Inside the Palace...

After hearing what Her Majesty the Queen said, the tense atmosphere in the palace suddenly changed!

After a long silence,...


Bawanxi, who was the first to react, let out a sharp scream!

"How to do how to do!"

"My hair, and this dress, and these shoes!"


"If His Majesty asks, how should I explain it?"

"It's over! It's over!"

"Your Majesty must still think that I was the harmless stupid goblin back then!"

"Mother! Help me!"

"Please reverse time and change me back to the way I was before!"

Bawanxi covered her cute little face anxiously, rolled on the ground, begging her mother!

She was too embarrassed to see anyone!

When the king came back again!

He knew what she had done in the past six thousand years!

With the king's character, he would definitely not forgive her!

【This kind of thing should never happen!】...

"His Majesty Morgan!"

"Is what you said true?!"

"His Majesty is really still alive?!"

"How is he doing now? Will he hate me?"

Melyuchina, with tears streaming down her face, asked with joy.

She only cared about that Majesty, and then the Fairy Kingdom.

Because the Fairy Kingdom inherited the good wishes of that Majesty!

As for Queen Morgan...

Or other people, just colleagues......

"I don't know any other news."

"In conclusion..."

"While I am away, the Fairy Kingdom will be handed over to you." Morgan, standing on the throne, looked down at the farce below....

Even though six thousand years have passed, the fairies who followed him and the dragonborn who were redeemed still remember him and have not forgotten him after six thousand years.

When the fairy knights heard the news that the former king was still alive, they were so excited!...

"His Majesty Morgan!"


"Let me follow you and go together!"

"I want to see His Majesty! I want to see His Majesty!"

Melyuchina was so excited that she wanted to rush to the throne regardless of her status!


The fairy knight Gawain stopped his companion in time.

"Calm down!"

"You have waited for six thousand years, do you still care about these few days?"

The fairy knight Gawain persuaded Melyuchina earnestly.

"Bagster! Stop pretending!"

"Don't think I don't know!"

"What have you done to the statue of the late king?"

"You have never seen His Majesty, you idiot..."

Melusina struggled and spoke angrily, trying to uncover her companion's dark history.

However, the fairy knight Gawain covered her mouth and swallowed her unfinished words.

Morgan saw the farce happening below.

Morgan's eyelids could not stop twitching.


"You don't even look like knights anymore!"

She scolded her subordinates who were extremely disappointed with her.

Even Bawanshi, who was rolling on the ground, stopped making trouble.

They all heard that Her Majesty the Queen was really angry!

Morgan looked down at the three fairy knights below.

The blue light turned into a spear in her hand.


Morgan knocked the spear on the ground in front of the throne.

A black and blue magic circle quickly emerged from under her feet.

As the dreamy starlight rose, her figure disappeared on the throne.

After Morgan left...

Three fairy knights, you look at me, I look at you

"what to do?"

"Don't let His Majesty Morgan get away with it!"

Melusina looked at her colleagues in front of her.

After thousands of years of getting along, they had already figured out each other's thoughts.


"Even mothers cannot monopolize..."

Bawanshi rolled his grey eyes and sat on the ground, thinking about what to do....

The goblin knight Gawain suddenly had an idea, as if he had thought of something!


"Didn't the Mirror Clan's chieftain once say"

"Has the savior of the fairy kingdom been born?"

She looked at her two colleagues and asked tentatively

"You mean..."

"The one who will defeat my mother】?"

Hearing this, Bawanxi got up from the ground angrily, put his hands on his hips and asked

"That's right"

"If she can really defeat His Majesty as predicted,"

"Maybe it can help us track the magical aura of His Majesty Morgan."

"Confirm the spatial coordinates of [His Majesty]"

"By the time..."

"As long as we use the [Anti-Summoning Array], we can teleport over there."

Fairy Knight Gawain continued.

This was the method with the highest success rate she could think of!

"What are you waiting for!"

"Where is she!"

"I'll catch her right now!" Melyucina

, seeing hope, clenched her fists excitedly.

She is the descendant of the dragon and has the fastest speed in the fairy kingdom!...

Drifting from the inner sea of stars...

The newly born child of prophecy: Altria Custer.

Before she even realized it, she was being targeted by the bosses before she even entered the Novice Village!...

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