
Things in the outside world could not affect Ye Liuyun.

The next day, Ye Liuyun yawned and got up from the room.

When he walked out, he saw that Yotsuya Miko had already prepared breakfast.

"Are you up yet? Wash up, have breakfast and then go to school!"

The weekend is really fast!

"Hey, as expected, the happiest thing during school is going to school!"

Ye Liuyun couldn't help but sigh and walked towards the bathroom.

Having said that, he still had to go to school.

After all, if he didn't go to school, he would always feel like something was missing.

Looking at such a childish Ye Liuyun, Yotsuya Miko couldn't help but smile and prepared some clothes for Ye Liuyun to change into before going to school!

Just as Ye Liuyun walked out of the bathroom and prepared to have breakfast

"Ding Dong!

It's the doorbell.

"Will there be any guests at this time?"

Ye Liuyun looked at Yotsuya Miko in confusion.

Yotsuya Miko, who took out some clothes, also shook her head with curiosity.

"Ding Dong!"

The doorbell rang again. Although he didn't know who it was, Ye Liuyun still went out.


Outside the door was a mature woman with a dangerous hairstyle. Behind the woman was a daughter who looked like she was still in elementary school.

The two looked almost identical, except that one was an enlarged version and the other was a reduced version.

They looked familiar, as if they were also an anime character.


Seeing Ye Liuyun's move, Fang smiled and picked up the small cake in his hand.

"My name is Izumi Sae, and this is my daughter, Izumi Sagiri!"

It's this mother and daughter. The moment Ye Liuyun heard the name, he immediately remembered them.

However, in the anime, Izumi Sagiri's mother died before she even appeared. But now, she is alive and well.

"We just moved here, this is a little gift from you, please take care of us in the future!"In Sakura, after moving to a new place, people would give some gifts to their neighbors as a greeting gift, which is also a very common thing.

Ye Liuyun didn't pretend to be anything, and directly took it.

"Hello, my name is Ye Liuyun. If you have any questions in the future, you can come to me!"

After saying that, Ye Liuyun smiled and said to Izumi Sagiri who was hiding behind Izumi Sagiri.

"Hello, Xiaoshawu!"

"Hello, hello!"

Seeing Ye Liuyun greet her, Izumi Sagiri blushed, hid behind her mother, and said softly

"Sorry, this child is a little introverted and a little shy!"


This is much better than in the anime.

At least he can come out. In the anime, he stays in his room and never comes out.

It should be because his mother didn't have an accident, so he is not so socially anxious.

"Then we'll go first!"

Izumi and her daughter didn't bother them too much. After talking for a while, they left directly.

It seemed that they were going to say hello to other neighbors.

Ye Liuyun didn't stop them, but closed the door again.

At this time, Yotsuya Miko, who had packed her clothes and came out, looked at the small cake in Ye Liuyun's hand and seemed even more curious.

"This is?"

"A welcome gift from the neighbors. They just moved in. They look like a single mother and daughter!"

Ye Liuyun didn't hide anything and said directly


That's not surprising!

"Then I will make a cake and send it to you tonight!"If someone gives you a gift, you have to return it.

"Don’t think about this now, let’s eat first!"


"Mr. Liuyun!"

"Yay hello!"

""Good morning, Liuyun-kun!"

When they arrived at the classroom, no one would greet Ye Liuyun in the past.

But this time, Miura Yumiko and the others all greeted him with a smile.

The other people in the class were all confused.

When did Ye Liuyun and the girls in the live group become so close?

Even Aoyama Hayato, who was sitting in front, looked over curiously.

""Good morning!"

Everyone else greeted him, so Ye Liuyun naturally wouldn't respond coldly. He also greeted them.

Seeing that the dark circles under the girls' eyes had disappeared, he smiled and said:

"It seems that you have recovered now!"

""Yeah! Thanks to you, Liuyun-jun, we haven't had that nightmare these days!"

Seeing Ye Liuyun sitting down, Miura Yumiko directly moved a stool and sat down opposite Ye Liuyun.

She didn't care about the eyes of other people around her at all. I can only say that she is worthy of being the Queen of Fire.

"It doesn't matter, after all, I was paid!"

During the weekend, Miura Yumiko had already paid for the exorcism through a mobile phone chat.

She also wanted to invite me to dinner, but at that time, I was going to date Kasumigaoka Utaha and Sawamura Eriri, so I didn't have time at all, so I refused.

"But I asked you out for dinner, and you refused!"

Speaking of this, Miura Yumiko's eyes became a little resentful.

If you don't know, you might think she was abandoned.

Shrugging his shoulders, Ye Liuyun said directly

"There was no way I could do that, because I was dating other women at the time, so I refused!"


Actually, you don't have to answer so directly, you can just lie to me

"It's suitable for Yotsuya Miko, right?"

I saw Yotsuya Miko come to the class during lunch break so many days ago and ask Ye Liuyun to go out for dinner. It's normal for them to be boyfriend and girlfriend.

"No, it's other girls!"

Ye Liuyun replied nonchalantly.


Did I hear it wrong?

"So, Ryuun-kun, your girlfriend isn't Yotsuya Miko?"

Yuigahama Yui and Ebina Hime, who also came over, asked first after hearing this.

"No, Jianzi is indeed my girlfriend!"


Yuigahama Yui was a little dazed, and obviously didn't react to the twists and turns. She was still a little confused.

"In this case, is it really okay for Liuyun-kun to say it openly?"

