the target: Sanae Toumori!

The golden entry has been triggered, do you want to load it?"

Sure enough, two golden entries appeared in a row, and Ye Liuyun smiled with satisfaction.

He had planned to wait until the task was completed before looking at it, but the system's voice sounded again.

"If the host is detected to have triggered more than ten golden entries, you will be awarded one chance to draw golden entries!"


This surprised Ye Liuyun.

He didn't expect that after triggering ten golden terms, he would get a chance to draw any golden term. He just didn't know if there would be such a chance again in the future. He was looking forward to it.

"Flowing clouds!"

""Be careful!"

Yotsuya Miko and Yukinoshita Yukino suddenly cried out.

Because just now, the monster summoned by Takanashi Rikka and Touma Sanae with blood suddenly moved and rushed directly towards Ye Liuyun.


He raised his hand and caught the monster's attack steadily.


This casual scene directly caused the exclamations of Takanashi Rikka and Touma Sanae.

The two beautiful girls looked over with admiration, and Takanashi Rikka even said directly

"Are you my guardian knight?"


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