Back to the present, with Ye Chuan leading the way, the zombies posed almost no threat. They were either chopped alive or kicked to pieces.

The description of the scene was that it was completely a one-man show.

In fact, if it weren't for the main task, Ye Chuan would have killed them all by himself.

However, after enjoying the benefits of his ability, he has made up his mind to complete the hidden task.

This requires the help of everyone, or simply to set up an organization.

Whether it is researching virus serum or building a shelter, it requires a lot of manpower and material resources.

It is impossible for Ye Chuan to complete these alone. He now positions himself as a super fighter.

After a series of fights, everyone successfully came to the bottom of the building.

During this period, many surviving student groups were rescued and gathered together.

There were five or six people, all of whom were lucky in this riot.

Soon, everyone found the school's minibus under the leadership of Shizuka, and the group was about to run away.

A male teacher wearing glasses appeared in front of them, leading a group of more than a dozen students.

He started shouting for them to wait, and during this process, the sharp-eyed Ye Chuan also saw that this grandson directly kicked down a student who asked him for help.

He let him stay to delay time, and the zombies that suddenly surged up quickly dismembered and ate the unlucky student.

Ye Chuan instantly had an impression that this was not the disgusting male teacher with glasses who tried to establish a religion in the original book.

To be honest, he didn't have a good impression of this person.

Want to take a ride? Dream on.

A handful of small stones flew out of Ye Chuan's hand.

With the blessing of terrifying power, these stones were like shotgun bullets.

They exploded directly under the feet of the man with glasses, and his calves and ankles were immediately hit, and he fell to the ground immediately.

Ye Chuan did it very secretly, and he was clearing the besieged zombies behind the minibus.

The scene was in chaos again, and no one knew what happened.

He only saw the man with glasses screaming, falling to the ground and being bitten and dismembered by zombies.

At this time, after groping for a while, Shizuka, the only school doctor with a driver's license in the team, finally started the minibus.

A hand reached out and pulled Ye Chuan, who was left behind, into the car.

At this time, the minibus rushed out of the parking space as Shizuka stepped on the accelerator.

Ye Chuan, who had just been pulled up, fell to the side because of the sudden start.

Suddenly, a fragrance came over, and Ye Chuan felt like he had fallen into a piece of cotton.

""Hmm!" A soft hum was heard.

Busujima Saeko turned her head to the window shyly, with a blush on her face.

It turned out that it was Busujima Saeko who just reached out her hand. Who knew that she had such a strong inertia that she directly gave Ye Chuan a facial cleanser.

"Sorry, my foot slipped."Ye Chuan rubbed it and stood up.

This immediately caused the reaction of Dudao Yazi, and the red glow moved to her earlobe.

"It's okay, thank you for your hard work." Busujima Saeko could only speak in a panic to divert attention.

Seeing this, Ye Chuan did not go any further, and then chatted with Busujima for a few more words. Then he pretended to fall asleep on the minibus.

In fact, he was thinking about whether he should follow the original plot after leaving the academy.

To put it nicely, the original plot is called a multi-linear plot.

To put it bluntly, it is like a headless fly, with too many things to do, and he can never grasp the essence of survival in the doomsday.

But he is different. There are main tasks to be completed.

There are also special tasks as goals, and of course there are strategies to capture high-quality girls.

Thinking about it this way, he has a lot of things to do. The most urgent thing is to find a good place to build a shelter, and there is no need to follow the original plot. It's already the doomsday, and the rules of civilized society may need to change.

Just as I was thinking about this, the voice of the system came to my ears.

【Ding! It is detected that the host's single attribute has reached 300. Because your power has broken the power barrier of mortals in this world, the unlucky character setting of this world has begun to take effect. The probability of one in ten million taking effect. The world has mutated, and a stronger unknown virus from another dimension has begun to spread.】

"What?"Ye Chuan was a little confused. His character had this effect?

Before he could think about it, he suddenly felt a strong heat in his body. It was as if there was a fire burning in his chest, and his limbs felt numb.

"What's wrong with the system?"Ye Chuan could only ask the system at this time.

【The secondary world's carrying attributes have a basic value. If this value is exceeded, there is a very small probability that the world will mutate. Generally, it is very rare, but because the host's character in this world is an unlucky guy, the very small probability has taken effect. Even if the probability is one in ten million, once it happens, it is 100%, you know.】

"Damn it."Ye Chuan only needed to think about it a little bit to know that he must have been attacked by a stronger virus.

"What's wrong with you? Are you feeling unwell?"

Bukushima Saeko noticed something was wrong with Ye Chuan and asked immediately.

Enduring the burning sensation in his chest, Ye Chuan saw that Busushima Saeko seemed to be fine.

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