living room...

Kotomine Kirei knelt upright, maintaining the sincere attitude of a disciple, waiting for Mr. Zhao to help him solve the confusion that had troubled him for decades.

"It's not difficult to solve your problem."

Zhao Ziqing pondered for a moment and had the answer in his mind.

He said it casually, as if he was joking.


Kotomine Kirei opened his mouth and said in disbelief.

Even his father, the magic teacher, was helpless.

In Mr. Zhao's mouth, it was just a small matter?

How is this possible!

"Have you ever heard of the principle of [blocking is better than unblocking]?"

Zhao Ziqing smiled gently and told his plan.

As a [traveler], he is a prophet and can always play an unexpected role in such a difficult problem.

Helping others to untie their knots or conquering someone often has remarkable results!

"It is better to unblock than to block...?"

"Could it be..."

"You mean, let me release my sinful nature?!"

Yon13feng Qili said in disbelief, his eyes wide open.

He has been abiding by the doctrine since he was a child and has never done anything illegal!

Over the years, he has been suppressed and tortured!

He even thought that this was the curse he was carrying!

Only death can free him!


"Since God gave you some lemons"

"Why don't you try to make it into lemonade?"

Zhao Ziqing joked, picked up the teapot on the table and made himself a cup of tea....

Kotomine Kirei is a dull person, born without a sense of humor.

He didn't understand the meaning of the words, and sweat oozed from his forehead.

"I am an ignorant student, please enlighten me, sir...."

Kotomine Kirei lowered his head and begged sincerely

"Don't you understand?..."

Zhao Ziqing sighed in disappointment.

But looking at Kotomine Kirei, with his sincere pleading expression,

"I mean"

"Why not turn this curse into your [talent]?"

He had no choice but to say the meaning behind these words.


After hearing Zhao Ziqing's explanation, Kotomine Kirei became even more confused.

He only felt happy when he saw others in pain.

Could this unusual nature be considered a talent?

"Qi Li..."

"Why don't you think back..."

"The people you have come into contact with so far"

"What kind of jobs are they in? What kind of people are they?"

Zhao Ziqing shook his head and asked again.

He was pessimistic about Kotomine Kirei's comprehension.

"Clergy of the Church..."


Kotomine Kirei spoke without hesitation about the groups he had come into contact with in his life.

Born into a devout church family, he was destined to become a person of the"mystical side".

He had been dealing with these people since he could remember.

In addition ,...

In order to protect the [mystery], the major forces are very xenophobic.

They rarely come into contact with ordinary people and use modern technology.

There are even extremists who are hostile to ordinary people!


The people Kotomine Kirei came into contact with were mostly people from the"Mysterious Side"

"As expected..."

"Your circle is too narrow, which limits your thinking."

"I guess they also told you about your [incurable disease]"

"But have you ever thought that the people you come into contact with have no real skills?"

"It's not your disease that has no possibility of being cured?"

Zhao Ziqing smiled contemptuously and continued to tease Kotomine Kirei.

He has always looked down on modern"magicians".

They are just a group of stupid old stubborn people who are self-satisfied.

They talk about equality, but treat ordinary people as monkeys. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

They look down on"technology" and are unwilling to try.

If magic can't solve something, it is considered hopeless.

If you want to solve mental illness through them, it's probably harder than climbing to the sky.

"So what do you mean?...?"[]

Kotomine Kirei frowned and asked again in confusion.

But his fists were already clenched and creaking.

He longed to know the answer, the path to redemption that would suit him!

"Since the priesthood is not suitable for you"

"Why don't you change your career?"

"A career that can make you feel [pleasure] at work."

Zhao Ziqing smiled and raised the corner of his mouth, giving Kotomine Kirei a bad idea.


Kotomine Kirei was stunned.

He was a clergyman trained by the church. Besides fighting, the only thing he knew was killing.

A profession that made him feel [pleasant], wouldn't that make him a: a professional killer?


"Absolutely not!"

"As a clergyman, how can I step into the path of evil!"

Kotomine Kirei refused without even thinking about it.

Before he met Gilgamesh and his character was distorted.

Although he was evil by nature, his upbringing made him upright!

He was the kind of rigid person who would never do anything illegal!


"Qili, your vision is too narrow."

"There are more professions that can bring pleasure to people like you than just killers."

"To be precise, as long as you can control your limits, life is full of opportunities."

Zhao Ziqing smiled and shook his head, teasing Kotomine Kirei.

After drinking a cup of tea, his stomach made a hungry growl.

He then remembered that he had not eaten since he left home this morning!

"Qi Li, have you had breakfast this morning?"

"If you haven't eaten yet, come with me for a walk. 060."

Zhao Ziqing got up from the floor and moved his body lazily.


Full of doubts, Kotomine Kirei quickly stood up from the ground.

He followed Zhao Ziqing like a disciple who was sincerely asking for advice.

Twenty minutes later...

A ramen stand set up on the street, lined with people.

The ramen chef scooped up the chewy noodles from the boiling hot pot.

After shaking off the water, he put them into the red, greasy, salty and fresh bone broth.

He put barbecued pork and a half-cut soft-boiled egg on the top, and inserted the seaweed crisps diagonally.

The prepared Shin Ramen was served to the eager diners.

The food was served.

The diners made loud slurping sounds, and their faces were red from eating.

Some even grimaced because of the spiciness and kept pouring ice water into their mouths.

Seeing this scene...

Kotomine Kirei, who had always had a stern face, twitched his mouth slightly.

With his abnormal personality, he could only feel pleasure from the pain of others.

Those guys whose faces were red from the spiciness and who were ripping at their clothes like monkeys.

The embarrassing scenes of people who made strange noises from time to time and drank ice water.

Kotomine Kirei's mood at this moment can be described in just two words!


This is exactly the scene that can bring him pleasure!


Kotomine Kirei seemed to understand Mr. Zhao's intention!

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