It was Ebina Hime who asked in an inexplicable tone.

He has a girlfriend, but he is still dating other girls. Isn't this a scumbag?

"Jianzi knows it!"


Well, even Himena Ebina, who thought she had a good emotional intelligence, didn't know what to say at this time. Is it popular for young people to fall in love like this now?

I feel that I am a little behind the times! (To read exciting novels, go to Fly Novel Network!)

Miura Yumiko, on the other hand, seemed to have thought of something, and her eyes became much brighter.

During the lunch break at noon.

The service club was very quiet. As I said before, as long as Rikka Takanashi and Sanae Touma were not there, the service club would basically not be too noisy!

"By the way, have you heard about it?"

At this moment, Lily Chuanhua seemed to have thought of something and suddenly said to everyone

"There is a new rumor on campus recently!"

At this time, even Ye Liuyun looked over.

Ye Liuyun really didn't pay much attention to the things on campus.

"What rumors?"

"Many students encountered a strange thing. They seemed to have met a senior who called herself Sakurajima Mai in school, and she asked them if they could see her. But soon, those people only remembered the name Sakurajima Mai and even forgot her appearance!"

"Is there such a thing?"

Yotsuya Miko was a little surprised. This is indeed very curious.

"I've heard about this, too!"

At this time, Yukinoshita Yukino put down her lunch box and said seriously

"Oh! Yukino finally stopped hiding from me today?"

Noticing the position of Yukinoshita Yukino, Ye Liuyun suddenly smiled.

Compared to before, she always stayed far away from him, but this time she sat next to him. It seems that she has started to show off. In the past few nights, Ye Liuyun has not been stingy with his ability to enter dreams.


Yukinoshita Yukino didn't say anything, just rolled her eyes at Ye Liuyun.[]

Although the situation in the dream is becoming more and more real and outrageous.

There are already four or five people.

But Yukinoshita Yukino now feels that her heart has become much calmer.

After all, there is a saying that life is like that. Since you can't resist it, you might as well lie down.

Asking for flowers

"Don't get me wrong, Liuyun-jun, I just did it for some other reasons before!"

"Don't worry, I didn't misunderstand!"

With one hand supporting his chin, Ye Liuyun smiled indifferently.


I don't know why, but Ye Liuyun's smile always makes Yukinoshita Yukino feel like her inner thoughts are all seen through.

She couldn't help but miss the realization, her face slightly red.

"Ahem, let's talk about that rumor!"

Clearing her throat, Yukinoshita Yukino immediately became serious.

"According to what I heard, a classmate of mine met a woman who called herself Sakurajima Mai during a physical education class. He asked if he could see her. After that, he had no effect on her and even doubted whether he had encountered this incident.

Could it be just a personal imagination or an illusion?"

In fact, it is easy for a person to lose his mind and have illusions.

But if so many people imagine the same thing at the same time, it is impossible!

"Sakurajima Mai?"

Ye Liuyun narrowed his eyes slightly. In fact, when he first heard this name, Ye Liuyun realized who it was.

Bunny girl senior.

However, at this time, it should be that the other party's presence has just disappeared for a short time, and she can still be barely seen.

When it comes to the later stage, it will be difficult to be seen, or even remembered.



Thinking about the news, Ye Liuyun looked up and suddenly found that Xuexia and the others around him were all looking at him curiously.

"What's wrong?"Why don't you discuss it among yourselves at this time? What am I going to do?

"I just thought that Liuyun-kun would know about this!"

Yukinoshita Yukino shook her head and said this subconsciously.

But after she finished speaking, Yukinoshita Yukino herself was a little confused.

Since when did she become so dependent on Ye Liuyun? It seems that at the beginning, she always firmly believed that relying on her own strength was enough to do everything!

But now, when encountering problems, she turns to Ye Liuyun for advice instead of thinking for herself.

When did she develop such a habit?

"I'm curious too!"

Yotsugu Miko and Yuri Kawana didn't think too much about it, they looked at Ye Liuyun curiously.

"Could it be some supernatural event?"

"Could it be weird?"

Since Baihe Chuanhua knew about the existence of weird things at Ye Liuyun's place, she felt scared and curious at the same time.

She really wanted to see it again!

"It shouldn't be!"

If it was weird, it wouldn't just be asking if the other person knew me.

"It seems like he is the one who really wants the technique to get out of control!"

"The technique is out of control?"

Such words made Yukinoshita Yukino, who was still a little self-doubting, raise her head and look at Ye Liuyun curiously.

Another new word.

"Many sorcerers, because they have their own spells but don't know it, accidentally use their abilities. This is called spell out of control!"

Just like Yuta Otsutsukoshi.

Because he didn't know his own power, when he saw his childhood sweetheart Rika encounter an accident, he broke down and lost control of his spell, cursing her, making her the current special-grade cursed spirit.

"It should be a technique that makes one's presence disappear, but it was activated accidentally and ended up in a mess!"

In this anime world, this can indeed be explained

"So what are the consequences of this?"


Ye Liuyun thought for a moment and said

"As for the consequences, it should be like what is happening now, slowly being completely forgotten by people until it disappears completely. Although it is still alive in this world, no one will remember it!"


Hearing this, the girls were all surprised.

They didn't expect that the consequences of losing control of the technique would be so serious.

"Doesn't that mean that no one will ever see her again, and no one will ever know her?"

A person will live alone forever.

Even in the midst of trouble, no one will notice her. That loneliness is the most despairing thing, right?

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